flienifelves èf the general poverty "of thé Iflànds, and certain that, tjfeléjr
hëvéf c8ÉM' h'ë öf Välüe tö th e Spänifh monarchy, they quitted- tferVi
afid fince that time (about 173%) they havé beêft totally ttögleäed;
This--- rkakfe-s it- ithé • ntfefb Worthy bf rciftärk, d iä t iht©ugh-' fèI f i ! â
period Ah&nieîtil 8fï fhô'uld ftill he rêtiitiéè$ Jand while -ft réfltkds
credit ' ùpori their Original teachers, is ah éücoürâgément to'< oür mif-
Eonariës to endeavour all in their power to introduce the mechanic
art's,- as it proves that their labour will not hé in vain. - Turtle is
among thé articles of their fubfiftenee, as we purchafed one of -about
twenty pounds weight for ä piece of iron hööp about- two feet long.
They manage 'their canoes with- great dexterity, arid go from ifland
to ifland apparently without fear j from which free intercourfe, and
having nö Weapon, except a fling, among them, we 'concluded they
had but few wars,. Their language differs much from, all that we
-had heard before ; and except a few words, as, looloo l’^îrOh)-,
-capitaine, &c. wé ürtdëffiôôd bût Ifftlè of wh ^ ttey -fpoMg.f: Their
numerals are à's follows :
Engtiïh. ,N . Carolioas. , , : î%fêw Iflands.
Qne ^Jqta/iîi. I Tong * -
Tw o : . -Rua .- _. - ûbQrofif} \
-Three, p T ôlôo -.-.-ff : : i iQthey . -
Four , T ia .
;Fiyé Leema y ’ Aèem .
Six -HqftoO, ' , Mal ong
Seven P'iäpoo . ; Oweth
Eight WoiftoWrw: ' • -^Tei 0.!-:
Nine. qShi^Ko.,, y Etew ï;3}
Ten - Segga Mackoth.
We now, as it proved, had taken our leaveVof . the Caroli’nas, for
after the Thirteen iflands we faw no more of them. To vifit the Pe-
lews being our next objedt, we accordingly fliaped our courfe thither,
-bust had: rather a?<fe4iqu,S(.paflagei.' ohninei; daysj owing to dight iand
-variable winds!: *i
iu W^qhfjerved in laplud&^^gNt^and-at-funfet,
being about two leag^ey rnore.-toithd northward,-),we thought!thafrfwe
Jaw* land* in the fquth-.weft quarter, ‘bupcouldnot her certain-of'this by
reafon vdflvthf?q4uJl xglopfrtyy weatheri whichf at-> that} tinje prevailed':
iudgedl©offelyesitb' b^ ,at- . lioegreapi diftahc'e frorn?J*he
rweqfli^rtened|fifju,and-{ tacked, to The fhip how
havingrtojeontfend.with' a headTea,’ : di degree,, 'thSfrthe
fbfe-tqpfq-il y>ayd ,bjoke,.ijh ^hqdhngs :• asjthSjv^si ofv.cpnfequep<te ’in
our prefenf fituation, it;'Wa%,immediately Yept-,down-, and^eplaeeddby a
JjpV'ec'l^fcj^ct^JgJ'd, until ^-pyopfer 1 gqapefri Huringrithe
"night) v^e-Jiad; fqually and yaifap W5ea|her, whqch, lajj|deuntil’ near eight
A-~ M%€ga thg 6th, w(hen,itiDecani,e more fettled,'.arid we ggjtdigibitaof
thps&pfer-hsaringij^f W. d i^ p t ten - .OBjflleYenflieagues. ,* As' we
wereyii^elingfJqw^^Stdt^ifWe '^ ^ 0 Juddenfy^alarmedjby 'the cook’s
(^houfe-s^atchingjlire i-i^^ytntary iqftantly^exerted ^^folfp-td 'ex&gd
quifh(itj arid, happily |thife.j^fL^)t|& i e ^ ^ e d ^ f h o h ^ iJ ^ a d ^.ot
the |qFefail-'^nd' rjggjng/bcen -wet-withjiy^nplhe^ flame blamed?!fo
■fieycelyj that it-^prohable the fhip migh| hyve been burnt down to the
w^-terj’s j.edgp. This-fire yras; oecafioned-byithe coftk« mejtingnhis fat
in a. .cafclqfsfway,Vrf |{
^P^hpp^^evyqbfeyved 'in, latitude.’ y?j31' SJsithd-eactrenads/nf A t
laa dp,bearing jfrom J^hitoyfW^ I-rg^^&odiflancei .about, -eight
leagues:, Within brjfk gale from ;the .fpgMward we^cdhtiijued'iAur
coujybj,Jmtif half paft three. P. M. 3vheng4WK; “V^erb \wfthih ®fo
fhpftfeu|ilesyof> ,ihe 'reef which extends no great dlflance from-Mie
fhore, of t*he Jargefl: ifland, called Babeltlioup, divided .into fevpral
diftri^s,-,peachy of which is*, governed. by-t^.'®ep^rate Spi$£fji acknqsyi
ledging^^h^&preme authority o f, i^hba^hulle. .hovqltq,
jve were 'ppppflfe^tq the foutherhjipartg of 1 diflfid: pf ArtingaJI.
Two hundted perfons^ of, more,-..were cblMgl-^d qpop the beach,<lnd
prefently about. a: dozen canoes were feen upon the water, Jfome^of