It was the purpofe off thendfiionaries, as fooii -as the £hip| failed^ to
change their’abode,to a more eligible,fpqt, and to furround, their preT
mifes with a fbrong wall, fufficient to protedt them frQffi;any;daijger»
though, while they; are united, none is ,,to»f,be; apprehended,'. as; they
have fufficient force to defend themfelves againft J|he .whole- iflan4
As fpon as thisis.done, they purpofe building a- veffel-ofone hundred
or one hundred and-fifty tons,-capable^f- vifiting all the-ifian^s
around them; for which they have- materials ofLgvery/kind,...plenty
o f timber;, and ableworkmen.
We hope they will have widely diffufed the glad tidings of Salvation,
with which they are fent, by the time we may. again -Y$$ them,
G H A P T E R ? X V .d ■ -
Ttethtn tox^sngdtdMf^^&^curTMceyAauVihgyur A bfekct.'
H AVI gaf f ed->at ^{^«^f ider ja^l f - fdjjjaoee^jfoujh^a^d^df the
§pjj|§tyS - fqrmer^vgy agie, ^npw^ffi^pgd;^ dijedh-cqurfe.
J anfl^y^oo^rgnj-th&^th^ Ai^gjmAy^ri^but-a little.way off
Huaheine.s iia-.hA^tffes.hearin#,vffsnf<*M^E.wfe? N^to-p ’N . W. A s
iffign.e-; jo£, which 3
Was a chief,ijwjth the' ufual pqaGe-qffe^pg. vyiz.jj^jy^ttngjjpig, and a
gpeen* branch. J,fjTheyjg^ffi^^bpa^,-v^ithqut^efita^3n^fflid., talked
^ h |SA fe^ ^ t^ h e l^
kn^e^^and,^fes ;were d^ftr^b^tedp.Jtoang- ,them\j .afteri
-feeing, that we difregarded their1 qn treaties3,to.-anchor* .they,
went .into, th^k^£3^|^dipgddl<ediaA$%yi jj.
-When j&o lqewar|hofethg^i(land'; more canoes came.alongfidg: «in one;
qfethern was^qjaftcj,* dbet, dxifhmari, t jth&jhfatiMa’s; crew..
Q&Jf^^sgfhmeijt^^ har| { fofggttgn. |j^n^tijvg Jcyig.ueg; beapg^able to
recoilddf ordyla fd\y words<: anddfehe begjin a fendftce in English, he.
^gajj- qbhgedMohrdThti^in the languages of, tire iftands. | Both he-artd begg^fi^rd, tfoj-^pto enter Owharre^harbourj. but,find-,
hgj^iat we W9JSdetermined^tp-make .nh ftay, heafked the captain^
ifejhe ,wpu|di take him hq|%e,|rj which^y^^sg^dily^agreed rto, as ,we
ha<i reafop, .ftoiji’ the'condudtgpf, h i^hipinate^ at ©taheite, to,iup^
pofe that fuch as - he would prove a hindrance to- the million. He
then begged the captain to give him time to take leave o f his wife
and child; which w a s : alfo promifed him : for that purpofe, we
hauled our wind towards, the entrance of Owharre harbour;, and when
off there, Dr. Gillham and I went on fhore with him in the canoe, -