b y animalcules which thus- glow in the dark, their fhining parts
being turned upwards by the turbulence o f -the. waters. On the i7 th ,
in lat. 30 N . and long. a8° W . we got the frefh -S .E . trade wind,
the falutary effedts o f which were gratefully received; for, fenfible
whence our bleffing comes, we had reafon to b e thankful, that, after1
the' late weather, fo pernicious to European-conflatutions', we were
all preferved in good health.
29th. We faw a v e^ «remarkable fhoal iporpoj^^iji A eyaibft as
i f difcipliried in a ftraight line extending about half a mile, making
- fo fudden a noife and ruffle'in the-'fea, that firft fight we took them
to be breakers.- About midnight we croffed the equator in long;
-30° WV; the variation by five fets -of azimuths 50 25' W . ,
In thefe latitudes we naturally expedted <to' meet calms arid burning
funs,- inftead o f which we have a delightful breeze, which carries
us along about nine knots an hour ; arid the fun-beamsbeinglbrokeri
b y clouds- and a haze, the heat hath not exceeded what Werbkye often
felt in England.— How great I s his mercy!
31ft. A t fix A . M . law the ifland o f Fernando de Nofoirha,
-bearing W .N .W .' nine leagues; then run:S.S.W. forty-two miles*
and obferved in lat. 40 3if:S. long. b-y account 320 W . This
ifland, when it bore W . N .W . nine leagues, fliewed in detached
hills, the largeft o f which had the appearance o f a church fteeple.
“ T h is ifland,” fays Antonio de Ulloa, “ hath.two harbours,..ca-
pable o f receiving fhips o f the greateft burden ; one is: on the
“ north fide, the other on the north-weft the former is, in every
m refpedt, the principal, both for fhelter, capacity, and the good-
“ nefs o f its bottom ; but both are expofed to the north and weft ;
M but thefe winds, particularlythenorth,uare periodical, and o f ja o
“ long continuance.”
November 1 ft. After palling this ifland the wind continued at S. E .
till in lat. 70 S. it became variable, drifting almoft every day from
about S .S .E . to E . and back by the eaftward to S. When there
was northing in the wind, the weather was moft unfettled and
rainy; .when in the foüthern.quarter we had generally fair weather,
though fometimes the' fouthreafters- were accompanied with a little
. The porter being exh'auftéd, the captain propofed-to iffue half a
pint o f Madeira w r n e j . t o ^ ‘-which was thankfully
* ' ad. fy,Gaughtetwo"-'>Portugugfe'vmen o f war in a bucket; they .are
heautifuh'pink-'colourèd bladders it? thçrfha'pe*^jf^a-%|iriops,' flaelj', ' and
.put 'ouf-'iri'nùmërablecabrisdike ,wdf^S"aboj}t:?a foot Id^g,, which, on
.beipg /tpltefche'd, -fting like jnettles. They rife to the furfa£e„ and feud
before, the wind- like little fhips.
4th. *We have.'to acknowledge the unfpeakabie goodpefs q f .Gofl
towards ujs%; tit is. fix« weeks,-ft &is-dây> fipce we;ileff St.. Heldn’s, and
.Weiàieftall' ^in(health, ftrengfb, and activity*; and mve-enjoyed'' an
.uninterrupted favourable wind ever' fincev we quitted-our native fhore.
. 6th. .Celebrated the communion on the,-quiver-deck, covered
w ith an-î aWning to Keep , us from-the fun— a very comfortable .time
?— enabled to rejoice in the Lord our ftrength 'tod rjghteoufnefs : Oh,
may his kingdom ftpread-rfar'and wide !
Met this evening; to, fend up o$irjinited prayers 'VHth our
.brethren in-England, for a bleffing ;op this and .all miffionary labours
throughout the worlds we began a t' half paft four;:,,;to eorrefpond
w ith oür -brethren at feven o^qlock,.fuchdDcing the difference o f time,
9th.1 In lat. 1 8°-«39/jS. ’ long. 37? 46'',W- we-fonnded on tneouter
part o f the Abrolhps banks in eighteen fathoms ; and while we were
running fixteen .leagues on a S çpürfe had .irregular .foundings,
viz. 18, 20, 22., 27, 38, 19, 17, 30, 25, coarfe fand with reddifh
.ftones. A t noon we obferved in lat. 190 S .; our longitude by
lunar obfervation o f fun and moon 38° 30', by account 38° 21' W ,
From noon, with irregular foundings o f nearly the fame depth, we ran
S . S .W. fourteen leagues farther, and could then find no bottom with
fifty fathom o f line. Here we reckoned ourfelves tobe in lat. 190 $4' S,