heat o f ^tbe fun :|||3^*!bread^£rji'ife, trees afforded their pjeafant fhade;
and, as there .^is. bjut little underwood-,'.we felt no annoyance, except
■ from a. few^flfes. Turmeric* an4 gingerf•.aboupded'; alfo the wild
^ | fon moi a i& ndsffl^ the aoijtlv fide .of,.the vaUeyj,^d|0ffi
|§||nile prjcnpre from •|0ift^eh.;vi): level gfQUEtd,j)^ ^ f e d
Ipykh a f^ar^jv^doden^fe^cfe^ach;rfide;,‘of; .which may tpeafure thirty
\q]l fortyjiards-. A-bojife/oii^ half o f thej platform next the interior fide
o f t-ha^fqj^p^|^^g4i(. tod, on thi%.pavement, nearly in the,*ipj4 dl^f
tthero/ftandsan gljar upon fifteen Wj^oden pillars# ^cljj,eightieet high;
it is_fprfy;;jfeet Ippg and feven feet wide on |he .topiiSfj th^ pillars the
platform f@jf the OfferingSj^ laid,';with thick matting^^n,«,.. which
overhanging each fidp,'1 ^rmsf^d^ep. fringe, akaround it. Ugonthis
■ matting; offerings o f wholethogs, turtle, large -glgnfai^f,,
yoimjf$^oa-nuts& '&cc* the whole in 'a ftate o f putrefadtion, whiph
. f e n d ^ n 'o f ie n f ivW k E # r p im c L •?h ^ k c e . j Aktgc'fpa'cc on one,
ftfidck)^th,ev fence? was* br^k^t^awn, and ^ k e |% ‘bf 5 r^ugh hopes laid
Ijp. the .gap ^ iipen thefe iones,_^nd^^ lipe \\ ith^lic W t re pi iced
1 w h # l they ca-h t e e s , 3 thefe jv^re-boards 'frqmifix taifeye^^tet^lrigh,
~ cut ]int;o'.,vari'ohs fhapes. A t aicorner near-jf^Js^ftoodJioufe and
tjvb fheds j^f&sre- raenli, cohftantly -attended. W e entered^thephpu^s
and found .at on&j§p||t.the little bpufe, or-prkof^^fe.Eatp^i/si was^made
exactly like thofe th e y . fet ©n their^ l|ut fmalli^ i b e mg
^hopt§our fee^ Jpng, and^ -thret;;ip^heightamSbreadth ,||;."Xsr, it
£c^ntaiped nothmVA u t a;feW;pifees,$c^c|othr - I.^hfpne^wl^r^Aey
had hid the EatoqaAsthey anfwered, that jit hM^ aegji} takemin jtjqe
morning Itoj a fmall morai near the w a te r - f j^ ^ u t that t^ ^. would
" impiediately bring if^which they dijjipfaboutt|ialf anhour.f^hougji
I haitnojt viewed''this place without feeling for the po^i; (^features,
yet when ;they laid;,their EatQoa, on the ground I^^Mild ha^hy^eflrain
. a laugh. It w$|s^n lhape ex^-dtlydike a failcjr^hamipock(la^ied up,
and cpmpbfed .of two parts, tlMarger one juf&lhe S z the.houfe,
and the feffer, whrch'^as,laihed .upon ifj' was, about half^that fize:
at the pnds were fanned .iit_tl|'bunches o f 'red and'tyellow feathers,
' ' ,;'e!..E 2 -