between A e th igM a afodasjtuckfid. in h t&ctfi named thè‘mairbi .and
may bejealiedi theipbBèeqhes,.'.
calico', not a^ yard »wide, £ with a iirab gjjgjj the. middle to, admit .the
head, jhangsr ^awni-hefoie^andlbehind,i with-LtKe fideshbpen,. faffing
loofe as low as the knees|d%nd,lEaiving..thdaran£i ^itèin^^veïed.::,'étó4
is j;thfoo<febö.©th.,-L AI fquate .piecentof scloth,!,- dbübledd oflyanjErfifce
fuffiqient todpafs/once -and; a half mto’d^e-isiailk.Qf.ttite men/and
above, the breaftsiof the women, -under the tabaota,. is .sailed parü:
this .fill§ -down only to thei-knees, o f > the ;ma,n£ 'but .to therinid-leg;l and
often to;the ankles o fth e woman § ;;md'isiibmétirïïés,tuckéd jin.. at .the
comer, or.fconfined hy/a girdle o f "doth, parted hair, fins n#f[ng»
galled tatdöoa. .Thé women, befides,-iüfteh wear aifdec&ftoij plot.h,
ahhoo, fquaKVJor.oblprig, .folded/ which,they thToW,bdlily.ewèr d l .
bjr ’^ M i e t ó i a ^ s i f i^ e h ê x d l y 'o f .white ctethraod arerj4f i^ (T h < ;
other,garments ians.of whafccnfaurs they, fancy fiftofl. Inftead ,a%he
marro, worn .bythe-iinén, jjtKe Women.hav.e aifmaller .pa£Ü,b.benëath
thelfir^r,. Ss ■ ^fujWeispÖticimt.'-noï
ü \J ? h » tfawéHing) tjiey .ufuafly. tèck up t ^ p a r ü , ^o^revejifedtSfheing
foiled ibB-dirty,:;ad£ ;perfons,:of rank iappear witRmore tfe n the ordi-i
nary quantity of d o th around; th em ,,this-, fijdefigned:ifqE^abpfefint&
and1 they1generally: honour thejperfcar.for w-hom it p intended) ^fith
winding it round him: with their own ,hands. •-
T he women» unebsier theBr,fhoiildersand breads ipthcljftefehcsibf/a
cWfifdtOÉon paflinglfhf&cmdigKmnd../Their bonnets refimbl<lhe
giseipfbadesiwhicbiQUp,3adies.\ffe>m funimer'r. dhèyiaïC' bftéteefiwgfdi
as, they, muft caff them-raway on paffirig the. rnprai > but; they are
replacediin a nftnutejby plaitingjiiofoiyeaving,,' thblcaves ,of the cotpa-i
p u ti s andfIfof this they .-preferftheforight yellow leaveg to thegreen
oiies.,' i I Theituibah<hefslamdifimi& aEeriuyenwofn^hythfcWPincivhut
at the heivas/and are called taao. o o p o B o t h fexes wear garlands o f
flowers and feathers, but no wig, or artificial coiffure.; The tamöuis
made from;the;:Kadtofstheir departed relatives, and,held in the higheft
eftimation: it isIfeldom:.compofed o f .more than .fix or nine hairsin
thicknefs, but is often five or fix fathoms lobgi ■: They fometimes
drefs with a garlands o f coeba-niit fibres, ornamented with bits o f pearl-
fhell, and the nails o f the thumb and fingers of their deceafed
■ Relations : thefe. they ufe as ihohndngv .andnsbnficte <|freei6tis
relics. The women have no morai, nor appropriate place o f worfhip j
njor'aife they-eWEt prefehtfatvdteifcfciefo’hitiesd'^nevertfftlefg they fiip-
pofelthey fhall ,be admitted/ tb^happiiiefs -with the Eat3o&, as Well'as
In the ftattobingyefccmeiii and; women' there''4s t a 'fmall fpof on
the - i'nfide ofoeach .amr, yisft above thd'elbow, which is a mark o f
'diltmdtionil anddhewsithat fufchi afi;pefafoft'-inayi'eaf dr 'to'uch His father’s
aridjhiother’s.feodv^/withouit:.renderinght^raa?^ or'fabred'j it Is aTort
’bf|feai,!)that all the amoas have».been perforfhed: This is generally
recpiyed when,'3thedfcadiidSniidb’,ftbe', ,whick:isVthe lafl: atacioa;»» except
that.®£\frienjdfhip andihkrriage.TrisT<he man who does the tattooing to
yOUpg-ofiokhulis «called»at.the pleafure ,of*theparties, ’andk>nOconftraint
is ever ufitb^tS^be^'-young perfons ,wil^ not fuller' him/vfo leave'- off
while5-fihey;-ean^endiy3ei ther ftrbke''of the inftrument, though they
•maj^jl^ips and ffemeritations< as i f f he was’ ' kiliffl^- them. Thd
girfs. arc-»always .attended byfome.lfesaaie relations, whlb.:hbld them
while-ftfugglingj,under the pain of^t^te' dpefationr,i»£®b<^jfagmg them
to'cry Qut,.;which they think helps to alleviate the ahguifh. When
»f^e-jpaifi) bfebgass e^ceffiMii e and de^' fa^they iean endure niMj|niortf^
they nfe;:no compulfibn. No-perfon fevdrflifts his hand even to ftrike
a ch ild } on the contrary, the young ;ga4^under..’ thetopeisation will
often ftrike thofe wha.compaffiohate therh‘, and wifh them to ful^end
jh f .opcratipn, as .-they'are never - efteemed women' till the whole is
firiifh^d-.: -this fimetimes: lefts &r;a j«ar!i>'bffnore, by intervals, from
the comnaencement. o f the taffboirig-; I - ft
’ No Wftere are children broughtinto the world withdefi pain Or
danger; the women fubmit to little or no confinement within doors,
hut rife and go about as ufual: ; The infant prefaitfy'cfiwlsj and foon
x x i •