occupy ohe; ep’d'pf tHe,KSufei5 .the urimarried men tHejolkftffir' T h e
fervPiits ufually. Sleep in the women’s eating-hdufei 'o r Jnearia®'^i
r fTM r chdwfe are full of.dfeas, 'which Harbour .’ini the floor, and!are
very troub lefomethough the natives are much lefs aflfedfod b y them
than we aje t they fay,they were! brought id them by the Europeans*.?
One ofdur.nuSHonaries writes* 'he has ibeen. obliged fo g e tu p at mid-
pighl, arrdfto run into the;Tea.td.eool .'himfelfj andYget. rid^dfothe
fwarm' o f ’ difagreeable companions T h is, among other cauies, ffeas:
njadej the call far bedsteads'great, as> itEbjrfftd theTcomfoEt'oT this’
mode o f Sleeping. Their bed-clothes are the garments ,fthdy hvear ilpS
they have'iio other,-which is .frequently-the cafe with the common
people andfer^aJlts, ..who, rin that warm’.climate, lifctTe;tr>piyble. thern-
felves about clothes or. the care ofthiem.
rTheyihaye rro jartitipps in i heir ^Ktufe&i but,', it. may be affirmed,
they have.ip many inflances iqpre reflned ideas o f decency'than our-
Selves 5 and" one, long a refident, fcruples not'to declare,-that he nevfer.
fawr aqy0appetite-,-hunger -arid, third excepted, ''gratified' in 'puDlic.
It is too true, that 'for.jthe Sake o f gaining '.burr extmordinaryi 'cukidS
fities, and to p le^ jp y r brutes, -they have?,appeared inamddeSt in the-
extreme;. Y et they Iay /the chargs vtholly^at / our dbor j and. fay! Shat
Englishmen are afhamed o f nothing, and that we. have led them to
public a ils o f indseency never before pra<3;ifed: ampng themfelyes;
Iron heto, more precious than | gold * bears dcjw.n every barrier o f
reftraint j honefty .and modefty yield to the fyte® of: temptation. ?.:
■ A "SECTIGN* . r v .
i s $e‘ps.\ •>_
TH O U GH . the Wjfoldpwas, aftifirfo;ofeqnffi.fpeech and oije^eljgioiiy
-all confeflii^M^HpMffllin triune pkiftebco^the^ truej tl&dition began
foon1 to be obfeured. On the difperflon o f mankind?;? gs<®m,any and
fords, manywjere,-crffltedw r.Tfhe?Eafli;..gmid*fl k-S^lhoufand-dsMes., Still
preferyed fomp tracer o f the^riunOjGgod.n Whoever,r.edds the ingenious
Mr. Moray’s, account of India will^repeive fiuguIarl^cjiriouSnform-
atiem| or%tb|s.’ ijqbjedfc. ^j^pweyejr'$a\>fy jjl and
(cre&trpn,mmi »appear,^ now* reamed u]^^hcj,pnhutean,s, ^t^’ei.^noSi
poliShedjjpahons, ofj Greece .and JRpme, devoutly ymh^ce.d . e^jpal ah-
furditi^... It dhould;afford,matter o f g^esat th»Jcfuln'efs? that we Ijave
beep xefcuahfrf^^th^darknefs jpf idolatry, ; So far, af.leaft hathrthe
wod<hh^en^^de]^dLAtp%^Christianity, that ithis hath prevailed^
before, ipevery idaf hath mopldered into dilff,
, The dgities g£ Otaheite am’ Marly, ^ ruamferopst a t h e ' perfons ’ o f
'the inhabitants%,j. Ejvery'.family, h^s. its. tee.J jor^guatdia.Ty Spirit. whom
thjsyfet up, *and worShip at the m o | a i^ tp ^ ^ h a y q ^ f , gjjeatvgqdmr
gods o f a.fuperioj; order,, denominated Fw h a ijqw Pdj,fbortI o^night.
■ The generaljiarpe deity, m alLpfs 'ruminations; Is-E aiT o o a ;
Three are hekl'fupreme.; fStanding in a height o f celeftial digpity
that n o others .can approach unto :^ypd, ^hat is ipeye '.extraordinary;,
the names are perfonyl appellations : ,
i . . TmejQteffMedooa,. i -?
w| the; Fatbe$AL
2 ., OjprriatfQW, £Too| tee te^^dyde,
Taroa, Mannoq te Hooa,.
the Spirit*
T o .thefe, ,the .dp. ,majorc§, ;ithey only addrefs thefr prayers ,in times