CH A P T E R I I I .
Vvyage from PortfWouih to •S r.ffig o , and Occurrence^there.
W E flew tflofci QUt find departure from Fortfmouth, a n d Ja^peRed
forth on the great deep. T h e fignal for foiling being given; the
milfionaries. came on deck, and: every .countenance, feemed elated: with
jo y at the thought.of foon being employed j h the.great work.
A t five A . M . the commbdbre .and the fleet, confiding :®£t.fiftyu
feyen; foil o f trardpeats and-: P o r t r^ i ; trades,, werteunder why*; the
F ly ilooprof wax bringing up: the rears A t noon we-wemialfoiikd
feir way without the I fie ©f Wight j wind eafterly,. thermometer 57,
die air cold».
25th. Proceeding with aifine gafej by eight-o’clock, on Sunday
morning -wee were o& Fahnouth, when dreiicoipniodore made, the
fign d for thevfleet toilie ibyt .■ A boat from Sts Mawtfeeamang:alohgp
fide, we difpatched letters to: our friends-of ourfafety and health.
About noon a frigate caim/:ont’Qf the harbour andjoiaaed. us;j the
F ly floop at the fame time haidsd her wind toifhe ea ftw^ fe-the
Qomnsodore then made foil, and at: fix P. M . the Land’s End bore
north, diftant five leagues. This was the laft. fight.o f Old England
that many on board were ever to have, and they, no doubt, felt much
ear the occafion,. though fenfiblfe it: was.mot-for thofe who:had; parted
with country and friends, and taken up thecrofr, to look behind j
indeed, every man feemed fully fatisfied w ith hi® deftination.
26th, Freflj gales from the N . E . quarter, accompanied with' rain,
and a large eafterly fwell, which caufing the ihip to roll, riiofl: o f the
brethren experienced the fea-ficknefs feverelyj but remained, not-
withftanding, unlhaken in their defire to go on, bearing With Chriftian
-fo rti^e 'What .fh^hfleW to be- the general ■ attendant on all flew
travellers by fea. .A t noon we-feH-in withfori EngMfe^gat^SKid-d
the -Bay o f Bifo»y;-We -had faVotWab'M: <WMeM, -aild' tfefefg. with the
fleet, i t ' afFotdedhs1 'opportunity dffee&gV- by* :€3m!parifen with
the convoy, how fine a fliip we had *gM'io'pfef®rai OMt lopg iroyage;
for 1 while Others were crowding all .fail, w e could go a-head under
our topfails, the -men o f war carrying the fame Fail. This .encouraged
a’ hope alfo, that in cafe o f being chafed b y an enemy,
there -migKt;;be a probability o f effer6hfig our efcapC bylmeahs, o f
On -the ^'(jth out fea-fic-k miffioaaries who Wore-tifeoVetittgy devoted
fludies'. A hawk, this day, refied Mf bu-r rigging, and was caught: â
miffionai-y remarked, “ So might rny poor- fo u l, wandering fflSfti
WM» -he-ldfif- if Asf gfàftiéfefty1 j^rêV^ld^ "by" ©MftS
it.Htnâetpyï’-* jffl
I •O fl'A e ’ ^ h J ^ ^ - 'i f i^ è f t i t i ïd e 44» ^<J^Mi--ïgngî
the** fecMMèdote ^ à d ’ë the figflsd f-ôr-tlidhfeclfftêft fiiïpfc ^ S ^ b y ^ Éfê
«Wifld1 ut the thhdblowMg feir fo f ’ « 4 the :Ica.ptkifethoWglK-'We Mgfei
"ftrrfuré'tb fliaktf hPoïfif Wafy
Wàs-rfôW ôver‘^‘amW Wé-étiuM-^but lîtffefa^tlftir Whhotn debating
widely from our%tiurfe : hoifting oust eflfîgn, therefore,-1 f!S fignify
our intention, we were anfwered by the comniô'âOré, and making
all fail, were followed by a South-Sëà whàler-àhd two other -vefîëls.
1 The fleet foon dï&ppeared, ànd the -îhMëîfotàis dieMm1 particular
ttîéétiflg df pïkÿdr -Xfed pWSfit^ t®êdi€<SÉ jpa® Mdfeta}*
ànd'doïïfîàSrifl^ hfeburriSn- ffepsëtiéflv ïês&ÿ
gave' themfelves up into the hands o f the Lord, and committed them-
felves to his keepi'ng and care, who hath pro'mi-fèd-, “ whfifl ye-pafs
“ thfodghfhe watërà I w f e l W ’
’ October ift . The wind continued' aï N .É . and we failed 'before
it with a pleafant breeze, -abouf fix knots an hdur.” How^gfacidii®-i’s
d a