hands o f ' their Gód j and told^ysjf^jvhen they came next d&y; thafc
' they' never flept founder in'their lines’. In the'morning the'natives
'provided a breakfkft Tor them after,the rpanner-Jo£qhe{cblintry. - At
■ nine o’clock they fet off ftpr the fhip, and, 'having^e'wiftfednfa*
voüfahlej' were juft ftx hours on thefo paftage. Every thirig'Was’ In
- ‘ xéadinds ; ‘ therefore1:.,thA canoe was immediately 'difpatched'; leaving,
on board fufficient :fbr another lading. And that they might haVe-
whatever was thought for the prefentr neceffary, Buchanan and Nobs,
ftaid on board'to fee that fuch things?were,got in readinefe.--
The chrgo^bfbtf^ht' On fhore $Vas fhrrounded by' ^ hundred perfdna,,
who alarmed‘brothers Harper^mdi:Relfo j 'but Mytyl'e ordered-the
thefts into a houfc non, and difmiftul the people, threatening,if any
man, during the night, approached to fteal, he fhould l^ ^ u t to
death. Sp we lay down an mats, in perfect fecurity. till waked By-.
Mytyle, at one o*clock in the morning,'1 to' partake o f an ènteftafo—
ment, which he'had provided, o f fifh,f hot yams,1 ‘cóböiannut4]-&c.
Before we weighed hi the morning #wornan‘ o f .rank paid* us a\
v ifit; Ihe was attended By many chiefs, aftd'a vafhmimbef o f females,. •
who were all officious in their care o f the old" lady, whofeamazfog,
corpulence rendered her coming on 'board rather difficult. After hér
' thefe baffle four, flout fellows carrying a bundlé„df èloth, "npt qnlfe fo.
large but that two o£ them might have carried'it with eafej this was.,
prefen ted in fornfeto the captain, who gave her in returft'fucR things
'as. fully fatisfiéd h é r .; The fhip Refog under feil we cotflM* not Re
quite fo attentive to this great perfonage, as, according: to their idéaisof'
ceremony, they might éxpeéfq however,'any omiflion o f ours'thfey
found means to difpenfe with, by regaling themfelves; in the cabin
over the kava- bowl for about-two hours ■ when fhe was told'that the
fhip had got. a confiderable diftance from her houfe : on this they
halted into the canoe, and made- fail for the fhore.
The refpebt paid to this old lady, and' to many of'her fex in Tonga-
taboo, diftinguifhes them from the fervile condition to which females
are fubjedled in other favage ftates or tribes; Here,, they pöfléfs the
higbeftid'egree'S I of rank, ahd fupport it:-with a dignity aiid firrrtnefs
equflJf tö the mens1 i
tfbffi'uttafaihe wRs>ön boaid^dft'ofefehetdky; and was's^ilhvery importunate
to have fditie c^iShe^j&ffibfitópsi with him. 1
Towards th^^vêbing; l-l^jweathdf'''MMfodkiatfk; and- unfettled/ the
wind, alfe> variable, weftw-aid1, ww&^ïlhough* ndt defïrablë
fo> ds; Was embraced*by tlfofe'WtódiïbgrfoB'bhésiiigh^ ttót^they may
put thm d u k tk.figns.m'oxautu)ii.‘ About midnight i cunot^with
'fbuT mén WakrobferVed lying ahead *ofe. the'/^ffop^Avid^l^yfor/ino
ngöOd^parpofe*/ but, sa-sVwe. fufp’eéted, ’ totfeiit' the^c ‘il k •> tbatrSiciflnp
' might drive upon thé esrab feefff Which- at thisitime fh@*t
half-mile aftern c#us^^'hh#e\rèi§t^wèé&d^)MèïvBd<them in time, w e1
deterfafoedto drive them ‘offewithejut firing fhot, and1-for that purpofe
the guhner and’ his “watch mates laid- a qufofffy^OT'TOb^^n®§'hufks
upon the toiccafHc. 'jiRutlcfttly« undu caver o f uifquallf'.thc^dioppcd
under stólae:‘ bów :■ *'Without making ther leaft, nojfd'gl®)'; fear* < any!
-bhérn- fhould getbiütD-itke water unfeefo andthuyt the < abk^as-f^lley
ot<-, the hulks was poured ipraf then hcaek, the fudifenr-firipnlefpf
w hichï:iëaufed^therri1 to leapiiÉfe:the;wRter>^fómd!i(^m’rEdfigfbrié^Way
and-forth another, '■ whilfbtbrtGanoe;;» totally déferted-, "dfiffeeW aftern*
a'mufket. was alfo fired over their htatls, that-thew rmj^ht‘kiióWrthofe
rtftruments o f terror were in« readme fe by rnghthasvwe 1 Ws> bjjgfday.
ASdtswias’iverycferk; ;we foon loft figh^finhte^Sei»,Nm%-thin-kmg the*
t arïofc. jy®tlld?»pn» e the circumflante to the chiefs? anel lead'toui dif-
- ëpSf^SÏ'öf etbp offenders*, we t herefore ’ festered « thefij dqwh
ahd picked -hen up;:, A ft ,the%while fo* rained - hard land) blew^ frefh,
and fometimes,’ Wfeicaiildi percëivp' the'.whit&fRliiif breaking qn-fche -jceef
aftern K fo that’s had' fdcceedéd fin^fRièfoi deftgn; which"'’.Was
'’dpubtlefs« to.,cut :the - bablê} then the fhiR^at "leaft inuftphave been-
loft in confeqUenijerdf&théir -iiSatiablè diftfelfer sher lading.
14th. This difagreeable night was fucceeded. by a- morning altogether
mild and pleafant; .and with a olé&r^&J’Èf-and.'f gept-fe 'bjre^^e
wefterly, we'again under way fo> feaifeh’b f the nOHjjR^nipafkgp,,