' RefolvddyThàt eich mcfs fhall receive the Articles and Quantities
as under
Teajorie pound ;per month eachsmefs foil the men, oné pound and
a quarter for the teamen.
Sugar, two! pounds per week each trièfs.
Butter, one pound arid a half per week each mefs;
Cheefe, four- pounds per week each mefs.
i^th. W ih d .NÆ . a figh t breeze. -A t four A . M . weighed, and
ran through the Fivé Fathom channel. Faffing through the Downs
we received the unpleafant information that the fleet had failed from
St. Helen’^ li iAt one P .M . we rounded the* South Foreland, and
during the reft o f the flay had little wind.
14th.' | Calms and breezes from the weftward alternately, fô that
we made but little way; ' It bfeing fabbath-day, thé Rev. Dr. Haweis
preached in the morning, thé R ev. Mr. Brookfbank in the afternoon,
and the Rev. M n Wilks in the eveningj - on the quarter-deck.
r jth i’ m m untili fix -in- the evening, wherOa breeze fprûhgtip
at Nc E .: Beachy Head bearing: sAhout hinetF .M i
one o f his Majefty’s floops o f war hailed and informed jisrthat a
French lugger was cruifing fomewhère near ; bid us- kqsp a, go&dlobk-
out, and hoift à lightr if wefdifeovered her, whilft they ran in nearèr
the fhore. Happily we efcapéd- all attack o f the enemy. '
16th. A t eight :A .M . anchbffid nt Spitiiead; ' T h e Eaft-Iadia
fleet had failed five day^ before our: arrival. In palling St. Helen’s
a fqnadron unde# thé corfttmnd b f Admiral Gardnerv^as ^uft,puffing
to fea, and in ‘ coMpany: with" them We probably, might have gche
fafe from the enemy ; bùt'ki a matter fb important we could not hafhly
form the refclution s for, uncertain'how : fa r they Would go in orit
track, i f obliged to. feparate from thém too fbon we fhould run the
riik o f being captured ; add not to'hazard-fo fakourable a beginning,
was thought a fuffiderit reafon for us‘ to wait a better opportonity'of
At Spithead wdwemivifltpd immediately) by the Rev. M r. Griffin,,
o f Portfea, and other friends of the miffidn,, who, ffiewed us all the .
mtfft fraternal affedion; arid -furnifhed us during our .flay, with the
tfioft generous fupplies. The Rev. Mr. Eyre*,of Hpmerton, and
©thersfrom town, came alfo on board. CaptainWilfon arrived and
Wok the command* |
tyth.:,--Mrs. 'Hudden being affetfted.by the fea^as mpffi^o|FUs had
been at fuffi - felbint© fuch a ^ jfd ia n p ifiinm d as^e^gaged^us to,fend
her ontfhoB at h e r requefb:*., her.ffiuffiand .went w,ith;he*y tbpugli
)a man o f a ineefc and‘quietfpirit,r and might, have peen
g; uft felƒn a e n s f e e r c om m u n i t y ; ^Ujt&thpftiiedors thought ,it by
no means right to -feparate. man ah d wife.- -■
Our anxious mqffiries after .the nqxt convoy -led :us to thepbiirM
admiral^tartd D r. HaweWf with M r. William- Wiifon,..by-ins *di-;
redion, wenfton board the/Adamant, JCaptainWariejwho received,us
withipolitenefs ,',and informed' • us *heffiould ftidrtlyia.il; with a convoy
for? Li'fhpn and Gibraltar/ and Would readily takeius-undpr hid prof
tetftion. Wit*h.-,;thisj the diredcvs were acquainted,, and.'ordered„ iis‘ W
wait the opportunity. | H
But th e ,-delay(began. to .Weary our patience u ^ e pllnlong^dfor the
day ©f >©ur - departure jpand* though -entertained witihl the^moft cordial
Wekom© by thehrethren at Eortfmouth; and.SGofport, we waited the
fighafifa-om thetAdamaht with eag£r.defire.'-
Yetcthe'ftay was-,not unprofitable; .{h&fame graciops -Hand which,
conducted <us thither gave,;{Us, 1,cauf| 1 t o h i s ' d g j p n g -
km'dnefs-;.- feme* good*, we hope,.: refcltpd, from t^e^preaching'oj,
manyjt>f the. dwedors.and other .brathrendwho yifited fheiftiip,--and
from the;miffionaries- at P o r tia , Go%o*t,; and- i|s,vipinity'. . Afpace
was. given to1 thofow-ho, if-they had ffilt ,any change o f i^n d ,.m ig h t
have-departed from the w o rk ; hut'alkheepme Jnore confirmed and
. An-ingenious clergyman of - Portfmouth kindly furnifhed Dr.’
Haweis and Mr. Greatheed with a manufexipt vocabulary o f th*