feme of whicH I have pmicedbefore.Befides tlfis, it merits the name
<jf a dsfolate diforidi, from thérfeW to ipfeïif gontaihg», a n d d k lh i» pó*
pulation. However, the place where I now,wag might be deemed
an exception j i t is about a mile long* and a furlong wide r and is
bettef furahhed with houfes, inhAitants* and. fi-pt-trees, than äxry
place o f eq.ua! fisje in the diftridt.
When we returned to fhe'~heufe: w® found a fervant whom Pomärre
had fent to meet and :Co»dt^ ;mei to, tire place in Tiaraboo where
himfelf and retinue Were p rep a rin g fo ra great feaft j but as this took
me out ©f the way óf my intended r^ te ^ H flaaold; not have eorafeoied
to it, had not Peter frequently mentioned the : precipices .at uthe eaft
end o f the bland as impaflable by any but the.native®^ Whek though
even accuftomed to i t , were frequently dalhed tOiiheees^ and that,
ynthout running that rifle, the »eommt I wanted @»dd he ekjually
welt got from the chiefs erf thé fevecal diftri<äs, ,-who Wouldbei with
Pöroarre on the fouth, fide. o f that peninfula, Théeeforé^Ijg|pmkftb
accompany die man aerofs the ifthmu® next morning* ■
15th: A t dayhréalc WCTofe,; Pet® then-afleed me WtóefiheEf durft
ileep in. a houfe where there was a corpfe ; and ftieWedme:the feull of
Richahi Sinaxet’s wife, wrapped in efeth^: hanging m ik e roof ^ |s h e
hoofe. l t feems that fhe died, at Eimëo, ,aödwas th£ie put upon a
tupapow till thé body Was d r i e d thé h fa ^ wasythéncyfes^ ^ j f ^
hmught to this place, where flic had pofièfiêd ffeverafacifes d r gscnmd;
Departing from hence, we afeended a hull, moderately high/on the
Otaheite fide, and walked about a mile over a fine-pim&mfr lnhd*
which Hopes gently from the middle ekfs o f hüls to theifthmbs, and
is aH along cmemi with a ftratum ó f rich brdwsn mould, fitter fór
the purpofes o f agriculture than any -on the Ä n d : aifew »eeä
me fcattered upon it j but on large fpaces there is nothing but gräfe
and fern. The ifthmus feemed covered with trees quite aefofs-j- and
beyond it, io n th e Tiaraboo fide, th e land for three or- forttr Rfilm èptf
prared ex aö lyTike that I wag. now upon,, covered with fem^ and
level a t top , but broken, or rent as it were, into chafms or deep h d -
low ^ ’and1 riling with a'gradttaf 3$bent towards^ the‘ lofty motfntairts
whieh;%3su"py the mfddle'and eaftern divifl'oniAof' Tiaraboo. At the
fouth fide o f the ifthMife,t’!jWhere W§ ’dtefifended td’crdw, a eoye abdut
fixty yards Wide,' and Gfedepth fufficient 'tor'adiftfif a ihip, „rttos elbffe
up to’ thh low neck : it woold!1®flfr£ excellent place for it ihip' td moor
-inj j if- a fa fe paftage could bSyf&Ofid’ between the ikrge flakes o f coral
whichSlie'withbut it'j'iahd flf d'ohfrob think this' impoffible,- though,
except' commerce Wert brought thit-her, it Would be ilftneceflhrjK
- I:*B6ffiidesi this1 cove, w e ' crofted- two -more. &nd- then
entered therfkft diftridt o f ’TtataboO, 'Called Toa-hoWtoW. ' Here the
few gffflatid-'is fe maffoyptfeat at every ftep-we funk lafeiofl: knte-deep.
It is alfb cohered. withunderwood, but abounding in' brmd^fruit and
cocoa-nuts. 01 Farther eafbward thegfoundds“ hard'j: and
We fell in With a feW 'hOofes, Where "earatoes were fedild$ftg', abd the
women beating < cloth : they infomied'-uK that thfe dtfffidfc contained,
one matteyna and thirteen tees,, whichJ make 'eig;hfy£-four inhabifarift'.
The next diftridt is Wyoo-roo j !the Chief’s name VefejWeTRjOo-fah:
it has fix maftfeynas, containing forty teeS^whic'h make two hundred
and fevehtyrfix inhabitants^ arfewitbfefpedt to tfeffoffj fruits, &c.
is-exadfy like' 'PM^hbWtoW s the low land ift b®h'%,'foarce a fbrfeng
wide, acid the eoaft ^Waving.
It now began raining hard, which-obliged us to fliop where Was
a chief who knew Peter. canoe Wfe htttMfmp0n '4he :l^abhi
arid the little houfe taken o ff .it for him and his 'wifo fo’fteCp ifa. And
this is their .‘ common pradlice $ fo'that.v/herfevCr ’ tbe^laiid, i f in a
large canoe, they^ always have a houfe in rOadinefs i While wfe fait
under an adjioihmg1 feed, and the chief and > f Were- e*dh.ahgingrprei-
fents, J a boy picked my pocket, but.i finding hlrrifelf! difeoveWd, he
dropt thdbcW^|i’'h,ow®vefv the chief wa*s'»W#agfeffe: tftSI he iriime*
diately went in purfuitof the boy, and intended to pUttifh him feverely
i f he caught him, •
The rain fubfiding, we fet off again for MattahWey,' 'Which; Was
the next diftridt, and Where Pomarre was with- his retinue. On our