MAftCji.] TQ T ïIE M ISLANDS. f t
•f Iddeah^Qioopthas •hStbtJrap^, «v^nt alfb*, without' the
“ -rape. .M'ann£;Maime/Cwli®.^löjie,,aJ|t0d'tiliiié'part©fxahvey aiieer ;i
YT^remaineiyrt-feia with^jtBe naptein. and,brethren.^ -.JHe then dcfired
? Peter toU:ell thecaptain all that heifteaikC&^.vamd began'bypre-r
yAfac ingjfhise oKLfiion.i^hli ctëiwa? j.tö’WH, i'he^hi in) curdef'r to attract
“ general attention#. then . ^ r f ®ffi^temiÉneïatin® tallgth^, 'Eataoas of*
V Otaheiflef, Erm3fi%iamd tlhe^^aed^tjfc Mes j hextjtMediftridts and. then?
^©chiefs ha ^egaïariordfeojl arid'laftly .the ihipSaMd their-córnmandersp
«'[from g a l l i s , ' Bougainville, and C^miidsswïi ttDs&eD^ïhaiad'.her!
“ captain ^poóriektdiEig |$wfch tjjh$>foimal CaaarqndeB of,.thecdïfci<Sj©fi'
‘■ featavai#pobfdrvi^4 * thatvya®.might tfahenwhat hobfesiitrees’, -frafit,
Y»’}ï0gs^ ,&c.. wejthqught proper.t! iTbis»drang&jdip'e&hiwas deliyeredr
“ i w p d e l i b e r a t e l y ' oldrpriefbpwlüöï while-he an-
‘ ‘ oddqDofliïÊap* ^ If^ea tón pc liP& ^te f^'ïróMii^ :^ïfeionexhdhd (thé)
“ slope, add ürequently fedstehmg h*&k:&id.aii“é r^hb&Sgsms èyes with
* ‘ifheiothenj r; T hefe') peouliaritibs were vaughti byas&s« tnirnicking
V’, countrymen who), afterwards. turned them inte^utóor«t^fpanto*'
*■*■: mime.” . :
A yonverfationt hbs^took. placet ;b'efcWefen thfe f Captain feral tMSftkss
Maiinn,-Concerning)Jthe^oingtrfo-^wkr withi -hisbenemies.r c MSftnP
Marine'imptortunieck’&E>capJainit$va|M’ himt againd ®Met§a, d^Wihiöhï
hêt Ijad been king/, <btft Was'driveh-frcma) ftn^ddd/years^agfesl Being
toldj.that we hadr nöiordérhtaefighti -ektkpe in’ onr bwii dnf&nce/’aftW
that other' fhips mig-ht tcfcnieriwi^ddf£ferenbihlfeöMpn^:a®td who!
might have m© ■ ©bjetSiiim ha .join him in fuc'h én$er*pÊif&s /nbe replied*;
that he might bèidead'^^OT&hat rn 1 glit’happeii. “ 'Well;' then,’ ’1
fays the captain, “ your don may acE in y®uSfëphK8*t aindibe rciri^Sted'
‘:‘ i ini.ydüfc kingdom^bdTarthis."he anlkfeyd! ibaartlyjyMqdJbw^®^!!
,‘fei®ath®t 'le6' it done with my own eyes;5’, -Thdbsethrenrob&rving Kiss
ifeltuStance^o a pofifitveydeniab >upsa. ’thls’^oimt, faid,
that they, would affift to. finifh the veffel which he was-buiMing ; and!
when theylhad kai®ï tfoed&ngiAagey yrouM gèdtoyhnletëabaticiwialikf• to-1
the people ori'i the ifubjedtt). .This for' the prefeiit 'fotisfiedahinij and