f e # '
«$ „yas perhaps a temptation ;too »great for .them to relift:. Cf)Thiis,refq«‘
lution we immediately-put, inpradhqe y and we were ^UqwedjtQsre-
“ tum without moleftation.fi t ,
p v>rSppp after.they.got^onhoard,.a meetingr« t all the brethren wasrheld
in thpjcabjn, to debate on the propriety *akuig5'|tp-anQ^&^ ^ q ^
with them at Tangatabep.,; brother Kelfo- opened the meetingfijitUfP
ufbal manna:;, after y h ie b the scaptain;
o f the reafons ,of being convened; and, after g. tong conyeri!|tion upon
the Tubjedt; j there,'appeared,,.on jj a diyifion^fpr .taking; mulke(;Sg,tp
.^fendfftheir, perfons sap^* property, ».bi^thera^l^arper,
Shelly,. Veeforj., .and Wilkinfon-—againftit, Bpwell, .'Buchanan, jand
. Before^ the m£aing,hroke - up there were/fome, renapgftrances» ajfe
drefled to Meflrs. Harris- and» Crook,- xonceming; theirf »gojng ito .the
Marguefasr1m ^ ‘TmaU.-a,.naiift^f^rto-w|Moh^^ey_npfe^ed|gg?h^t
having long fince made that pl^cehheir.choicej .they.rwea;qdliH in,the
fame mind,. nerr.difothey entertain-aMoubtjofm^tipgr'ffi1^§& jjg£§|ns
.ab^e,; reception: and on this. account they did not think ;it neceftary
fttip tp revilit them, hut would rather, if..fcl^g^ to ppfal .-met
fW^h.-the captain’s -approbation, that-the fhi jv. ftiould, j fuA ,go;rtp.t he
Friendly^&nds .yia r^^p pro c^ ing.to .the Mar§u^t^s®»ft,.pqp^nfe
.ofj time'-Would ,be laved,* and%the captain be^enabledtofftay a,,mpnth
or more to fee them fafely fettled.—-This propofal was approved and
adopted as-our future plan.
About thirty canoes, filled with m ^ ?and::ydmegj^^t.,p^4^hng
around, us a llth e day-; a greater, number, who had no ■ canoes, -,bu£
only-ahfg o€ yoodr-^d|pn^gothing,-diverted themfelvesfip.the water
fe.veral. hours .»together, a n d ^ n fmall trinket was thrown in,, they
would dive fome fathoms, after it, and were in- general fure to bring-
The night was very dark, and about eleyenro’clock the watch, faw
a nUkffl jaSfi^e ftanASgih' tftd main chamS-j Jandhtrernpting - to' feize
biih^^lea^ediaMDfthetwa&n;1 ahid hiad^ his^feftajle? taking with him
f<K$P'yards Wffow'el^Striti^iaih. 11*
''SehTfmhe'ffo6'a¥ro the ’e S e b k t u r n - o f . water,iftfat' when it
caftn.e’1 ^ealcmFoftaf M tte!4ief§*/s 'imb ib'ed“ pifcv/
h^iff&es^a’n'd t f t r Slfs^od^htsTMfJ MS'**; .h'0#b$e^- dsAAhd?
t^elFlfde^^fid’ mot Tar^fob'm^hto’Keact ail exddSerM?
i^ h p® F ^ a® :fwalf ftlrand1. ’ '• The SfofflSj? #&©ubded&us^d^'y^fter'Say'/
_ biifiwith Iiftle4 d(bartefF $
Fine lpmfahtiweatldr.* «'«Many nali^Ss^ffoifoidi-ftorentpahs^
ornrh^Mamd^were' td-day^fiei&dng3 thfe- lk’ipv*'vCit-hf?a^pai'ent' adSni-
fMnom^lfeAd 1 peMaphuit '!^&*in!o*-ep^l®,gfofe'S( 'SpiMdni^thi'ifuppofotihat
there never,'tfe^aifoi^iuHbbfe^parts fo* c-iikfanicnted with ‘TijgJiifos-vto-
atfrflF tK^waftehtiori’P ,!l< ?'eE^p^fbd'>v^^a8^1j&Wafc6gtiiiEly
ificlmmf3* Sir which ac'countiHve^WionlAn^t-* fuffet toes rdf'itheitt to come
ii£>oric dfi# decks -bul; riotwkbftahdiM^ blip :^ 4|a%ttoris-y they I found
ftieansftbfl^fffie%®lda:iptit-'df the jolly4foa% lyuigalongfide. While
we wereTt-“‘dinner in tKe-cabiri‘,a lcarf©e3eame’«cldle hihder ’the- eftern,'
ancfealti® fellbWj getting -npVWpbn the back ‘Of&the$^dcfe:ytreadh6&
Kis^h'arid il|>jhai$P ^hatched" aWay a bookl-whioh i a y 4 j^ 3W#M<rFthe
cabin winddWs ’/%e thenimmediatelyfell backi, and, made a pjifngfc in
ffle ^aferA^ThisdwO^heard,' «antfelfeffiShgun^, dnlifted- updhhtM^;
pM fl^ ’ffle'-^iioe'alAhgfideplbuts^fMsEBneydreftffedistb-' do’, ‘ahd!’'b©gaS4;
to Htf'off tow&^l^fhfe iftidre, asr drd*MtoT3ie--lreft-utha#fwef@?|l^f-M5
Thirikffig ibis atftion'tod’Mrihg ltd befoveribdked, and oltfogncyV^fo«.
Sften extended^ ohly1 an-«exek'®neHf»-^onig^#.tbihdepie'datidn§, >a ;few
fmall foot were'-fifod, «which3rflad^theinq^ketfeTthe watdr-, %ndslkulk
'behiMdBe bkhoei1 Tfoo of/the'f&ntorf ifiioat'^dSyhbeLt' triedf hl5vahl
WnrftchMia5 offe'hde'r;j for-he, with the ‘d&Xterity'ofoa^ w M rdb6'kj'8^‘
the Water,;l@uded^®- their attefopto>vt0J-lSyb]®3ld^5ff 'him ƒ,'arid 'it Wa§
ClfMywiifn- the' help'of^'the pinnace, ^arid ■ -frigMetiing him w ith3 ai mufo
toet'^1»‘that/ we^fcangW^Mm-At--3 toft.3’’ WffeSg^ldngftde,; trembled
■ thforigh fear etp}being'-:put ■ ©Hieathj and^ftfoggled -ififa