and run W . N. Ws^aBout half an hour, when we.d|feôTereçl feveral
iflan^I) -te^desiifhole '’sfe* had fee®; ;on the preceding1 evening;'; a id
perceived that extteiifi«^ reefs furabunded every one o f them. In
viewing ouï fituatidn. fronat.-alo^ jit appeared very/critical, and oeca-
fionsth the ifland ‘ahead do -called;'Danger ifland. A'qpi
this ■ afend S. E. day three sfer four I m a l L a n d a coral reef extended
afebut or ï ç fe mdlfel^,.E . ,frOrti' them. On out ftarbokrd
quarter another reef trfended tq^the$Nfcl£. further than we could fee,
as the weat&er was ha&yi Thusywere' We running dire&ly for Danger
iflandj and leaving1 'thofe extenfive reefs ujkin each quarter, when
the ifl^ht o f i many mojfe J ian d i gavtü us réafoh'tto fuppofe that to
atteffipjf a paffage thrbugh them would bdlfassaidSouS, i f nor impracticable.
We hauled, therefore, ‘tMW wind, fet what fail the IBip could
hear', and-'tried to- Work; ©lit by ! theftway‘wfccafriè in. p h e gale in-
rTea'lltig,4 and the feà runpmg vorfebigh jj ufj& had little hopes afc-fifft
©f glining* grôtfnfch'or th a tï the fhip.lwt>ullT flay- ih fô hêâvy a lia .
HoWduel, ïhe never miffëd^ftays hut tonc^^-'ÿhe tio^likeWife ap-
pmëêd^é^he d® ©tfr fe v o u îK fb^ iâ f^ r 'tohMnga-feW-^cJiSj at half
palh ®$ne\A.M>hvfe'; pâdèd^to Windwa^of lfeë 'S{i|É. reef,. p g l ftd@d
towards Table1 ifland. Ass^wewîa®' along; We faw a larg^fpaG^ to
leeward free from’ iredfe, which afmofl: tempted us. toibea^Etway}, blit
pmtfeëdîflgf ^uAher,* theiflattdsifti eh&yS. W.-appeared cohned^d By
thenii Therefore -Wë daërnliiïed <t# gèt îtb th£ hbfth by thé £aïh ro f
tha îtîj"xl^lg.h; them is- nb doubt but, in fifléf leather, a paffage
as thofe through which we
afterwards had- to thread the needle. A ll this, dày ahd the «night
Wàs-fpént in plyihgî fo f windward; • Oft the morning of the io lh
pâlpfdl Erôvidfenèt-dbef, whiehü®' a fmalhfpô’f,- àrtd bej&S'ékft: from
the foutfr ëndof Dahgei îflandï, Wè afterwards palled the north-call
reef, where-' once inbre We appeared to have a- clear fea. Table and
Danger illands, -of which we had the' néaréft view, wore an alpbCt
of fertility, having Siey|feftiefl; hïis/çôvefed- with trees to their fuiii-
mits. Gbferved-at noo® in latitude^ 0 33IS..