FIRST MISSIONARY VO¥AÓE [ A p s e s d ix .
the filb. from holé to' hole,, arid rife with ofie in each hand. » The
weather muff he calm1 for good fpdrt, as the leaft ripple on thé water
darkens- the bot ford. Ill dark nigfifS they employ torches to draw
ffifi filh SröüfM fhë cdhcteS, -aüdl M vê Itóing^ftÉfs imdy to féoop them
up. -WBtti the fHh cdöié into- A m r^ a te r fô.^aWttf:th fy ftrfptcKSâ*
nut leaves from thé flem, and knotting them on a line, fwê'êp' with
them the reefs arid IhoaJ places, till they farce them near the beach ;
When, with lade-nets or fmall feines, they take groat quantities.
Bèfkfës theft diettiods'ó?F Afhing', they ttft 'tWè &f ttee-pronged
forks o f fóa WoOd, dâftihg thérri at - a dift'ânéê ïtörn thë heaeh, àtld
When they ftrike à fiüi fwiitl âflet ft‘j ‘ 0<bei=$, with fflànf prtorigst,
are hurled amidft a fhoal from théir carioès, and fométimes ftrike tWè
6f flfefeë filh af óritd;.
Whales are feldörn killed, except now and theft yotlng ones wh& fi
get entangled in the reefs, or âré thrown offer them hy |he heavy
fu ff. When they discover one in this htUatiOn, theyTürröurid film
with tfieir eanóéS, and thrufl into him their war fpcârs hùt often
hâve their canoes dafhed in pieces héfórè they can difpatch hiM» -
Their fifh are numherlefs, o f all fizes, forts, and colours,, cörh-
tnön td tropical ïèpÉs ; and tóany which aft peculiar to thofe ftas,
and for which nö Engliih names are known. Their fiflring-tackle
difplâys the greateft ingenuity, and can Only he exceeded by their
art ift ufing if j ih this no nâtfoh càfi rife With them. The fiffcfr-
ihàh twilds his OWn Canoe, makes his hnéS and hooks, ^4d, 4®it,
and a i rile ncceflàry apparatus. The hooks are gröüöd with coral,
frbth pfeafl-fhéBs, bones, the tiilks of boàfa and fotmiitles o f hard
Wood i and Of different fhapes and iizes, according to the nature of
the fffhery. Sortie æe formed like Out artificial fliesj and ferve for
bait and hook tbgfethef, and though not bearded feldoïn lofe the frlh
Onte hbôked j and notwithllanding the fortn to üs -appears molt clumfy
and rude, they willfuccééd.When we, with our bell hooks, cannot.1
The women who are not-of the blood royal, or married to iuefa, are
farbiddefa to eat turtle; whale, p&ispoi-fe, lhark, albiaorç, and dolphin.
Bhe turtle -mat * 'boingrcaii^ht -in afoy-grOat -plenty, -and regarded'as a
fanred filh, is'ufuafflytfeftb-toUhe -chief; .and eaten at the merai.
The <fhel!-/f$h .awe ■‘âbiindaæâ ; .pearl and \finail* Common .©y fiers,
era!bsi,.cmydfilh,-cockles;dTome-Of■ hri'onorm'ous fee^osmfbs, mulides,
tigers, wrinkles '*ôfWarioes'ikmdfe1, -w-rifes, okms, yçawwts, fhaimps;
fea-eggs,': aM-4hdîls-of -peculiar 'beauty $^kéiriate;riHb land crabs,
hut-hM om-eaten.
During *efeé -rains ‘they feattlh great quudtkigriof-fmrih% at the
mouth o f f hé hivers-: they fo ra i-a-large -net, or «rather avvaft bag, toi
the cocoa-nut hulk fewed together, Witli a wide mouth to ktriveithe
flream,‘wKiSr*4sahëM*o^en -and- feeuredhydfeues'tofhe bottom. iWith
clikdamut TêavesV ftripped and tied- ^together,. - called Jrmg;,nhey fweep
all before them into -the hag-net, and eateh 'bulhels at a draught.
Sometimes - the women-take :eac'h- a 'bag-net-and balket, forming a line
acr°is the river, and hold :it ‘to the-bottom h y tfiei and the-mouth
^herfUhey have filluUthen btike t,‘go
home andvdfef^.them. They feldbm|rfeten»terTipty^Ba4 d^d;^a ^ & he
queen -herfelf and her m o t f t^ a je -^ S f t e h ' e ltg^ g^ ilfahif- Work as-
any,6thersf f ,
' « .’JÇjÇJ- W e alibi the lame methodsmadtifed w f c ^ S ^ f^ p n n in g a
dam kritpls. the river wbfert; it Is feôaï, -anè Tearing onlj^lfciteiopen,
where the bag-nets are fixed : they go ih o ^ a n ^ p l^ g e ^ d '6mïsthe
water, Jxkdrjve the filh inlK®ianei'ji5‘thou|h tM§^|Ihey have fèldôfh
recourfe till the waters are--low, and the ffffubecome .fcarce. '
'When they angle theyrifend rindhe Tea upm^he-sfiiouÉëFs, -i5fing
a 'long bathhoo' AÎKing-rotl; an9 c^téh nuhlbers •of^aie (hfh, -particularly
Hhé.mivoy, of Tea-rfhàb, wrth-ùtfers'rtf U^lieious 4eitid,- as
the w iite mullet; thé red are'ufuahycaughtinfehes, and ùfedas
haitifor ïhe Mbtèdre and bonetta'.
There is à filh o f 'the'- cohger 'eèl' kind Which‘î^oi^ribiïè^fâbM
affedts them as fometimes miifcles do :us in England, -but in a greater
degree, producing vaft fwellings in the body, hands, and feet, and