which the TooBauaians bégan-to underftdndv and were unwilling to
fee them again. all collected and r em o v e d T h i s caufed the firft
èiaWl bftwem. the' Otahêiteani fervants, ^höUTfceïè-driving fin 'the
hogs, and the, natives?.©,!Iörofenpe-and wantïöfi. gentlenefs and-'conciliation,
led, to the. bloody, -confequénces which enfued. ' The
natives were numerous, and fought with great courage, forcing the
mutineers to avail themfelves o f 'a riling ground, where, with their
fuperipr Ikill, the advantage\of fire-arms, afiththe a é !ófath^jOta-
heitéans, who; fought bravely/on tliis oceafioh,* - they at lafl- cam&off
■ viólorious, with only one or two o f themfelves wounded, whilït the
dead bodies of. the Toolmiaians.covered.'the fpot,. and were afterwards
thrown • up in three'pr/four heaps.; ; Thus finding that-mp;peaceable
fettlement was now to be obtained in this place-,; they:re^lhfpped’’fhe
live, ftook, abandoned their fort, and taking their friendly chief on
board with them, weighed anchor and fleered towards Ohaitapëha-
bay in & d ifcnd^T-Otaheite. On their paflage thither, it is,laid,
C hriftian became -i very melancholy, ■ confining himfelf to I the cabin,
and would hardly lpeaka word to any perlon.; lamentihg^iimoft/probably,.
that the relolutions he had formed without delibération, and
executed, with rafli hafte, had now involved h k o w n l i fe ahd thofe
o f His adherents- in mifery^ A s foon as tbeyaanefaoied in 01mi®plha
bay at Otaheite, thole who wifhëd to flay therewent on f h o r e b u t
nine o f the .mutineers, and alfo fome o f the native men and women,
remained on board. With thefe, Chriftian cuttihgdhe-oabledn;lhe
mghtv; put to fea,. and f l e e r in g t h e N .W ; hag ineeerl been heard oif
Here-it may- be proper* before we approach ttódeftined ifland,
to notice thé fteps which, the brethren were taking, and what hew
regulations were made previous to their arrival; .-.Near fevem months
were elapfed fince they embarked at Blackwall, - during which time it
is reafonable to fuppofe; that, being clofejy penned together in a Ihip,
they . were .-now../,befome Well acquainted with each other’s tempers
and difpofitions, and that a fimilarity in thefe would naturally attrad:
F eb'.J
peculiar regard' and' frjendfbip. t Seyeraljjof< Jthe brethren having
hinted to the Captaih-'W hich group o f iflands they preferred, -the feniors,
who. |iad always decIaredf-fo^Gtaheite, requefted that each one ihould
be obliged, on a dayupjttinted, to figinify^|writing< therglace to
which he wdlJjedSSgi gey; apdi^giBthe fame' with ju s ,nkme ;y . T o „this
the captaifj?, reg|i|i/. thilt they might > do mpfLtheyi pleafed pjBut that
he liimfelf would'act agreeable to the dll’cretjonaiy,mlyuctiqns:
given hy the du'cclors^is futun. arcumflanccs.would allow .
By our progrefset© me eaft, the monthly praye&pnqeting had ’he cn'
i||Pybn Tuefday moaning*'a quarter bcfoie k.\en,, tp.coinYpand w-ith
our ..brethren it home, who ijut on blondu Cvtniijg.- A fp ia t of
pia> ci. uni iuppl a. atjon Iccmcd^ idcntly pourtd'.cpfeyppnius in "behalf
ofiphe.'.pqorjhiathcn j, every heart expandtd w itht low , -and cloy/cd
with ardenjt defires, to proclaimlfalyafion1 to therrr through the blood'
dEi the. Lamb
t? Haying frequentlj^difluflj.cj-tht fubjtcl o f the fiparalion o f the brethren
ampng^the A^egjgroup^jofpflands, the Mar.quefas,, the ..Society
aiicLFriendly February, 27th, being the day .appointed,, the,
fqqiety met; and^the' hufinefs^hfijhq day was opened jn tire ififfisl manner^
w)>en tjjere appeared .for each group as in the fohqwiiigr l i f t :
i Rev. Wm. J lçnrv
-T-— fèlytÆkiEe i l — P . J Mlgesk^jmÊ
------ Iqhn^jîfierfpri-;. _ 12, ' ---- J% .J£ ^ d L '
4 " Tljpimas Lewis' ; 1 3 —
5 Mr. H? Biclcmell J / 1 14« — - H . No tfc -j
6, -— B-BrpqmhaU — F./Oa^es ^
7 — ' J.,Gock ffl 16 ^ ^ . P u e k ^
8 r f j Ss Clode 17 — • Wm. Puckey
9 — J. A . .Qillham ■■ fiî,x8 — Wm>-bmi^;.j:;
which, with *(ive worsen and tw® children, make in aUflwenby-
five for Otaheite,