©ftthe veffel, they W°ri4i
ever return to thek own country, they difcovered no -djffatisfafti&fr.*»
but adhered cheerfully and faithfully to; the mutineers durfng.’th ek
fruitlefsattempts>to eftablifh themfelves at Taobouae.v
Subfequent to the fecond departure of-the Bounty rfrom Otahefev
a Swedifh armed veffel, . c o m m a n d e d ^ a r ^ e d ^ r f i e r e f
Captaim-Cox: was received by Pomarre and Iddea with their ufual
h o fp ita lity a n d in .return made .them prefents, among >yhichrwere
fomeJ more fire-arms and ammunition, a-h,#A-faw. and an uniont
jack. The latte? became a fubftitute for iQaptain Walhsjs pendant^
as thdenfign.o£ royalty. A fhrewd and a<ftiye'fdiQW, named Brofenj
N a t iv e ofjEngkmd or No rth America,j
upon th e ifland, in .confequence p fra quar^F him and his
Ihipmates, in which .hej_had m^med.pne-qf^hem. c.?T h i | paan-at-
tatih^Akhfeff-l» Tomarre, tw k h ^ o m - h e . weiatUo jefide. ^ a , diftrf&
of Teiarrabooi where the lattej had dome private vpro g e rty ,ijT I^ had
taken up his .abode .there, apparently, with % y ^ J ^ i n c sm f e ^ p Q ; f r
litical influence, inihope th # the fmaller penipfula plight a t^ p g th
bebrdugh t?under.theftpminion;pf .his 'lop. - h $ 1 $
A .majority, o f -the. mutineers,, having determined, ;-GGmtn}ryr Jo jj
Fletcher Chriftian’s inclination, upon jetumjng ^m^T p o h o u ae . tqj-
Otaheite^ the Bounty wa.s anchored a third;tigie,at hgattavae^on the
aad o f September 1.789. Sixteen, o f the flap’s company .theq landed,
■with thek proportion o f the property and arms th a tw e rf on .board.
The.reft,-failed fuddenly in the night, with Chrfftian,, $gd ^havp
never fince {been .heard of. Thirty-fiveof the.iflanders,, inclqdftigmen,
women/. and children, accompanied them. - :.His,,profeffed:defign .was
to fettle in,fome; uninhabited ifland, out of the ufual traces o f European
flflps. Among; the people who remained at.Otaheite, werq feveral
w h o had not been affiye in the mutiny } and fome who-had .wiflied to
accompany .Captain. Bligh in the bqat, >pt were detained by the reft,
as• th e y ; could not conveniently be fpared. They-.were hofpitably
received by thek old friends at Mattavae and Oparre, and lands were
affgfbsd, fo'r'rtleir tlfeddrth#lSmH®idts', ‘»wlSiehftKeyJ,ffteferred tof others
Whefe tshe^ ’v^ei!e^l^f8!?i!®fpffl®ed^ i
The''J?^^e^lihgehi^&^ainH’ ^ndimMous5 amcfrrgi 'them employed
^hemfelves“OT jthSdWftrWcdi'an’i'ljMSakfthOolhtr^Sb^'fedtnci^ze tof
ftfier piffa^elh0atsrih'eKv^ddi,*©1mbn^nd’jGraveffend.b^'IfifewW ^fficult
Jto^fMf ,%ii& m%foli^^ftorfeHlh^monrrt^inS5,v''tii^ber!3'filited)’ topmeip
-purpdl¥ /fa’rfd'' ftill 'trfofe- lo, tda l£iM?l!t iite1* fiu.liif StitfWdcV IS \ver§<ro'be
db'taitietifinfTthje ‘country’ £q£*lto^®€se:®-j|;teb^%d^k^pitch, and
!fto!c *thur rtodls^olnitiaflift’ul* theW occa(iondMy' fn thd hromions, pat t s'
o£'?thM^^lkil#i&nd.aVfer^ %fS ftk^iftdrfa«K)tHeir; ikili; thek
-perfewei&'trcet ifeBfls^ch'ad^SS&lfin^teSdt'was hardly to be' ex^iedted^
that 'fh e ' whad^o^^ei'party‘jJwhfef*Kad {engaged.in it, yrfhldsadhere
t£>l ^clh»®d^yllrtftl/rftd-lya^^|&piffi®te)n'’^)]3®^®£,'-'them, - named
.Churchill;."- whoyhad M ibeerr jin the ftiip, -and was
rvfif-yf 'ad&ve'' '& ?_fehe‘a!mUti'ny ■ . ieefeptedr afft; vih'fitat-ion -with
-Wahdrdw^ '‘v^HOT^aSfsSwfeM^flfe'f Tfciarraboo. at? the time that Gbok
Kkft-lStffit« fthat ‘penitrfiaJa-; : Another, riairled"Thompifo^C'onpiof the
,Mtyfcign6rSfft andSbfUtad o f 'the creyy^acOTmparfied’hifh; but;SkeyfVef<y'
flibrdy dhai^redd’! 'Wdhead'ooaI'died>^Obrf' afterward, without chiidretC;
tandtC hlirc-hilh' hbvifigfc been his tayd^fticceeded 'to hist j)loperiy'rd‘m'<
,; according tb'’tfee?eftablrftied., cuiftbrn“of.the 'country.1 Thompson
>&!a's excited h}rtenyy dftt<EhulchjlW^feffi%»^P, and by,-revenge
dor1 lblhe-v tricks he h'ad jslayed’ ldmV'’''fcctake,arilt>pp'ofl:unit^bif Ihoot-
hbp him. -The natiVe^mfttto’punSifli the rtturder o f jtheiFtic\v"lbvd-
PfelgM® and? ftdned Thcfeipfon to ’ death idlV^bQy, dr^fa.rVj^£fff| dfd>
Who w a f 'nephew of- tlw ila te -W'alteadOh'a,,''-and fonloC tttfe chief ot
<5WrI^0r6o, ’wii^knowled^ed-fas -the ^ntocHflojf’toft his^ fenclfe', whofd
name devolved Ujlblii h im ,' asar hadlhelble,'dohe up^H^Hurchill'!
Pbtearre was^jankious tha^thfe^rolVro^ffig Englilh fhould remain
-uncohn’&cfted with Tfeidrraboo j then#flMild
take up their refideri^saf Pappara)^with:Temarr’e,' who'continued to
be oh terms' o f friendlhij) with him. 1 T h e y had all' been conftantly