tiie fear o f: fwmflimemfc. |j They* are - admitted as- their ^companions • ©n
aJljaecafions, aftf treated with perfe&ffreedom; indeed, in outward
àppeafance they.xan hardly be diftmguifhed. siThe rkiaag is not averfe
tot fcohvâfe witiiitfae loWfeft p f h k
nevfer treats them wîthî hauteur. ’ His^retiniiej re pfeem ehahging-:s no
man ferv^ Ms^ lioDgeE tiguxfae Jfflaafes; . They
erigagcibr any ftated time, though fame remain in theTamfcfamily
all théir lives ; and thefe anciemtiameflies are >d^fnn«Hr»f^a®d as
tiiéit «wàlïdM©ns?,i^yfiiig^ direaions to the younger branches, and
rnanagkig?, .asiftewaids,
A ll are friendly and.generous, .-even to a fault j they i hardlyurefufe
any thing to each other i f importuned. Their, prefents are libea-al,
eveir to profufipn. Poverty never makes aman coritefoptiMefbutofo
be affluent and covetous is the greateft fhamc and reproach.. Shqitid
any'tnan betray fymptams d fhoebrngiWeavarûâonfnefs, andrefufeto
part with what he has in a time o f beceffity* his neighbours wdtdd
foe® deftroy all his property, and put him .oit'a* footing with the
pobreft, .hâtïüÿi!kayi»g-.hhn'a houfe .cover his head. *Ehéy twill
give their clothes from their back, rather than be called pëeretpeere,
or ftingy.
j^pfpnftifig fp’rapsrty, ihey haVe ho writmg orfrecoids.'nbuttmemciry
and landmarks, Every man knows : his .own 4 and.- he Would; be
1 thought o f all chara&ers Ïthe bafeft, who fhould attempt toûnfringè
on his neighbour, or claim a focit o f tend that didakiheha^ltof Sm ,
or his adopted friend; for the tayo may ufe i t A ir in g ’ his friend’s
lifetime, and i f he has nO child, poffef® it at his death. >
I f ;jpman bequeaths hisproperty to’another on' h is dëithsbêd,tl!no
perfon iWpdties.*he beqùeft; as there are always nètaeffesiabundant'’to
the tgift, i f the heir remuât prefent. The landmarks fefc/h^fe.itfeaur
anceftorS, the father points out to the fon or heir ; and fhould any
difpate a#ifep*hrp»igb tiieir decay or removal, njultitudes know wtere
fh ^ flood, and the màtter-is ih : general eaflly> fettled; ; Indeeédt is
much the fame m all litigations; the; cafe is refeiyed to a h j^ flan fe ,
and thèiparty wtóish,® detilg^ekm ,&Wy® n g fobmitsAand makes, the
others g4'péacè-.offerirLg^i.©fA^he piantain-ftalk., .Men^felpm or never
jfight Ja*'«ontetpienltt‘?wif , jun perfoiial, .quarrel. I f , apy matter,, o f
ffeiloust'oticnce is g n tn , .the whole f in p iy ^ fb f t r i f f^ k e ft up, and
.'gotoww.affwa^h th&ir^udygfet.ies ^fe^rcltftCe not ’t^flg^t, a
ipèaqè%iffeia^.mull' be mule*, whibh' is netej^yefulcdj it .th e y yd ll
jifigte^tire- wiakeft', inufl, fuffdfeb.va’ndkas a ll,.t^Amlati^s.eadopt the
quiikfel," théie'i^forb^Hm^'hïffifi' bloodmedf arid it frequently' leads
to a' <gehkraiefwar'. : ^CÏf;M®^^trideOTj ajrjy fommlhe^proaücSdny
wna't ’appeSfiJio&la' .Very trifling! Matter ; 'mch'^kfctirfiloüs iVorqs
fpölteh' Ugtöhfr tne hém o f !,p,large' ' ehf ofjSa fmall one;
hegleCT’oi proper TèïpfeCT fto a'chMa; trivial j ^egt
■ uiffitj^^Fas'the child'fjr^m fhes-n}c«nbnt‘o f “t®Wtn becoiriës'fhe head
mfAhe TamilV, thé b o u n d p r i é s s laftmiaKntW marked'with rude
images • ^apdif this ‘new-born infant by ff,oT; ratïrra, a ftunbpr
b f little flags are fe f up in différent' part? pi The boundary ’ to mefe
all perfbris. o f inferior rank muft untovert themfelvès^^Tme’y p'dfe,
»whetheiT.bysday'ot' by m igh t; ana Iboultl; this mark pfhömag'e be
contetrip^uoufly ri^leated^ the mother mes^ fc> the* fnarkX teeth' and
.cuts hérfelï, and 'the party ^rnuft make his neacé-offe'ringJ me
pl^rtiin : ‘fhould tiff? h e pf^ufed, the father and mstheff wouU tear
o ff'th e , clothes, from his back, ai^d well drub him info, tiie bargaiff.
T hé "Friends and relations on both ffdes' fenfefimes arm, and fatal
confequences follovv. ’ Even a chief. Mas fqfen laioysn to be driven:
from* his diflridti pn apepuift Of a difppte origm^tm^'‘abötit'a 1 poor
man’ s child fuppofed" to Jte affronted by orie,óf the .fame rank with
The famops,' or rather infdmoqs'' arreèy föciety, con lifting o f ndble
perfoiff m general, , have alfo diffetept ranks amo.ng themfelveé,
like bur ffeemafons,1 known by the marnier o f theirfattooing., ’ xhfe
highejft are calieft ava’ bly areema tatowe ; the next, arëema b ly ; the
third, ahowhoaj the fourth, harrotea; the ffftfx^pe’ot'e oief; the
ïx th aria févenffi', po, arid mo,'youths training up.