feet high in the back part,' and but four in front; at the corner's four
flout flakes are driven into the earth, on which are laid horizontal
pieces,' and from thefe laft to the ground are bamboos neatly iranged
in perpendicular order, about half an inch diftant from each bother-;
and without them- long blinds made w ith leaves are. Hung, which
make the infide very Hofe and wa rmt-the door is about" thefrniSdfe
on ’the low fide. They do’ not‘ -ufe the leaves o f the wharra tree
here for roofing, as at Otaheite, but Common broad leaves, .which
they lay fo thick as to keep the water ou t; but the greater part ó f
their houfesare miferablé hovels.'
. T he infide furniture eonfifted o f a large floor mat from end to aid*
feveral large calabaflies, "feme- filhing-taekle, and a few fpears; al
bne en<f the chief kept his ornaments, which he fhewed to: u s j
amongft other things, he took but o f two bamboo cafes, twó bunches
o f feathers o f the tail' o f the tropic-bird, not lefs than a hundred, m
each bunch, forming a beautiful and elfegant ornament: upon thcife
he feemed to place a greatvalue.
T h e y made ho offer o f any thing to eat, except a few cocoaflnuts;
nor «fid I fee thkt they had any other thing in u febUfthefe and
the four mahie. Hogs and fowls were walking abemtrktft'in’.rrofgahat
plenty; indeed this appeared tó be their fcarce feafon; for when
we firft landed one felfew ra& to mb-and fluffed a piece o f lidahiè
into my mouth, thinkings nó doubt, that at fhis fea fon o f fcarcity
he was doing me a great kindnefs. However, in ötheï réfpé&ii
Tënae treated us very well, and the people were evidently glad to fee
us among them.
On our return to the fliip, the captain met the tWobrethren in
the cabin, to know their fentiments o f this ,place, and whether they
were ftill in the fame mind to fettle upon it. M r . Crook obferved,
that he was encouraged by the reception they had met w i th ; thought
the chief had behaved exceedingly well, and approved o f the houfe
affigned them, the place, and the people; and concluded by faying,
that though there was not the fame plenty here as at the other iflands,
had«m®fcdbjeaions 'to flay^ asfbe:fnever'-%&rre norfincehis « it
gagemerft'1badJc9mfertS'’ -in we^l?tterhfore> th e .p te fe itft ite 'o f the
iflahd was'-ffot fo grdat * cfifeppointtoent huh.ink .-oHawwer,'
ances gave'ihitn reafon td thank that they had rtheir pfentrfhl feafens
here as.' well * s ,>af,t:hb'htherrilamds. r.^Mr. /’Hairris delireatedthfe
fentjkdien’ts. w|th h e a s i f Ifedr riaad takdQ’^offeffionhf, his
'mind': his «vpiAani were -quite b&ntfaa-y *hl©ro®^s^he'dilaphrdyed
t>f every' thing, and |Mg^herfeene*tfore< him a ’ felemn 'due; ajid,
in fhort, feem ed^ fi-rd y ,toh a ve«> h fe fimandfs aM-ardouir.-.: How»
CVec, -aa/the kindireception hy.khe chie f -and has people h ad obviated
«efery>fiire<a ©bjedfcismto them; i t was' agfeed the next
d ^ ta k e .th e ir beds w ith them.;’and feake a trial;- after :whiclri.i£ they
thought rt-unfa£e,t6;fe9^/ - and affigaed thefe. reafoiis, A e y - might
|heii return o6fifcoa^i;\£ts’rih compulfiom was intended. jg g - ■
It ilf%emarked',.r''tihat hon6fty>''is^no. 'virtue'-oftai-South-Sea
blander, efpeciaHywhen- our articles fetospeifed .toltempphitn..I T h e
natives, him,.had: not ffithhrto kppeafed bhfcitowsftoiba^erc vbitk g£$
but^femwel'.them laft>ttght had found; irfauisjta-fiftrthegfefe.c^ver
o ff one o f our h e ft eermpkffes, fid e awky the.card anftneedfe, and
fitted the "cover /ckf-asJ before’. We.?i%c^e-to .the» ch ie f .and feveral
hthers'>'ahdait: ifj but found all our '.-ehdeavwfts ,fc;tecov!rir Hy-tnil**
means ineffedudfand, father than life any other, the affair was dropped,
However, they feemed to he ( oonfciouS .ssf having'done; fomething
amifs by their" not coming to the fliip till long after breakfaft, when
our decks were again crowded with both fexes in the fame naked
ftate as on the preceding day. • 1
In the afternoon Mr. Crook landed with his bed and a few clothes;
I accompanied him, to fee how he was received.. Mr. Harris declined
going, wifhing to flay on board and pack up their things in final!
parcels, for the convenience of carrying them up the valley. The
chief’s brother departed from the fliip with us, and Tenae himfelf
received us at the beach, and treated us with refpedt and kindnefs,
as on the day before. We proceeded up the valley, followed by a