a&iveand'intillfgent boy, afld -’& s.fis^e'ficojsi& w d l Khcfw® under
the riame!ffSfe: ©rsijsiia s: tbs''i^Kt fiX'j*#ars
younger than lie : the yourigfcft,.‘Teppahoo, then an infant, hits ever
finceureihained in'obfcufity/m'lk:eoufit'G(f Ms defi&e#tey.'bf *.
. Waheadooa did not ldrig fumve his t r iu n ^ name and
government devolved without oppOfit'ion fupdn his foN i ■ A Spanifh
veflel, fajd to’have-beeri> Commanded by Don Juan de Langara, vifited
Teiarraboo about March 1773. She remained ten days at anchor in a
harbour formed1 by 4 eefei at the foUth-eaft end o f tbe: ifiaad, and
«Mled by 'the tfatiVes Owhae-o0roC&. Four o f the fhip’s company
were publicly executed thfere” j and a fifth efcaped the famC' Fate S y
flight.’«He was the firft European who became a refidtet atiOtaheite,
and Was kindly treated b y thdfiativies; ■ tow ho fe manners he-entirely
conformed.t Y o u n g WaheadoOamade him one off his ?prine%U companions
and counfelldrs. - . '
. Captain C o o k 'v ifited this ifland the following Angufb M^the
Ridfolutioni accompainied b y ^Captain: 'Fuwieaux in
Thefe veffels wereinmuchdanger near the ptece where the Spamards
had anchored; thedlefolutibn ftriking repeatedly on the-adjaCent reef.
On the i 7th*of A u gu fl diey anOhoredin a bay on the ndrthstwttaibof
Teiarrabo&i called Oweitapeha; The E nglife Wfere:dift^Oi«ed'df^
taihing provifions, asrwas faid, b y the'influence o f thesyOuBgchief’s-
Spanilh advifer, who carefully avoided intereourfe w ith them..! -They
gained intelligence from an iflander named Tooahou, who had attended
Cook in part o f'h is 'fu rv e y during the former vifit. T he map o f
Otaheite, s which; had then been engraved,. ' being fittwh tdStM^man,
he readily comprehended it, and pdittfed out b y name the diftridts
that were marked upon it. ' It may be proper Ikre tO-chfdrve,'that
the number- and the names o f thefe divifions vary a* different periods j
a diftri<a being fomctimes fubdividcd into feveml by the chiefs, in
order to diftribute the land among their friends. m ‘ ;
Waheadooa did not v ifit his acquaintance, Captain Cook, till the
43d, and the latter failed the following day from Oweitapehaj but
left behind Lieutenant PMsetfgill lopurchafe-hogS) which the natives
We#e petr®itteË!’^b®!bïing when almoft too latef,: Thd ‘ young chief
dïfoov©ïed<fohï®'ftpnui'ty m i l l e d witkbo^iih weakgefs. and prefided
at the Market With propriety. M-r.>Eiekeïfgrll propeedOd Atom
t-heriee in a boat td Hediai-where ïtew a s kindly eritertaiped by Orette,
and hi^ brother^ TafSöf8.*f 'Meithèr-of^flieift- made any inquiry aftèr
OUfödroo,"'atehöügh'' ihëy ^Uppofed him tO' hayie igone with M . de
t© the fame country from whence Coqfe came. Toopsfei
«Ifö’ fëébfediöbe’ nearly bu® S rfjo isp h _ Banks * and others
e f : the' Englifc/ w h o ; had. bteett'molb'c^averfan* Wilh the iflanders>
Wcré every where HiqiiirOd after. The boat rëjqined thé ühips at
H P arid they proceeded- tó Mattavae, where they anehbwd. a^th
j Ctoo,- Who W a sM fife :foöreTöSr"Èfun,déd; b y amultitude gaMng at
the’fhipst, did1 n o tV a it tfi fe%ivfe'thte ÈngKfli, 'feUt-hu-nfïed m terror
OVèrthe'hill Which divides MattaVsÈè-fföm, ©par re, "where he resfided.
Cook- Vi'fifcd'lmm -there- the riëxt dayV and with' difficulty prevailed
upori1 Mm -to Ventuire^'qii ’board ‘'the fhips oil VhwYoMowmg.’.j Thefe
-(dterMfe'h'ad- ribt réfcOvë fed- from the effe'étis' o f th é War with Teiafrahoo;
arid proVifioris- werefifafG#,- li PofptOU^K M a s Y a p p i i e t b , the
dfefidfeney "frêm -AttdKÓëtjS®!-5 '<£>$©0 expïëlRd‘iblfedai regrèt 'at it te
departU'rebf-fh&?Véfïefev which- öè8üfted' 1 ft September. •
•‘Q®C%ÉÉri Cook fëVMtéd! asd* Aprild y f ö j Havingin. the
ïffeari-itiM'ê repéafeffl-yieïlt^gd ieuscM’iïr Ae frttótteit;' fèarch
öftëé i; 'ft|#Bêrif-':ê8i®Lridht/ Wfeidf- ifcïSi the principal objéiSfc iö f this
WyigSi - fefl- dépÉWite frsoii DtukriSafey b®; Had! betttü isxhmpanitfftj^
om'- tlae Society Iflands, you^gi®afr;0§ fasrik atrdi feaMe
ttMlftfe's,- flèMed ' Sy hfoladvfeep fèd- foithuts Èad-beèn
prefcUfed at the Ffieöily Manrdss j: and'tfe^« were föatód t<r:biê theiftoft
Valuable artidlè of trtÉe: at ©tahffltëv The northern diflridfes - had
ttlfb ’f%g0vefed fli^» waai’ ptsfperity''finèenthre former- vifit of the
■R-èföKufioriy and -a^ rate; time fepp}i®dd ^rffirdantly tte wacnts 'rf the
tiavigstéts^' They fööfid a®ach-rel|u£ frotffi.brliöUS coinjdaants by the