W p it jMty toward the Bnglifei* but .they dasid uot di'iTuade Pomarre
from the moft immoderate yfe of' fpirituous l i ^ - s , till his...£yf-'
ferihgs*convinced him ofrthe neceffity of temperance.' Borne,thefts,
which were» evidently encouraged' by- the«éhié&; i .interrupted 'the-
ftdendftrip-that' ‘-had : -prevailed» and prevented, the ^epetâioa .<?£-,*■
drfplay b f ftreworks, with-which they had been .greatly delgfeted.f
Theveffels failed-on the 24th bf]anuar.yh 792.
Shortly ' afterward' a private. Ihip, ' named the Matilda, .C.apta®:
Weatherhead; touched-at Otaheite j for$refreftxments,. hawing
from P a d «Jàekfon upon the-fouthem whale;fifhery. _ After.
night’s d k y they departed,- and pn-the 25th-of -february, ;the dbip
was wrecked uponîan. exienfiye;reef in 22§tfo1rfh latituder^1®^^'®6^3
longitude.’ nfFhe captain and crewiéfèaped initheir hoatà,,tôjOtaSheite-<î
bùt upon landing again at thatifland, the inhabitants plundered therp.
o f thfr artieles"they hadfaved from fhe^reck; 'This.ÆvenbKëeæpîa«;ïr
oct&fidhof contendan-amobg the îflandersy ahrLdipsWÈQ^fdîef
was in confequence laid w aile by.Bomarre. j | M
in other _refpe«as,-'well-treated.' ï'AiiûnÆ vefTehAeaiyd^ the.-Brinl*
William Henry, touching at Otaheite onfhQi’adtb o f .M a r c h .^ f e y ^
only* three days*. -Some o f the Matilda’s-people embarked i^hen, fand
proceeded-to the north-weft coaft of; America., < t ;? > Sf■■■jt M9m
Captain Bligh K a v l^M A a g a& K ^ f f io i^ ^ ^ ^ r d p li^ th p p iip r f ^
of his former .voyage which- had beenfruftrated. bybthe mutiny,''
armed a t Otabeite » n it f e 7ih .p f I M B
«Providence, attended by a fmall veffel called the.-iArf&ffemcei .opnjv
mandéd by Lieutenant POrtlock.; Bomarre refuted at(.-Oparre,whilft
the veffels remained. Peace was reftorpd between thfe.coptending
' diftii&s by Captain Bligh’s interference, and human »faérificés ÿveré
pfiered-on« the é e c a fe u ^ f e c o r t f c oM « « ! d f ix s â tâ m
was made,, with which- he failed after a ftaydp%*ree -months,
-Hetehete,' and o n e ^ E om a r r e ’s.domeftiesH accompanied; hi®
Weft Indies, where the former reànainçd.toVtake-.care £§sthe plants
the other càme t o -England, ht«1 didnqtdangcfurvive his m 'm h
. Several I of^the;t.Matilda!!s>'t people whojj<3fe©l^S itte continue upon the
dfland, iattachedHhemfelves to diftereritPfdilftiJfesf yand lived >m indo-
-.tr,)ThwiIDaBdaIus>jiftb'f‘efh£p,-Ij,@-'aiptein'i'Mew,, fthad»? followed- Captain
Vancou-verffom <Engl^rl^(to> jtyOejfifea Soufidv« and was difpatched from
thenGejLwit'h-Uieiitenants-HSihfoh on«boards <to; Per-t&Jaekfom'’ "In her
!way»thither fhe flopped a fortnight - at- Otaheitey dm February
Thedhip’ s company w,erb treated; )withrt'he%6moftfHendihip».' and two
-o fif^ e^ ew ‘deferte'd.-dmordel 'tot-fettle, among». the>- natives. One., o f
them sv-a«.-recovered'by -the» contrivance fof Orapeia, kwha-advifed the
captain to detaimhimCon-'board till the'mamfhould hetfent bddk »«add
having" his part fo well asi,to aGComplifh th^ptirpole,-. Hhe-then
«diverted himfelf a t thh-expenfe oft Ms,'friends.. T h e other-defefter,
who,was a Swede;t-wa^ -differed -t6 remain at Otaheite, where he was
-^foundi by Captain Wilfcn&i Only one 'of the' Matilda’s .drew chofe to
depart- with the'«Daedalus.
| (No--Ha|fematlqn rplpedbig^^bsis lfland having, tranfpired between
the voyages o#»the Daedalus and-the' ©uff/^e-r*efer -'t&ifehe'maxrativeiof
the. lattgn-for the,intervening, occurrences. „Twoprivatedihips,married
^K.Jtenn-yiand the<Rritannia, were at-differentf periods. at,Otaheite, .but
.neither! thg-gv^j^-^br the dates o f felfeir^yilitS'.ateiaccnrately rknown,
It is reported that- feveral o ff the .Matilda’s crew» leftff hesihandsinionc
«^fpffhefe veffels; ?and that dorke-,®!'-t-heni} ventured, acrofe the>Paci£c
Ocean«in their boats,- one of,-which-is? uajderftood«;to have reached
i The'iiUBacaous detached a§gpunts,-ifrom whihh? the;preceding-narrative
has been with,*difficulty ■ compiled, „cannot but excite painful
/en^tionsjin aj.fssious.mind..,, While, in fome rfcfpexftsil the prifcknce
and hufnanity tof ,our navigators are conspicuous»!'how much is it
to ■■^iEi‘fWpiE^®l1B^^>Wei|!»*lith^p:;appear.it0..
ha.v^ dgriyed fromSjthe- knGwle^d,®§ ehriftianity a dKadvpttage over
the heathen. world«!.--tMOre damage than benefit certainly has refulted
from ,their intercourfelt T h e -manners;, o f the. natiyesihad» become more
f 2 '