th e reft. Lieutenant Hayward having proceeded by wdter to Pappara,
in d fearehed for' thtefn in vain, was in f o rm e d ^ next' forenoon^that
th ey were cbming down to furrendef • themfiStsfeS,' w h icB lth ey ^ id i
laying down their arms as they • approached his party's and Mr.
Hayward, fent information to Lieutenant Corner-, who'was defending
after them in tb ‘the valley. J - ' * " , V ,
■During the whole time o f the mutineers’ continuance at-Otaheale,
Pomarrehad remained atTeiarraboo, bufupon dreaMvafo-f the Pandora
hesrepaired w ith his family to Oparre. H e had thbny in addition to I'ddea,
taken td wife her younger fitter, Weirede; b u t Was* M L equally
influenced by the advice o f the former. He readilyfeioperated w ith
the Britifti officers in their meafufesdonf^ufmgHhe mSfiheefsV^and
was anxious to prevent bad coSTequences from theHrefentmetit of
families with which they had formed connexions.1- 1 Few-ydf* thele
appear to have been highly refpe<ftable ; bht one inftance^ccurred/fef a
very affedting nature. A midftnpman, who had 'been adtive in th£
mutiny, had lived with th e daughter ^ a . p e r f o » df 'ptop^ert#^
Mattuvae, ahdMlib had borne a child to him*. His % rlfo nm e n t -and
r e m o v a l aflM<fted-her t g j f e h a degree as- to-bmig.oh-a"decl»ne;tha{
terminated iilt her -death.$ Her infant-was left fo*the* c a ieh f a fiffer,
who-cherilhed it with the utmoft tendernefs. Three*da%hters-and a
fon'others of .the mutineers.
Notwithftanding the-mournful interviews thafrdaily t ^ k “p®ee
on board * -between the Englilhmen, whd'We^kept in’ irdfis^dnS
the native women -with whom-th^- had- lived, - the iifual -tduiM&-
■pf was '-uninterrupted
during the continuance .o f the fliip at"- Otiheife. She'“ failed
o n the--‘8th of- May, accompanied - b y -the -fchborter w h icb rtl^m u -
tineers had hu ilt, under the -command .of *a "petty ’officer from the
Pandora. Brown, who had never been* on friendly terms w itlr tfe
mutineers, came away in the fliip s and Hete-hete went in her to
Bblabola, his native ifland. Pomarre and ~his-;wiyes were -abb ftill
defirous of - quitting the, ifland, but their ,: departure was ftrdhgly
oppofed by. Orapeia and, other chiefs, Whofe f perfuafiojis pre-
..v#iedj;; {
t < O f ' thei>feirteen people whey-were rifei^doafc’.Ota’heitey and taken
away,.in the iBandoia, fouarhweife, jdrpwned-, when-fllei*flrip>was: e»ft
away um b e r1.return were pjtferved in/boats, .and brought
to -trialjih ^England. Four o f them iWere-,acquitted, ; as.'hai|iiig had no
concern1 in the mutir^^-and w e r e , p r o v i d e d >for, in Greenwich
HblJfttaL bis conviction not having been
legally padddEe#,, and have I fines- been employed'
in the navy. • Tbstremaimhg three were executed at Spithead.
A t the rOk>fe’d f the fame-year1 Captain Vaifeauver, in 'a Ihip named
the Difcovery,- and xLieatenant. Broughton -in.'.-,the Chatham-'/brigv
arrived at Otaheite.1 The veflels i having been;l£paratedfl'M'' their paflfe
age, the Chatham firft reached that-ifland, which was ’appointed for
their rendezvous. She anchored at Mattavae onr the ayihtof December
rypi., and |the Difcovery|joined her. three; days-later. HHgj&
marre was then at Eimeo, - but returned the ^following week with
Motobato'i' who was much ’reduced.,in health, .•andfdieda fbrfaight
afterward. \ Atidthdr chief rttS the fame name, who was leyerrigrihaf
Huaheihe^ hut acknowledged -the 'fupremafey- of-'iOtqoy Was at'Mat
fa-vae when the. fhips arrived« /arid) hsmafeedr -there, while they ftaidt
Mannemanne, then natoddo ■ Momfe,^although he had »fuccefcded
Opoone in . the fovereigniy of. Ulietea and .-Gtaha, refidsd chiefly at
Otaheite. The expedition which had beenimeditated'agaioftTeiar-
raboo had been carried into efredfc, and the younger -brotber'of Otob
had been appointed ^fibief o f that petrirtfeelai i Orapeiatreflfled there
as! regfii®>|^Riihisx = nephew,1 arid W:eidooa,at Opa®re;,)''.,Pomarjc had
fixed his, abode at Eimeo, and the idhdbStahts o f thabiflarid
became reconciled and a t t a e h ^ f e f e for the
daughter o f th’Spdeceafed Mbtobaro. Fotatto\ remained Jikewife in
amity and fubjedfcion. - Happae w a s5 ftillc ip ab le ©f activity»' and
was then treated with reverence by his three fans, m h o were alfo
CordMly*attached to each other. Th e y all behaved wkfa their ufiial
» -