rounded. ' Surely Ms gOodneis tstcoeds all foartdn © for hearts
formed to Khew forth his praife! .
20th. Bfothet Buchanan preached on hoaird from Pfalin V. iiu j.
attd brother BoweH in the afternoon.
© «fee fearly, m&«y « f fo e pnfooipfo chfefo-feme oti febMfo
among whpmWas Pdttamilie, Wlfo, -a§ feteM as he foW- brothel:
Buchanan, «nerved his Fohcitatians fen- hiMM'gp add live With him,
at foe fame tirnfe reminding Mm o f a promise to that purport, -givenbh
our firft arrival, alfo .of the ievetal proofs o f Ms favour- fihee. beftoWed ;
and, with frelh afliiraneeS o f-his love and eftdenl, pfomifed, oft-Lis
part, to rehdnt every thing as'&gfofeable as w a s fo ni^-po^er,-~ and to
remove every -ebftarle, i f brother Buchanan would b u t' mention them
to him: this, however, at prtefeftt he declined tb d d ; , bM the chief
being well acquainted, with the fedetit Viliany. 6T Ctsnftelly (Who has
tefided with him ever fihfe he to-foe ifland) atid -MS
Ambler and Morgan, aiked i f he waS urtWiBing tO live-With ©Oh5*
nelly, and being ^aniWered ift the affirmative, - hb immediately pro*
pofed to bind Mm hmd'afid foot, andbritlg him on boafd j but p0£
propofal was at this time rejedbed, it being more dcfifable to Captain
WilfoH, and all concerned, that thefe’ Fellows- lhould come On board
as they had prOmi&d, and depart o f their . OWh «deoi®* ^Brofoef
Buchanan could nOt help looking upon this as a plain call Of Piovi*
■ dence, and determined in his own mind to Comply With it i f $£.
could.find another brother Willing fo -fecorhpiny him, and io h C pf8*
pedal alfo met with the approbation o f Captain Wilfoil-, ah® the
brethren on board, WMch it did. Brother ©aultdri readily confentfed
to be his partner. : When their inforMofi Was cotomumcated -fo
Fiiftafaihe, he expreffed great fatisfa&ion, and immediately invited
them to go on ill ore, and chufe a-place for their future-refiderice. In
the afternoon brother Shelly arrived from Aheefo, and informed us
that the thieves had paid another vffit, and carried off a dufck.
- 22d. Brother Gaulton went to Aheefo, in order to bring his -Own
AeqyjT.;] TO TIIE 271
a@d- bwatBer Buchanan’s» c belli, and» ©thfcr things.,/ ten Jyfeoa, where
had: gijven them their : ehfâii&yM. a? number o f beautiful
dWiâHi^îlfeuated'betwsfêàihiffihauife'aiSÿthe l$g§dav w b ifo nuns, info
that, part ' foe- cQiaaôï}î%;aiâjdv aftda ettufisg one* ab,®»& fold- hundred
yards fronmhis.owiji,|foep.*tufoeât ®iè bpardlr /
J%2t&dî Connellyt'-ha8isngfbieajtd,>ofiqus bhiag-ab yeftsnday with.
Fut&fafosb j tboughththaStf csérvhm|Si^fei‘hack,sbBeh£ tai take- Ritrr. and hist
companions .omh^aasdi/i hefoaiefoïe caasna tfefojaakct© the captain conn
corning! it , who.. inforfoecb h im i fhab hpstliath -no) dsSxa toîpirèéeQsb a fe e
that manner j îbktr'if hei add1 the cfoerdfchqfeto ftriph?c, fihménj:ifoey
fhould- havethe femdsàageÿand treatment! asshist osdmiitlfflih hfek , To.
fois £ onneliy -i^afoei would retinfoaik arrfereiv in £j& dayisj. irn twhieh
timefoe •wnul'dèfeoiifiilt with his.coraràé&ss..
Duaiohgav, .the- fi r ff w ama-nsinoî feeKifipnfeiTcams: am board
with-her- principalilady in r'-.thsfo haie wà^plafterecbup: with)
a compqfition whichuvenpmudh*refemblafethespowder* akid; pomaftim
a-/ finesdieflèd ■ London. beUei.v.Her- fèeto are rMfigdi in. takem etfi
homàgechy all;whoeapproach;heijjt/and; foehiama her. idsagiqbher. qwri
dignity-, that.fheiadimits no fil^d.huiband-ae ai ednspsuiiori, buticfo
habits? with, foofe o£|foe chiefsdryhsrtKi feeipfeafeS) aiEuhibaq
lèverai children',. A fine boy o£,about twelve ymr^iqldjtuttondsd hen onboard..
Sevdralrprefentsibf. foiîfcs. werè made, which ; highly; pléaièsà
them >and whim, th^j’leftt th è fo ip / tRey jumpèdBoverH§ard,-'i'ân,dr
waflied the foowi-wdiifo debaratianfrôm' their hai-Ei^eforefth&yi paddled
qn fhore with their canoe. ^jiBrether Wiikqifoit Hrougfed off a- fine
hunch; o f turnips. o f * 'theirf fiifidorcfa whifchi hadfoagB) almoft wholfo
deffrOxÿèktby dhe rats« 'uffRiey çohtrivëd ai trap pdm whichi bhfcjarGaughti
a great!many which were givmitMtteiwbmeri/at: their'tequeff;, and
eaten raw ■ as relifliing foodi. Sent feme cats to .the miffiqnariés, fe e
firft which were ever dntrodiiced intqsthefffiândv
I,: 2,6th. T h e noble lady vifited theifhipitovdayAvithjt.wq.or three fes,
male attendants; and the captain fent her. on
an elegant Engliih:drefs;which had.been referved for fuch a-n occafion.