-..At ^r&getili^<5S-£the brethren, where thi^ letter .was 'lead, it, was
th^u^hjyjaijfaffe. for HBHH them-ta go to Fameo ,whilfe ^her,e wa£ caufe
o^-apprehenfipn. arid danger., N e ififtr^ u ld they at that time.fpaxe a
fa-w,. fis. they were employed .ini'njiuch- neceffary work of^their own.
But they agreed that the coat for Männe Manne fliauld he maxje With
all 2pq|hbletfdifpatch. ,
- W^hay;aftrpgg'ipt|m^^s given, jnB|'that^MicMejyr%ht and * the
Syyode intend to feize Männe. Mange’s vefiel as foon as. lhegg&i:fit -for
feaj.fjind makeTpr Port Japl^p7 & f
This afternoon. ouq, boat being .qqpop’leted, with* the -help, qfjjihe
na^ives.i5we gq|,hjr °ö# pf-the, hopfe*;, -and launghed he/ into .tbe.jüyer.
f t is twenty-two feet long, fix, broad, forty-fix, melees. r{at each edd^
the bottom feventeen j ■ height,two feet, fix finches. Forty patives
ar^fjtwa.;or .three brethren jumped iaTLS - fhe wept oj^-ahdj^qwesJ.
jfea : fee moves, very fwiftlyr, ccmfidering her flat ftettqm,
djraW&only two inchesj-ofc water; fa p ^ s d)^upfix.t<^hax,derp.7 v
.June iftT- Held our preparation^meetirigt for ..;th£_ JLor.dts: .fepper ;
brother jfeffer fop, 4|adefir, a'precio:us,;and profitable feal^^^^^Fgnpn*.
nefs q f hearty Where any grievancefeaxL febfifled, eaqh, acknowledged
h^s fajilt, and expreffed tender mutuafforgtyenefs \ and much.blefiing
followed;. L,
d.^ 'Employed in fitting ,pp a printe^s^Ihop., ^Vtfited by a
number of-fhangers, and by Whyqo a„ the yyqppgÄ hjpther- o f
Pomärre, with his wife, a very elegant woman _ fitted up a bedflead
for^lgnjk, jwith which he was^ highly gratified,
4th. Enjoyed the ordinance.of the Lord’s fupper. A large body
o f natives aflembling round Us, we embraced the opportunity o f reading
toviliem^ an addrefs, tranflated by the Swede,, which.1 tliey faid.
.they underftood, exprefled themfelves pleafed, and fpoke o f i t Jhjogp
- B About fifty people eroded the river, fent from Pomärre with
provifions, confifting o f three hogs, bread-fruit, cocoa-nut,7 and
mountain plantain, which each man carried at the- ends 'ö f‘ a, pole
paffid flisMabMder,;^
j|«|6th.. The’i/rihnthly^rf%?jsr-meeting a# tasked How many-'holy
hands lifted? tip'for' us !
‘ The natives Who/Jlver witkïu&ï p ilfer Us one' o f therrlMhis
mornlpgs and impeach ed\ his^eompaniotis1. V-They charged
principally tWotpejsfqnss who/ had1 left «1$:, thefe were .fent f®1“, and one
o f them being..talomsi .'ówneds the dealing' ©f a large ax e j'ap a^ q fe cl:
fhirt. j He was impriforledl, 'butoShé ftbfetögóocTs Jaefng brought : back
by his,'fpends^-JieWasl-releafed With, a fëprinSancky' ’k^ïêawtéïtvlfe é-lfö
& gn d arAtt^hporoo/ 'and! bÉoÉgjhfobac k . The \whéertËld£;'bung ab
the iflahdJ®f;^imëopfhel'nahveaifeË‘off in a 'oarioe' tcjttake; him. Irf’tBh
Cygnj^fJ^fpOlfe t& thëfyqungymah we had' difcÈnVgëd, fïëiïnnddd£Mim
pf.the K0d’^efs«we -had,' feèwn ;bini when’ ill, p^^®S'l®^at-itüèeIj 'hë
Hidj'-fo it'h'icrj^gn bisf.qyeS,.. hejwa^'ï"taat|tËB|)j,'"a veiyrbadtöktr<ïï'’iJl
, Sji&h Dr. Gillham ha\mg )ustc fetfits fiolen ul/cdS'-tab\\ a’ dufiihtg,
th|§g®r fou^oflus'p t iM t e d f t i r e h e fkd . ' Hearing a'fifunli'-We
)xa^te<^ tg.J;l^rgia,9!e ^rr ^.nd. having] intêlligdace thé thief''Was thêsfe',’ 1^ ’
rulhcd in«, .tand .feiiied him fimJy drefied fiSr d.uictng •■ cafiöut-a huilt
dred'fled in «a minute; we b e g g ed them not toi be- fa^htenedy al*
Wejqnly wanted thq thief, whbmtyyë hrppghi-.'off, andjéS^fïed'do ‘ d
gijl^qjb^jtlie hbpfe^ yet he contrived tpuSga ©IF with-the! padlafck ; -biif
bfiog. ,purfue4^1iï > was' reqdtQrÜv'i %nd hè*, was ^dSfaiifiBdc 't Monéffevèr
think p f r e f i l l in g .yet,i firangé*to, tül.'l,*thougJrffëhejr ^ iff fut¥>'<tny‘
yijP^,;|p :ever-.>U'fei;whhteiifcë^fgèt;.'. Bu^lsyrtir. ug';
Pp/n§r^e anjf^too, h^^sj^^E®|>^ka^t^e^tBa3A^iLy.arBongelis^hyèl
they^pfodup^gpne,, wear dnly.a pieee'-of ieloth^oahd' them | eancLa.M
ever- crayjngjf®^' 1
11 th. Brother Cover baptized the infant daughtei .ofibiotlfil
tfepiy; and preached ayery Ifc^iciSus, d|feo,,oM’e oef bSptifm/’ Many of'*'
jh^'pat^yes were.prefep^l^ndpppkedWfch'Wa'nder, as i f impairing, whS.1
can thefe things mean ? They all exprefled great plea lure that a whitè
woman had pjoddped ichild-among them/^ndkre exceediiïgiyifond o f
lir a , a