0 od tot favouring?!®? w.ith:&eh:wi©d.and wea.tjb.eiji!
but; more gratitude and le-ve. j
raorriing, and! with his other brethren adminiftered thecommunion
to the captain, miffionaries, jarid- lea men. Surrounded now only with
fea and- Iky, we feemed/tq';have taken our departure, from,the abodes,
o f the living-,jtpj be nearer the prefence, o f our heavenly Father; and-
drinking? ouf, o f the ever-flowing;fprings of; his love, fpent the jdggjj
in pigiperand piaife. |
i 3d. v.jThe. iruiSonaries in turn kept up;tbe.eveningiand;’mpiping:
devotions, and through the’ day employed themfelves in ftudy, or
thofe occupations they could
thqjiiipysgfti ihnazinglyiWell / except a,;ligtlq fea-ficknefs, all was Pef*
fedlly pleafing; and not: a complaint to be heard. ;\We faw a large
£hip, wimdipapl off fegi* led fhe fhould
prove an.enemy; hut the difplay o f the: Amearican flag- freed us from
that apprehenfion.
On the dth a beautiful fun-riling:: we faw the ifland o f Mad<dray
which- tlhows high, and may be feen in clear, weather :jyhep^fiftant
feventeen or eighteen'leagues. ; This ifland, lying in the neighbourhood
o f Europe,? and famous all- oyer the world for its wines, is
largely defcribed b y different authors /- therefore, had we even opportunity
o f making obfervations o f our own, 'to:infert them here
would be unneceffary.
Mr. Go-ver and Mrs. Eyre were dill affedted with fea-ficknefs/ all
the reft were in perfect health. We palled Madeira,;
touch at St. Jago, the principal o f the Cape-de Verd iflands, there to
replenifh' our water, and procure what refrefhments the place could
fpeedily fupply.: f:
The night o f the 6th and the following, day We had unfeftledv
fqually weather, the wind veering flam N .E . to. S. E.. and frequent
heavy Growers o f -rain, with which we filled fome o f our water-
cafks. v On the,; we came in. fight of Palma, one. o f the Canary
OtJ-toEfe.]: • TO THE ffO'feTTffSEA: 'ISLAMBS. . tgfc
fifiarids. I f )n the 'i othff fiaF-*Si6*.'33ftti$S We'ri&fe a, ftfiofrge &iMibtflfe
S, E i quarter / fhe fired.^sg^ t^e&\i^a^td),<^te%wftie'.'(!Ms a'friendj
rwe" did^thejfamqt k bufihs^,v^M,$kp| heard»? to'jheif.Afey^tbok5 fchk fflkran,
andi crowdingpwkaf'f.ifejih'they epfiMp yfifeereds, from us. fjsB^ifen^ rdn
"this5 la»ft twenty^.u#>hidiEr'S ^©nS|hnmdred))p^;eig-kty&fivC'; miles:*—r-
t i ltb j .Gtbffed“ the-ftropig^ohS^iG^f ^d|hs^jt,?fe.vejiahft^ingrfi£h aboilt
us ^ffehe^^^iel- ahnavel?! fightf<to, many on board, and excited much
i ^p^-^fe^fcdmhietidniw -1
1 1 2thl Thi§ day had h em p revioufly -appointed fife fdletnnhtimil-i^-
;tidn .and faftmg,kfefcggii^fe)d? toi^^P^msTQrmm^pskjf’ahdfejS-
'give, whstqyer his '-pure - eyes -had beheM-<%n^^f*a^t|g<»ru!s-.e H Mr*.
Lewis pceadasdrin the-mornihg', Mr. Eyte in the-evening ffthetfiihb’Ie
da^hv^sTpenb, in'idl^#iai^byishe miffionaries,' and'; proved a^eajp® o f
rnercy'and^frefhingifromtthe'prefence of. the Lord*.| o,.pr®<le£ding' faff
to fcheffofith.ward, on’. tfchfe-'jRgth ,<rabdumninenA. M . wre fa^fM^wMch
is«.the northernmoft fdf.’the; Oapesde Verduifbsj; it hasna •ftmcburrjt
appeal^nce, infoniuch that1*as.wc failod-,albng to-the'ieafrw.mly' about
three- mifes o ff fha-rey. there-, was^nesfia? Wee- on?green fpot. thtbedfedhi’
At-- four P . M . Bona' Vifta .came in fight H itf!-is'\ hilly,! andfea^^lhfe.
fee® fevenfir tight leagues off, -butt-for -a thin whiteifofeeicvibi^l'iis
^ojpjwhrt&^ffitefeiffaidlyhnd has the’jefeff/vthsCfi wheB%>qisi*feh®i‘k
the weatht^ipleaJ’i: y°u cannot fee-the lahd tillj witMnf^V<®%ir‘three
leagues o f i t 1. This.-afland has* asgdbd’hafhndj^ltm its;weffffidt»slwhdEi*
as we failed along, - we faw fome veflels at anchor. > At
f in in g wwtoqk a departureTronfi ®fe^jSbW'*ends <$f Bona- ViHa*» beari
ing at that time L i S .E ; fix-mil/e^^ith|n^^t^n^nning,^&,W^| W .
thirty-five, miles, juft'a s the day dawned we faw the idle o f Mayo,
and right a-head-, diftant a mile or two, the-dangerous; rocks which
lie off its north end. ■
, 14th. The fea broke upon them with, great.violence ; had w'e kept
running on, we fhould juft have hit them/ but a courfeS. by W. |-W.
frorn, the . weft fide o f Bona Vifta, will take a fliip near to- the eali
fide o f Mayo,., and-lead clear o f this Iaft danger.. . Two fhips,. .oti«