■ afterwards employed % him-'to -attend other‘ human beings .yand/tb
inflift puriifhmentj tfckbefs, as lhall he1 judgedlfequifib.^
The'evd'eterhofl marftedf- ^eei has-ifio -po^e^huhupohfearth } 1 1 thus
he;exercifes‘ b egetting into them with-their fs&di and caufing. hiad-
neft o r-o&ier^fea^ /ibtit thefe they-imagine their .ttitdar tfeintk, -if
’» iThey believe’ -the /ftats-w’ere f theVehi'ldren "'tyf'ttheifun- and. Imoon,
.they3f t^ o f e i them dn?tHe .a^tb'c^ieopniat.
i P l P P l foretely- from'their appearance at fochmmdsj 1 %
future •evdntsmf'war, fi'cknefs', or the'like.
They imagine when a^ftar fhootsb (as.we c lll it},-'util the^atJaaA
that irt themodri there 'ts-a vaft bountry witHTreesr.and:Buit^:;rihara
:bird ,bf fO®ahe4# up tHithet, and ate-cb&thef fruit j2 aaad on
his return, dropped Tome o f the feeds, from -which a greatyreejprang,
o f w hich the bird flail ^ s^ u idm T n o o th e r . J|
With regard to’ their wdrihip, X^aptainfGobkrfoes'.tffiDraherteans
•but -juftice in'faying, - they .reprciach -many.-who hear Itkemamegof-:
jEteea^-'inftaxioes o f an Otaheitean tkawin^neffldhfe
.E a® ^ 'W & 'careleffffefs arid inattention; he list all: derotio®*J;hecap-
prdachls ti*e awe® jjnedvers when
heftrtgBfe bit fabfdi grbutidr-; and prays with Sifervoiir tKatraoufclal?
honour m'ahetter profeflfmn. _ Hedfirinly; credits the traditions; ofihi«
«rceftofs-:? None dares. difpute'.the'.exi{ffence/ .bfideityi : Theyn-put
great"cort&Jence iff dreams,, and' fuppofe imfleejb theofqulilea^s, the
body under*the care o f ih e guardian angel,rand moves.at large through
the rrfegfeaiS; ofTpMtsys Thus they fay, M y foul was'fuchlhnjg'ht in
fuch a place, and'fawTuch a fpirit. When a perfon dies,nthey.%
His Tout is fled away;]febmrre"po, -gone to night. It iisrTngulir,.r that
Pomafcre declftsdotb thfe tS ffio to ies that he-had,rbeford tdt^r arrfeal,
been dreaming- about . the Jpeaking book, which they fhould bnng
- from tke-Eatooa* [
TheyJ^terkinh?higffiideamf.th^powerfo®lpMFs,| In;thp beaufilial:
ami ro ^ n tic vichv of.’Balno harbour? the u. mark able peified, mountain
is fliid to be.but a part o f the original one.: i Some lynvs^ftrom ?Uliej;ea
hadhrqjkep off the yfcrJhllfyi^ckw^fe.tfepfp'ortingpitrd.Q-wfn.tibie bay,
in order to carry it away with them, .'but,, being overtaken by }the
breakjo’f day^®©^pw^£i9li^^^l^aKTO^itan'gar?thejim|iu(th .qT-yhej
harbourf/wHeretili®®#ftlmdsy orripficaaniis a^’‘f hqclds'iibr't'like, the-
elvts,andlflines o f uaiipnceflois',i fhele i|iifi?$Vwalk ahdHvpilc by, night/1
L Their fupeihitioiE'rrotipnsiefthisskjnd ateiehdlpGf! j , unhappily, theiri
moftf unnatural and crhelychifomst are. copnedfed ufEHdliem, ^and they,
are tenacious ef'theworft; fb't^ngrithc n eg loot,4)1? > thSft *■
vertently, would: bnngrdajwn the chiplekfu^qf'jthq-Eatooa uponr tlumh
and ex-pSfeVthem to ^pjojefs orideath,; |
> S E C T IO N ' i
It’| Priejlhmd-, andiSaKKifictfSiT*.
T H E priefts at'the SSei^y Iflands are"'a prfett-y'numerous body j:
t % |'MdhY^Qy^ftfi<a: Manne Manne” l^^s-idbe the'h^Jl uming
theth^r^nowldd^ p .d ti^diiSobary'Morm^oh: h ii^ a lfo moruitfch.;
d f 'U li^ a by right' though an ’exile.’ ^ em llrW the'chie f qf'Pappara,
df the feed'royal, is alfo high in the-facetdoia*hbfEce. The priefthood
is-'-'diyided into' ,two otderS': the fahowra--'rhorai, 'and ,the'tahbw*ra»
Eatoba. As tahowiA'-morai; tke^ officiate in*alifhe'p’rayers'ahd oblatioks
made at^tKe morai;§d'thefe prayers are utterecl its atfikht'^hat cartnotUjdf"
ttfiderftoou," ahd’ -was Tuppofed to' 'be a pecdHkr- facred" Iahgtia'ge'; - b a t
that is new Thought f6 be a miftake, and'.^feblfeui'ity'b^dffg Jit) 4hq
hiefe manner o f utterance, 'l l i r thitlSii^s^fiifcikte as ^rieftP'th fi^me