and examined the north-weftern part/of.;the ifland, uponrwhieh fide
likewife y& y good hafbours, Tjjere found. The natives alfcr behaved
friendlyand relpedifully, ibut being ftrangers to whits people,, they
were eamcft tpfee^whether; their flein .was. o£>the fains colour.'under
their clothing as in their fa£es. Some peculiar ceremonies. Teemr.ioi
prevail here: a woman,-: who; at the jequeft.of poesefeftie Enghihv'
brought him fome ftefti water .to drink, would riot deliver it to. hkp
till ihej had pronounced a long oration. .
j Early in February 1793, the: DsedaluS; reviflted this' ifland on her.
w^y from'-the north-weft coaft o f America, to New^South Wales,,-and
anchored in Port Anna Maria.. .A friendly; intercom; fe was renewed,
but it was fuddenly broken o ff by a quarrel between one, o f the fadars-
and an iflander who had' conie on boajdi./.The latter having ftruekcShe
Enghlhman, was fhot by him after haying leaped overboard. • Upon
th % a gjr^t, nujsber^of war canjpes, were aflembled, and the fhip
was attacked .with ftbnes.; Lieutenant Hanfon, ,-who yhad fucceeded
M r . ; Hergeft in the Daedalus, was obliged to quit the harbour,'
after remaining there two nights, and proceeded to obtain needful,
refrcfhments :at Otaheite.
Eaftward from Nooaheva, at the diftance jóflflx prfeyen. leagues,
is R o o A iêffiC#, which was called .by<,Lieutenant; Hfeiseft vRiouls;
ifland. f I f is h igh -and craggy, efpecially at the weft end;, bufc appears:
more fertile than the fouthem iflands o f the group, A t this énd i&.a;
fhelf o f rocks,;extending about; a quart§r.hfi a mile fr-om ;the. fhorè, 1
which was named after Captain New o f the Daedalus. T his part
o f the ifland is deftitute of. any harbour for flapping,: but on the
fquthern coaft there are appearances o f convenient anchorage-in two
bgys. Above one hundred natives aflembled in canöes round the
Daedalusupon her firftapproach to the coaft, and bartered their pro-,
viflons-in a very friendly manner.
It is probable that this group extends farther; both to the north--
weft and fouth-eaft, than has yet been explored. Four uninhabited
iflands are all that have'been difcovered befide thofe already defcribed.;
.O f thefcytwo, which fiofn
.No®aheva, ten oEWwilvenleagues diftaMv-'thA'-otheiiit'CVd' farther' o ff
to, the trisr-th-weft,: -fouth-' latiCude.-tKiTheisddrgeft'iof^h^fe
latter jssfB%ht;miles;loBgi and two Woadjf- Upon fts-nOrth^wMein fide
isbaobay." afi foi ffing^gtodwaBfi i i , « # eSteda^hSi^
.That'fide 6£:.the^|iari'dn.hasi in vgeheinl.'arf^tfl^appk^W,^jbuh«lM
eafternjeoaftf isjbfeerii The fmallef iftancf lies hear the other toward, the
pwtjhreaft,, andcffime Tricky iftsts are .betWeena-helrf.A Both-the iflands
sreAigh, and, ifcbOTgfcnotunhaiitedy are ocfeafiodiflly’ vi'fltedV1' ''HKjp’
were.-n|med tafter Lieutenant? Hexgq/kivft*
•rt^epdanafamdfaAabd.' frcSii -the Natives t
fometimes. vrfifed^ftn;ca;h0fti-le.:'mahnerT;ia^gdfahyr^itoWard the'?fbftthi
the: inhabitahtsseC'wiflMa>!vffireS black,' ~and£ufedS$^<^PaMfe'iaSrd^ Iff
battle, ^$From Captain Wilfon’s particular inquiry on this fuhjfedt, it
appears, tha t-if ,'tB.ey. had a.t& that 1 time Fapiy-knowledge -of'.fueh ®
people, iti*Bfe0hce h e eu ;:w h ^ s^ fts Itnis finoreoprdbablesiha't-thg
Spaniards <mifapprehehdedi whafe:was:feidijf*ia£; that- <l«til>di-bfkt'he.
Sspth- Sea ^j-ftanders.l which correfponds to ,this >- deffcriptiBE, .fednOt-
lsnojyn to extends farther eaftward than Feje, »iwhifeh-is -PSVb -tboufand
fagr-hundred miles-from the Marquefas. A t
: ,T H E .account that’rhas;ibeensgivfen o f the» rtutaferdusiSflMfeden-1
nedted-Withithofe ■ draddytoecupkd-'as^mi-fhonafyyftMolis1, TiffidessYO
iftuArate the extent towhiebjllundferi thehbMSftg^fbQ’r Lord, I the
gofpelmay probablyh®i3 iffufe'df:frpm~thethrehdehtiai^pIafc%i'to.-which
ft; has.been'introduced.' • Were it.po flife‘‘hefe.t!o',ihfek ltm£la#riocouhts
qf-all-the eount’rieSAwhich are. fituated jbetWe^iatfeeft^refiapS - ’and’ the-
coafts-pfiAfla and Nevv South!WhiesV'’the apparent iikpdrtMnctejItOu^
■ ^ iP ^opidibe: enhanced beyond what* can fbfe^iioticeMdt-ffrOhl flic
fpecimen^that^S flo^riSfiiiftied. It touft not^ihowev'er/^fle-qjriitted,r