j Y a p f e . A mountain root, larger than the ta-fro’. It requires to
be welldrefled,.as the raw juice is acrid, and fets the tongue and lips
in a great heat, but .when properly prepared is very gaodToodtr.-rf
P ee a . A root like potatoes} anib of the nature- of.'qaflada.' .Ef
Sidled With®®* 'pfojfehteeafment it is bitter ,d acrid, and unjpleafafif.j
tdtemedythi5r:they grate it teh ?eoral into: a tray* and pour watep'upoo
it, which they decant next day,, and repeat the ablutions. ■ forfiye\or
flx ’days, ftirring. is up * by thEiSpeans;. allotHe* deleterious| quality
is waihed -fcway;T xhey theh diy itimihefiiEL,'1aHd'-^3f'‘iBup»*t0fi il®h
It refembles ftarch j makes, as flour, excellent pudding ; and, mixed
with water,, forms a path: for joining and thickening their cloth;;:'..
: MsA .Edo KA ?i& alpsniesfof tarro, ■ groyrir^ w i ld in the pdOunfeinSi
and fmallfer than what is .-rxd th a^ .-^ lfcju k ie ’is'acrid and hots but,
f to j^ I jr ir e ^ h s r b e fb r e j'is ufed-for Y<fod;hrpaftib,. asrft4 .fteea^: i f
D r v v s , a common rc«t,,;growing ewhy* whbiej krg/2axa^jjotatoe,
bufr'molNikejthe tmSupiradifbr lit ko f-ac fie ry pungertrfeile,.'but
lafes it b y iM r tg kept all nightih,one o f th&BGweKsjdbylwMch alfo
the mapoora b&wrifes ediblec .
T e e . A root o f no.great lize, growing!iii thk mountains ,:iweetifli,
and 'pfodtit^gU quice lifceTndkffes ? when in wantroflother pfovir
fions, they dig;it and hafee:it.r The-leases aremfeditd line the.pits
fat the mahie; and to thatch:the temporary'huts;. in theirCxcurfions
t o the higher regions/ They make'ufe o f thefe alfo to'Yj)areibetter
tlbthes :'With'bneibf thefe ktwes rbund; their waifta: as’ a maro/i^nd
the plantain ovtir their fhoulders, they diefe ibrlfilhihgfjohafiy^ihrt)/
E huoye.* A kind of fern; mm only gfows in the mountains :
the root when drefled is good. food.—There is a variety of ; other, roots
growing fpcartaneotafly, hub fclffim; ufed, except in fcarcity o f
bread-fruit, Or during any flay in the mountains1: then; theyj d ig r up
and drefs the roots, around, them, to, avoid. the trouble! of; qattyfog
provifions. As they are expert at killing birds-, with which the hills
a h o u ^ k t ld .a t k è h in g -filhv which the lakes and rivulets furnilh in
plenty, they feldom know want; though fometimes they are detained
■ amcplifeableti.pjjp£iniTearch.qffthe fandal- wood, dyes;for their cloth,
and {wept he^b^kidYlqtyerS To*- perfutaingthe cocoa-ndt od.
$ V e *7 improperly called tbey^foyf-apple, is.as large as a nonpareil,
a n ^ o f a'b right {golden hue ^butyoblong, and chfferent in fmdl and
rnorelrefemblipg a.peuchrin flavour, as well as
ja^ e it^ ^ ife h e j;fr^ t ; ^'1^Jjag;'^feén- compared to a pine-apple or a
mSngx,., J tgmw s omala^ge beautifuily fpreading/tree, threemr four
m .a b u n c h e s propagated byTeedsao x |h c k c^ , foon produces fruit,
and is«|, feafon a g^at.jrirt- o f the year, jj T he hark furflrihes alfo a
tk a fp ^ en t^ um , lifceythat on t^é plum-tree,, called tapou, which
they uis.ias/pitch for, theirikanoes. I
E ’h,® y kÏH i s a'|iuitm£ a red'hue, like the. European a:pple in tafte
and fnbftance; ibuijwore watery. It has a grèat'Tmgularity, o fofik-
rn^ts hanging, from it, wbicftkcöme! from/ltHe'sCOre-, {jThïs, treeviè
o f aicheriy-ffee., Thefotw«; with another bearing
redilowerdof an unpleafant frpell, a f o ^ p n l y ones which annually
p “ 0 9 9 J - fror t the evee they begin t d f d f in 'September,
an d fo y Ghriffmas the,yqung leayes and-fruit make their appearance j
and the apples a t Matavai begin to ripen in June. The-heyah.fe ripe"
in November,and thé Eaves fall in January. The other trees remain
verdure, never Tofmg -their léaVefc altogether, but the
the.old-as. they,fall, ffrom -thefe .cider has been
•Wade W th e^ ito ie e rs ;, ■ . *
fm è x i to the bread-fruit.'in ufofulntfs, anti,almoff equal-to k , is
A'-^'£ ® O f cocoa-ryjp,- which, affords.'both meat, - drink, doth,
^ f e n T K - h u I k s are fpun mtorope and lathings for the-candes-
and ufed for calking. Of the leaves they make bafkets, bonnets- ;
I and temporary houfos| and of the trunk,.fuel.
I 'y;hc_RATAA, .or chefmit, is different both in flze.and fhape from
Jthofo of Europe. The fruit is flattened more as a bean, about two
' 3 P f t