‘.‘ eaelofitre.-’ ; At p e fen t there is witbia this fqlftfg 8 htbfe» ,calle4
the hoqfe of the Eatooa, in which a man cteftantly glides, §hr
JofepK further .fays, “ that gt a fjftall diftmee to the weftwftfd p£
“ this edifice was a ao th » paved foliar#, that contained feverg| final!
^f fteges, tailed -tewfiftis;ls^.^<a*8jwes>;
tf whereon they placed the ©fFeringS tq;their gods and-thift hP «fe
tgrwards faw whole hogs placed upon thefe feagss or rates* JvC-y.
guide led me to this fpot, which appears. alfo to have gone p iw h to
main-: he {hewed use the altar, which is a heap o f fo^jfees, .agd feow
they lay their ©firing upon f t ; h e then wentafew-,yafds hack, and
laying, fxcdcD’a f a a upright .{tone, like a graw-flane, hs
t©ne knee, and lcdking upwards, began to call o h the '
.-cryingf V W k&m, whoop ; ” and by afterwards making a wbiftr
ling noife, intimated it to he the way in whrchrtfce BamQa aofw>§f®d
ftteq .
The grand morai foantely belonged t® Qammo and ■ Oherea, then
to their defcendmt-Temarre, and now, fine® the cdnqpeft, ,-g> Otoo.
ft was fafc'.aabn when I geft hack to the twaifg*: and Temarre had
not retarded from his worihip ; -and, W®rfc-than kha.t, there was no
pEofpeft o f any dang ta eaft t therefore I ^m po iM iojfe tjo fi jv k f lT
Ms wife entreated-me to ftay a while longer* Tin?
plied with, they heought the hog fen®kj»g haft,.* but n^%\<aw,
tfemigK it mnft have been mv&ed.wprQt fe&ft four hows* '••which
was owing to ks fize, being large enough to ferye forty men... l rTh.us
both I and im f compspdcms fefigred b y the exccfiSy© kitidh^s ;^f
hod. :
When we had taken our leave, and walked about a m ik .along the
' M’a eh / iwar.jwet Temarre ®n his way home, ; and when P e te told
him that we had waited jsurpofdy for him, he feenoed miicfbi af®sid
left Lfitould he angry, and aflted i f f was not. On fetisfjing him
&at I was . not, he then inquired into the caufe o f <m?vifet to Po-
snarre, in aiway that bdppke jealoufy, envy, and fear o f that chief.
After a Tittle ttonverfation we parted. Tem|ri® is jfoppofed to he
pofified. of the Eatooa; and, in conformity to that foppofition, foeaks
In fueh,a way that fca^c'ely any gne can underftand him. This at firft
made f me think that he ufe.d that neculiai^ language fa to be. fpglcej^
•hy thn prkds ; hut both, the ipfol tfljjL «58
gthor t-han the common. kpgwsgc, and 98ft be underftgifjd^
except whgn, for the fakg.of my&FtefosifU.th^y; ptjef their fpfgches
in 8 f pging t g g f .f thaf .$yeg,; fog, yftftbg:
fongs ^qqafe,,unin)telfeiVtev ■ fo ¥ alfa.fojd o f chief, t% t h£
is now meditating, teyepge on Pomarse,. on account o f the death, o f
his.■ father and his. o,w.n defeat;, and in h.ope pf, ohtafoing fu.ccefs he
has chofen Mr. Main hif
a* military graft,, a»d. t e whom h# hd§ rftSd? foyOfdi grpaf grefog^ ^,
Weftopped aft Papp.ar| fop the foght. fo foe h®vfo o f my tayo Wya
^©ed©: at-1 had not focp, b©r*ifofiC' m y w w d , fos
fo®>r9% th^ oc(2a(ign,( gricfored ?*.pig tP fe . infehtiyr 4 ?Sd|4j>r %Q4 tol4 s.
mg, a prefeftt o f fov^tjal, things-p amQdg ofo^r^ 8
h a* madfr istp #n? fi,c,re> w s ,;? -
tlj>fyr;. b y the,:jf^cjimePi', fo^wed fo^fopif
'ha^ftr^ds» tq^r^gjffltppaiKQ the afRrJrtfon p f
n^X.ipg,,_ w h h whfch. tforF F ? 9h^f g?(ir* Th?ir great ftUFb8rl
dho. which wa& ope fo^gdr^
little rf-ihage, w^gm ,^ach daimc4 th a' 9ft 9?atfpread;
agd.almoft.all were employed in making mats, finnet, &c> Af
fogp ft was<daflk aw4 .‘ teftcsd and foog tih
neat midnight, and perhaps, YyAidd haye continued all the. nigh,t, had
J not- begged my taya to., caufe. them to d c f o |fo r the dfums appear
not to .dfftuiib. their deep ,• hm,/w:hen,thgd with-dancigg, they lie down,
and a- frefli- party. ri.fcs; to the fgort: a;id. paagngr the arreoies
'lifoaly fpsnd their night^iand thfts they train the youths, to the feme
ifregujar lining.
iJQth. The ga^nmg being fine an,d clear;, yte. Yyaljge.d to the end of
the difbift, and crofting; a little, coye,. entered on Ahalieinah, The
point which, with the, cove, feparates the two diftridts, is called
: 'e“ b