co a f to f America. It i^jEepqijted itKat the' peoplo-of .Qhittahoo! had
perfevered in the, prudent meafure o f keeping theiitWQmehtajta diftance
from Europ^nj^ifitgrs, i and that^at this feafoh, a qsnteft-wakesxcifed
on, the account, .mjfwdiich the refpedtab'le'ehief, ’Honoojc'Kas killed
bjt- his This oireUmfkasc^,;, which there; is.fthiit Itba
much reafioji to, believe, may. account forcth^very-different-condudfe
^»iei^ecLipladye to the femalesj^Ohittahoo,- in fubfequent.vifits: at
thisplace.. g
- The Daedalus ftorefhip touchgd at this iflarid on her t^ ^ffljU i
England to join . Captain Vancouver, and anchored.'in t Bolt t .Majire de
Dios, aad Maiclc, ij^twenjy-foux fathom.. -i-'Kbt.-beingSufficiently
fheltered from the land wind, her, cable parted earlysijfie next
morning j and while driving , put o f the'bay, the ftii0wdsi found .to .
be;on fire. In, manw<piepfes o f rotten heddingwsiu
thrown overboard,- vand'j.the nativesL.&bwfted-xouridathe, H8p tfgpick
than up.- "When the ••Daedalus regained her,-ftatl©n,vanclj Madjheerr
anchored clofer in lhore, I t was obferved thattbe buoy’ o f * the''anchor
from which thgy had been driven, had been .purloined ;„-but a pieeb. o f
wood .having-beept. left; - by. the natijyes_,in ;its Read, ,theabn®y-*
rnpe^tfireffied jhgm tp.recoverjthg.anchor. . Lieutenant Hyrgeft; who
failed as, agent in-the Daedalus, went in the afternoon,, toitbei place
fox pbtaining-jfrefh water, which, wasgat the diftance rof- at mile from
the ihip i and finding the furf: violent j hc-janfied with onlycfdur
men, in'1 order to fill two water-cafks. • The buckets ufed for.,’this
purpofe were foon ftolen b y the iflaftdefs, who crowded round,-
without any perfon o f authority to reftrain them. They eyen ffiatehed
Mr. Hergeft’s fowling-piece out o f his hand j and there .beings but
care mufket left among the party, it was judged better to make goofi
their-retreat- with, this, than to employ it-vmdi<Siyely. On retiring
to the,long-boat, they found that fome o f the nafiyes ;had, -by-diving,
cut away thp grapnel, with, which it had been fecured. .When they
regained the, boat, they,,-rowed clofe to the lhore, and fired-a-volley
o f muflsetoons and fmall arms oyer the heads o f the crowd. jAII
p r e l im in a r y - DISCOURSE. bad*
immediately ftedj to d lïè ^woodsy- ’-ieicept Mip Hood* his
giobnd^apuHhrcl^lohcs’ at the ‘boat1 T ofs •'^pvadow as fuf-1
unpunilhed, but fb,ur cannon fiiot wefd fired from thé
fb'i^pVerhhe fourhtun tjmhge;'which wis hot ibo\gy. M g H o f a
mile^dffi; mt ili^s. n mpil) pudufu.1 no cfRdf tlyur to 'terrify
tfagjfiatives, who: fled u n rci3 i<5쨩 the 'mountains j 'and'.about
f^ ffeU® é o f them fwam^oÖj*;^ irh a gtecti bijdgliwiapped’in^white
iio?h, wIniV.lrctitl-tfiht mtd mé^üfhip." Havingplml^fifiWgdd^Ws
miMffy .bf.-pcl'gi^iyt lriimedrately- returned op th^ic.^“'*!
Thg pext jdtejLMx'. hïergeft repunngi? to the w itcrm'giplice with
‘S&jwffie'cl-1 party J ^ipts^heerfAlly* ^IfifjKdJny thJgHÏanqa^to fill bred
roll the calks, * wifji which ‘tÖey '-ii’fö fwamder the’Jboats', 'and were
M®Sjbly_rewardfed faritheififlabour. T h e y '1' ould nor flill'he^ftllriliicd
ffom pilfering'" ori*flmrd j'lnU 1 i^hèódolite ht lofi|Hng*S5ï M i f ?Gctech;
an 'aftfönomer! -v^^^^fe||ofF, bat.ludon'ibl} ia>o\eniK’ ’fe
^MC^öuefohaAièd*Foo--öu, “who had ^^^Bd}the*lhipïy^h'Ënïwie''firiï
j*jachs>red, 'returned ,'dii the a4&**^th a prefent o f “’^JVifiohs; ’arid
•tyfo ‘ ofbfers*, 'f life* % y sKafterward, ’ brought” i j0 grapnel which had.
bëënsct^if^rh4hdboatd They promifill alfo to procure the fov^lntg-
-piicc, ‘but^’ boaid-‘‘when thê^lhip was readyip-fad,-, Without
fulhlling thear 'engagement. Mr.'^Uergeft havingh wel© rewarded
them for ïhe^r -'foririep-tr’ouhle, and being cdpfft&nt -that fhèy could
haie^rèeoverêd his - gUfi,' informed one ó f them that he' Ihould-carry
him away'it" i|'-was nótTpeedily rèftored; -and accordingly placed a
cenfinel over him id tjfemabih. T he rift o f the na^wsffledin alarm;
but the -fowling-pie'fel^was obtairifed imhalf aïf bour. ■ The prilpne’r
was- then?-liberated, greatïy^tp ‘hls- jó y / ’and prefents were made’'to
him, and !to another principal petfon who had' brought thé',gun cai
Thé; crowd ó f ’-i|fenders ' having unCoihhrcpded the- fhjp^s-company
in their- bufinefsl, thé,colours wereEoifted^pWfignify that they müft
nOt comê dph - boaraif The men - fubmittéd' tb, this1 pfohifetioHV but
many of^the^women-perfifted in fwimming tó theihip', till mulkets