'IP-Ffie <gtekt* morai'lpft ObereaJfi&hds on' a -pbint aflittlè to’the eait-
vtrard j^thitKer I-went,-tohave-ai'VieW-' o f fo ‘great;atOtmtofity. ' 1 fOtob
h'as'»bneib f 'h i s !reprefentâtive(dïoufès'here j aM',jn’ ‘pkfling.it~< fokie’o f
hts^fervafttS, R idging whithe'ri#.|t^^s-^«!îng, fdjlowe® me; band wterO
1 Vêfÿwa-ffidügU-s- in/expla^niMg^ttèripîthiïîg' to; ràé. --.vThis ,mofai is aii
enorihouS^prle- df uftone-^otk^tr^è^îmof. at ^y'îâfesM1; 'op$£fcï patailé^
lo^r^n-^atea j 'it halsfia -flight' quite ramvd. it, 'theffttffc o f ’
whifch,, Atom the^g>i?otfntf;feis fix fefetihigKp the r«P|ibout -fivd feet $
„ft'is in-fëtïgth, at the bbafe,. twoihnndred1- and 1fev§S|ty ftet, .width at
Ii|to!.&he^foUrt,'ftejt-'at • thrtlèp i t <one}4u^idirfflrind eight|-feéfc
feng.-an'di aboUtrfiâ’ .wide :î>therfteps afe ,Êb|çt||fedupârtlyyofj rfegular
t&wsf o f fquared coral'-’ftoneï> %l$htilightepn Mdhes' high; and. partly
with' bMéifhî-éOlaured pebble "ftones néaxîÿr quitte *r<3u’nd‘>? J^an hard
texture,-'-albcabbu’t fix - indheW<*diattîetdA and1 ‘in their, natural unhewn
ftate s pi® is th^ctffi^é. The mfide/'thit l^tfwav Vwftatk ompoibs
th e -folié -mafsb(for' it has hb <Hofiowl ïpace) gris'cdmpb&dMsf; f t dries' o f
various ’-kinds»' and'-fhapes. It ïseai 'wtdnderful ilfudtk&i;/ and it muffc
have? coffc; them immenfe1'trrrtd àndpainsttô bringratisfl! a. quantity
fiones - together, and particularlyto fquare the- ccrfebfflfptKe ftepsnwithr ;
thef-tbois - they had 'when -it was raifed for* ltw&is beforifti rbir e An iel •
ambngMfhem : and as they were ignorant o f Mfetar, oircerfient,, it
reiplinçâ all-the cam; they-have taken to fit thstftonës rbgnjarïÿ1-tq
•<&cnTother, that itt3^^t?fi^d'.;b'. W i S ' Sir’ JorephpBanks'iÎM'-.this
plabe, ^ftere was onr the i centre of?tKé feçnÆt^aûrêpr^entaiiis^Hf a-»
bird ; carved in woqd^ andbhlpfe' b y ’it' fckeiiÉ||ufe'of'ja4filh cafveâiÆÜ i
ftone i .but both are now gone, and the flone- of the trppi r ftepa*
are in-many plaees'ufallerf : thej’wall^îlfti-theïieouEtthaver aèfiC^Sne-
much ruin, andithe.flafrqkvement ls\££nIyihf;i^T^Tplaces'Mifëern-- -
ajile. The above gentleman, fpeakîng['îoJ^thisïeoiiEt‘^®^r1“ 'thetpy4
f*;;ÿamii iccHiftitûtes ♦ bnefideo&fc.^touiSfNior’ fquar&a' the<jfifl<CsfbfW
which Were nearby equ,a!l i l, and the-whole! was ,.walMltin and .
“ paved with flat ftories : rçot.withftandinglwhichlpavementi'"’fevçral
“ plantains-.and trees,‘!which- the natives calf etoa;v-.gr^-ii| i thim-fhe