im n
fgvop^ •writh fids. frier>4i; hgyi/ig.Ipdged- qqe. night with him, they r§-
A fpg i f o «& djiy fe ip , Dugonagaboola,
who affujred, of( a, welcome at 'Ijis hpnfe»/ ap4 expej^edt they'
■ would n>ahe uie.qf nq,qthqr. ] After inquirir^. info- our fe^e'at. hpme;
antf ho^'vyQ ^^4»^ hia^ahlenfe, he informed. thpm o f yyhat our viln
lanous.counprymep hajl. laid, againflr us, and- exprdjed) hj.s'abhorrence
o f them on accquhL Qf, ft. Pn, thpir, wa y hofne the® Gafted- a^A/deg^,
\ y i^ e pur brethKn.were well, apf4^fhe4>th^yfJiQlg bp4y ipigjftimeet
■ orj^e-a month for,'divine directions, and mutual counfpl and eijcqfta
mgqq^nt in piy; work^. 5{
. _5jth. Bother Bowel! arriyecLimthe evening-^ andj opjj^hb^tjir-d^i
%p^er, Bpclmmui preached, from 2 Tim. ii^ S jj^ ifi the- affemooig
brother Kelfg. from Ifaiah, lift. 5 after which the h^orftfe
flipper- I t is finely ah .iin ip ea l^ b le^ yo j^ t^ ljie
to hold our folemn feafts in this land, andffrom.tiijag to .t in ^ if fgf^fhg*
ftigius with, his abundant goodnefs. Ifwahadthehappineft -offtgeing
thefe poor creatures around us imprefled with^fep fe. o£th^r]pft,anc|
deplorable Rate bv n^ftue-, apd|tfte ^xcpll^apy qnd, firytaJpl^ijgGkr, o^^t^hc
Rpdeemer,’s ,e l^ i^ t^ f aq^fjftyatiopy whi^b H ^ h ^ apd-fthg
gqfpel rgv£als j if. wq cqftld' but oqce fee tlierp- cooigefipd tp-cpme-in.
and pfttake o f our privileges,/ qur jp y - full,: hqvypysfy it-be-,
qqojCs us not; to defpife the dayj of, final! things, bjft i patiently tq j wajfj
fote the f^vation q^:the. Lo r d - h a i b i ^Boh en ^ g i j Q^jiee^Qi^f ^ ^
and. hath done fqr us great, things, which confirms .qgr hope, that the
day, is,n!?l faf; whqnTfc wdl^rpake barq his, ftifthgt
fight o f the. nations, and thefe ends of. the earth fhall feehi^-falvatjqn^
■ 7-th. Brother, Bowell determining to remain: with us till- our-
monthly, prayer-meeting was. over, we morning embraced the
opportunity, of. his prefence to hold a meeting o f our . little body, when-
, it, was. agreed that we fhould obferve a general meeting, the firft Monday
of- every month.; in the morning., for prayer-and religious, con-;
ference j f and in the.afternoon, fqr, colledting matter for the public
journal, reporting progrefs. in-thev language, and .conftilting with
3 ' ’ " ......................~
each ABier dri me rhbft ftrobaftfe kneads ‘o f carrying -our defigfts into
fW o thit'TOr ififenldfretihiteh Ihbtdd tie made ftcquMnted ninth
our defigh, 'and hiVitedib jbfti *vis id it. ft WSb alfo VeTdtvdd to hoM
^n^efeMyi^ iiyw*ih^p^gkM'h(Sifti^i± Snbuf relfte&ive parties j arid
that the 'ahtiivfei-fa^y^f hli? eittbafkaYfort, tvbich i&‘ ju ft Jft hand;
mould b’e 'bonS veu u§ day BF ftribli'c mahmgiving:
u ' ’g'th. In "erchidg xH^cil tSur ’vWelay ineetih^ ‘ brother-
K d fo opened‘ it with praife and p r^ e f f '‘then read the fecond chapter
b f the firft o f PeteY, affd fjihye ffSrr ft,’part o f it * after which- the
bthef b|Cl|if€A ijjoke id fofsitiSni. ThM bur Atfbniioii might Bfibri
^ifticiilkrly' filfed- *oh the fubjbift*, ft was igrfefed, ; that, iprevidlii tb
itect week, the 'pdrabh ’ot IbYiptdfe td Be then difcdfled fhould be maftb
k h b ifn ; ^c^oidihgly brdthfer BiVchanib prbpdfbd the fecoM chapter
iff Eph'dfidffs^ ftfdtnerdshhfiy S iSW e d 'lh is pibfent cdmfdf'table bp^
jshftubfity ih the mbe ittanner as it v^ls begun.1
ioth.' The anniverflfy ‘fef bur eh^bkrkatiori3coi1nple'tes the firft year
o f drfr ASffibli', khd I8ie ^ p f l ^firdfkahle dftbiif fiyS-, wherein fhe
Lb rd'h^ , ip ^hftSVef- fo lth'e ii&Ssf p^ferS faf h ft pttjplfei arid; We h b^;
rot tfife ££ccbrriplimixient 'of hSs' gfkcioliS pilfpoles, ^ e f i a s fttimberlefe
IbaMMatMS b f his alMighty power, his ihfmfte 'Wifdom, and uri-
jchfeiigeable Ibve.- While tipbti ihfefcaigBfy ^ktSK vie isiere 9 ie peculiar
6bjfe£l& b f His pfbVMeMd cdrfe arid Bourify; H8 pfleferi^ has been
M th its hi pidlhg fhrdtig’h.tfie' fiib’a r id iv& r i ihd tRQugfi th^r often
Teeifted tb Mite Iheir rage diid fofee kgaihft us, And id flireateh bur
deflfriCtion e veff moment, they Wefe hot p6frhitied tb'ftb us any harm;
Some o f usj! when 4$ help feemed to f fail, ’White failed Frdrh the
bp'enihg graV'e, fb pf^ife Hitn ih btif little aflfclhbly; arlu we were all
brought ih fafety to oiir defire'd liaven, where his Hand has been riioft
wbliderfuily ‘ ‘ ffretched outfliU,” in dpehing a ddbr o f accefs Foi iis Hy
lire ifibft unexpeEt'ed, arid impfobibie meaiis j hi g ifilig us faVdiir ih the
fight of the Heatlfeh • ih prefervirig us, thbugh defenfcelefs arid efpbfed;
fr'diri their rage and niadnefs j arid ih riiakirig all things fribfcfvient
MM 2