l e rocks., This was occafidnedh^ "the flyiijgrclouds throOghrwhich
fun broke at - intervals, aftd formed ver^ .delufory appearances
upon the Water. The captain*, was aloft looking p it; and thought
he law a -Ihoal ©n the larboard b ow ; he called to port the helm,
but the appearance vanifhing, he ordered it a-ftarbdard. That iriftant
we found' ‘burfelvesI clofeto the lee reef, and running dire&Iy fo r t i f
T he fhip was ftill under the influence o f the port.h@lm,, pprefore
we put i f hard down . that wa y, and ra-a few feconds fhe was elofe
to the wind on the ftarboard tack, the reef fcarce twenty-yards to
leeward o f her,* and'kbout half a cable Viength to ruiibefdreiwe mull:'
heave her in flays, and upon her not miflin^»her fafety depended;
The crew-exerted themfelves, got the mizen fetjfcand'w'e la d the
joy. to fee her come about on' the other tack, check the . current» upon
t ie lee bow, and foon afterwards clear o f danger and in*g!&)d fe'a-
room} then fleering betwixt Eoo-aije and E6oa,^we proceeded-^to
make the belt of^our.way to the Mbirquefas. & .Thus, aftferVpeels the
mod imminent, and providential deliverances the mod’ evident, we
were, preferved in health for the. accomplifhhaent of- the- Work ap?
pointed ua-te do, and had plant’edfa fe td o f »mvihe truth which, ws
hope, will take root and flouriih to the latelf generations.,