O^Wf^ceTMi' the Marquefas'.
§bt Widife & u f ffiilePbf RgfoMlbrfbSy; We
•» # f# B 'm ^ :pai3Mo§'ffiW£ffls'& m ji flBSfl;1 wiSH*!® fcaS06$w®l6h
P S » ! above Wafer by fefiftant'bairfngf"''1 NobknoWing ■ th&r Indention
to come on board, noi^on(^vine/mem-®f-'*3Hy:' Mie i f t-h£r£,
all EuTftbi; ^kfa^t'^yffi8a>QGSa(^r'‘®F^
IMS tbe^’ bbKfvSl'/kftd BeiAg Moi^-atbcioiis toJcfete abdaM tMn we
ih\a^TOdv- bbB? df mem leaf&d into the WafeSy ’Sui^ht a-hope we
ftdVe to K\n, hAd ehpiftly hhhled Mmfdf Hat®1(5$^ haftd th the
WifeKet-^iller^, tvhei'e we fool? 13m' iii qriite haSat*1' 'ffi#' fie
4 p f td 'h t® d the fcSbin: 'Mlii furjmfe^
•ajftfl 'fafri ap6ii deck. He wSs tettoWed Hoiri 'he^d W.£&&, 'iSdeffiaeh
riMttSral 03^«;^'®® fiSSSSP^ry' rafly iffihWSs
'tbfera.My ididlffljjSi Bbfh ByT5$dk Snd-thc Ctfflelfeins i^hfe^aiftgftiM
s ^ i d r 'h e ‘ekpVelfed Was to Iridu&i'uTTb t a c k e d p ic k u p h is
comrade, who he gave us to underftand was 'his ISiffir? Mid d h lf- if
we dM not take him in, it would be impoflible for him to reach the
ifland jin fo wretched a 'canoe,; as the wind blew ftrong. However,
to cafe xh i^ (p f hirfears, we took the father on board and then Canoe
in tow, but fhe foon went to pieces and drifted away, which, feemed
to ^ive them' little concern. T h e wind, as we drew near the land,
became variable and fqually, and as we were flretchitig towards
fit; Dominica, to avail ourfelves o f a favourable flaw, the captain
gaye orders to stack towards the bay. This both the natives oppofed,
and made figas, that by keeping on the fame tack until we run far«