float o f ithie outrigger, and, hauling the head o f the fail out-of the
water, fwing off with their whole Weight, and the wind getting'under
the fail rigfes the caOoe« two- car three eoirttnue ia the water,- ahd; hold
her head to the wind, and when clear they proceed- on their voyage..
This, accident frequently happens on returning from fifhing; and fo
little danger do they apprehend from being thus overfet four -or five
miles from land, that they never , think o f affifling. each other; "nor do
thofe who are in the; watef call for .any help, though fometiiries they
lofe- fo; much ground, äs to be.obliged, to run dowh.to.Kimeo or Ulictca;
Their canoes convey them to the if lands in. the neighbourhood o f
Otaheite. Tethuroah, one o f the neareft, is (die property o f Otoo
and his family, diftant about- eight leagues north from- Toinf ¥enus
it ftaall iflete, fuxröunded by a reef tend^t^uesinidy*
conference. Thefe caji only^ he approached i^cahn weather hecaarfe
o f the ib t f, and. then only by fmall canoes, which, are hauled',fiver
the reef : thithe» the king jfönds: fags moft valuable.property in;,tame
o f war or danger. As t hefe diets are not approachable-by warcaaoes*
they afford anirnpregnable fort refs» T o p r e v en t, the inhabitants
from cafting o ff his authority., Qtoo fuffers f no bread&fruifc- or.vegethble
food, o f any. kind to grow there, hut coooa-'nuts and taro^ijootstfoiräie
eqnveaientee.'of the fchiefis who go there ori. a vifit.- Thefe jflands
abound with fifh, which they-, bring , to Otoo-, and'load back with
prdvifibns. The 'fifhi he ufes'himfelf, and difbributes.-to his friends ;■
About forty fail o f canoes are thus employed, bolides thbfe ufed at
home friHfifbery,' The Mataväi ’canoes .aMo, when nofr-engagedbii
the dolphin fifhery, make frequentvoyages to,Tethuroah, - carrying
provifions, and bringing back fifh arid .cocoa-nut oil in exchange■, and
a.fine fifh fauce, called tyeyro,-. made o f cocoa-nut kernel at a proper
age grated, and mixed with picked fhrimps. This. sis put, into' hafkets
to digeft for a day or two, when it rbfembles. curd, acquires: an .-agree- <
able tartnefs, and is fit for ufe ; mixed, with fait water it is-an admired
fauce, not only, for fifh, but for: pork and-fowls.. iThe- boeoa-hut
mufli not: he. fu lly grown, for i t would turn; oily and beconae rancid.
The cfrriifi: faxice is^n&de irr greattqufritkies at Gtafaifey ancbst baflsefc
of? it always a cQ Q m f^ e a .*$ ^ ^ baked-bog.
.i -Mattfalisj fiftfje«a to il chief n£; Tiaaa&ab, and ahead' tweptjr-fetere
leagues d&ftanteaftward. The ebmmun-rcatroni is by a- M-ge war
camoeji; wdaMi;hnakesfa.'fvb|£age or two iaufually,; tekiHg- advantage, dfi
nortb-wefterly wind tbdgaprthhl^irkndrfifi the; trade-wind toi
)«W^.oiFrdmifthi».ifland thfey chiefly obtain their psanjls anfl-pearf
flidlis^: w ith r difbescaird flbfdsi o f stammadDoy and(0tiie®;;ar tictet T * .
piohe,. feanoud : fort pearl* he® fisthert on in th^.fkme diretaiami.,: Ire
return-foe Wfoatf tBeytrecfeihsp febsymarryidailsrandYuthdrandworli:ais
they can-{pare; and this pafles in exchange to more diftant-iflands. -
IM I : - ;,
T I L L the Europeans vifited-them, they, had few diforders among
them-j their temperate and regular mode ©f life, the .great: ufe, o f
vegetables, little animal food, and abfeqce,: o f all- noxious H.tTIlW
fpirits. and, wines,, preferved them in health.. The cafe at prefent is
woftillyi altered.
- - Their moft common, complaints aye coughs,, colds-, -and iirtermittent
f l s l partly brought on- by the changes o f weather,, and partly by
the mode-, o f batlung,. to which they. halnfeiate..'.themfclyes, often,
repkiag with Tweat. : They, fometimeg iurdergq:a itemppi-ai:y. infanity;
during the wqt isafpn, when the fiin isw?r,tkal, . probably from, being.
• wh-h their hard heads to his .pergerriicidaii beams 1 this,.dif-
b1id9 ?f!fl^GkS,tlwm ufually when the hrb^^fruit;rjpen,si and is attended'
with boils on the flcin, which carry- off, fthe difordpr,; .and the perfon-
QJl,Qb 1-qesyp^edcjfe affe<fted no, more j . thopg^hyithrfoma lt/cqiYtmues; a
■ 3 r 3