«life to ' vifit him as foon as poffible- Futtafaihe fent a meffage by
Connelly, entreating us. to ‘vifit him at Mooa; but this we
comply with till we Ej knew more o f the language. SCVeJal -of us
went out to look for the fhip, but few-nothing o f her. Our patron,
M rfe 'b s a t o - d a y \ . b ' f three pieces1^ land; twci
uncultivated of about an acre each, and one ttbdut:the f&foefiie well
flocked with yame and banana^taigs!: the!®, With An 'ts^Sibffird
where; our Jjoufe Hands, make about5live acres. Intifeeyehfcrg he
fent us three baked hogs, a large quantity*of yams,-and a bundlefof
cloth. v
17th. Tw o o f the brethren wen p p look for thd'ftdp^but withfiyt
fuccefs. We fent Toogahowe a prefent o f earthen-ware, two gimlets,'
and a few nails.' *5Soori after he1 fort a mefferfger, i-fequeflnig ns'jtcrgo
and ling' to him before he fet off for NbogdHifvaj; but aS he yp&s"&{
this time fufrourided • b y fome hundreds Who were drinking their
morning k ava. we declined .gbirtg,, and returned anfwer, that- ff Aging
was- a part- df^ufjWorfhip, and WC did nt>t”make a prajSQceWuramjg
it at other times; which anfwer fatisfied him. He maddihqtmte
concerning our clo ck; but faid, he wbiild not have fuch a fpirit" in
his Koufe. Brother Harper made hiin'a prefent b f three fhawis'/ and
foon after he fent us a h6g and fbme yams . Some o f Our number Were’
employed in flubbing up eld bread-fruit trees, and otherwife preparing
our home tncloftire for garden-fSedS : ‘SfoWefi,' A$ef8gj|'
a vocabulary' o f the language. In the afternoon the motKef-itFikW'
o f AmhleTj with her two daughters, tAmefodfee u s ; her hnffendfiff
commander in chief o f the fleet o f Toogahowe, and the moft fkilftil
failor on th e ifland. She informed us, ■ that i f we fent to her when
in want of' provifions, fhe would readily fupply us. Glbry tc> (jbd,
we are not Kkely to know any Want; he gives its enbiigh and', t<5
18th. After family worffiip we refumed our different employments.'
Several forts o f fee® were foWn, and more land prepared. A chief*,'
named Cofawer, brtoflrght us a h o g and feme ' yams, and kindly' in-'
formed us, that whenever any o f us Went near his refidenpe, We
flujöH .l?^wéic?8n® dó swl^ihisspahtatijlari^^^^sa To-day Aróhler
teft us tn ipa.y' a yjfit/to Moarnooe, being firft equipped by, us with
■ a fuit dfeM&es, Cpasa-iinisy bread- fjiEkyjfe.:; brought us fey federal
people during the
B. Ambler returned again this morning, andl) informed«^
thac ^■ nc^^u’*'lhm^Muomuoevtïqn cflLu fome furprife that ncne$§jFii& •
had yifited hi|aa. fence’our landing, nor feist him a prefent.' A'.fervant
from Fêeneii Tdwagp accompanied, Anfbler;' bsis master had fent A im
to beg i8ijfpfk, ,a plate, nintail: lamp, and fefofe®d;wiaferi|p«fftwihe’)i
Sdn^pf^öSem, ,jt 8ppeark,: 'bad fp^ad alroad, thatthe p ipp a Hang»
SToi^gi^afi.fjwlsiQh :i» tbe name welga bygihaii
fraall j^W^'db^.gavfifceftsr ligbjtateB. ^he nöÉS'Auek<bacthe.^>liaferS
@fr the ieopóSröiit, rwM6h %eyiüfed ndtodlfhis hadiisadueed ©bsw^b®
tS ^jdjfiirj'dnfiiri o:
J© the “tiiy® rdasatkmFrom thehufinefs-;oLthe .gardendfcé'met;
and: 'ne©ftdefod;Aedpiioptja^ 'irf & » è (pfl'^fur body going to r s ifif
M’Öbnaöoe 'add ^Futtafaihe ;AFhen*i#%a's daal brothers- Kelfe
a^d' 'Buchanan.;fteu h l ©y, ’Manday* BWct;jafla®mpany.’4ttn^ler, and
carry tp each a pséfent,
i/xtöfh. ^ar^Ith&^moKung JcÉittCöaniieHy tookh-i^ lease
tp Futtafaihe, with, whom he .réfidesjj w iA hinisveaat lhe:ferwant;af
Tpiyago with; th e 1 fpeeifleti, prefents/ghr ihis rhafter.: ( IDud ifriend
My tyle cafoe, -mid rsqueffed ?:ome .of us to fhayeidym^ p h ich done,
for iESda, @f -sshinb ifk sd hft is the fe|pfe0aetchj]e£'hr
Our ylofik;e^liteSiS^yhdEQte attentionv 'iFvery fodl yve rnakèrife o f
the ne&es df A e fjiedtafciis, -»«&'
furrounded. • Many -fif tthem wffl re,
fle&iQnfcóp these iowhicehniry,,' hee^ufe-fo Jgnorant o f theangenietus
SHtfi with jfhiehivie ate. fl^qwakïted,. A paw-otiped:, with ulcen
round hér wrifts o f long jftan.dmg, ;applied;to.iiS j- and in about two
nabnflas we happily wereabfe'tbbür^djer.