I f ,a chief dies,> h® Ö carried ,ipünd,the -iflapd; to <he diftri<ft&;$fiere
he, had'-prppeFtyaoiy. where |iis particular friends »refldey apfiftthe
funeralxerembny* is repeated*: after a tout,.of fome months, hè.returns
.to reft, at if he place,'oft his ufual reftderi.ceh Some 'bodies .are. preferred
like »dried parchment,; .Ath.cgs, (when-jfho flefti is mouldered away,
aftet; dying hurled, flj ?
-3l The.;préf^éd.-.cflrpfes are; called .tupapow.mure;-Land kept above
ground z ^and^-thefe,; in . jwar.;, are 4s liable; tb be:takenp]nifi§ners;|is'ith.e
livirig, .and, are, as^great; a trophy jas an enemy flain in r battle.'ifEhe
■ man who takes the body affiahies; the chieftain’s name; itbèreford^ in
tjme^f'dnvafion, - thêfeï&re generally thgffirft th ings>' ccmVeydd f tb | the
mountainsj ,as_a-plae4vpfiifpcurjity-5 .thither, alfo, they^GaöycChptaim
Copy’s pj<fture, the loftiipf which tyould; be efteèmedlas .affliéiiive as
that/ o f* a chief; and,- the <ongtie»Exs jnighf- la yclaim j tórithe.- diftriél
allotted to him, according,to their laws.' o f fucceffion:
•The priefts. nevpr pray jover the. dead,. unlefs> thêy JdSFrofl feme
irffe0;iuy£.j difordet, “ and then they -dntreat him iitof bury .-th'e difeafe
with him in the grave, and not inflwft it oniany otBsr.ffetfbh when ‘
he. is. fent.baek. as tan catöoa... .T he y throw ,-arplantaimtreë?) into :the
gra^e, and,bury with h im j^ r bum, a ll his. uteijfils, .thab'druperfoti
may bejh£e#ed-hy them';
They bury.none, ,in thé .morai, but thbfesei®redHin. .facriftcë' :'©r
ikdninhaftle, or"tbfeebildren of. chiefs whi.ch'hav& bebi'ftrangled at
the birth— an aót o f atrocious inhumanity,tooroommonl When; ;at
laft, after the flefli is confbmed abtwe grouhd';; tJieylbUry: thehSne's,
■ 'Jbjgf;-;often prefervethe Ikull, ^s.darprecious .relic,! wra^pirig-ft-dn
clpth, .and .keeping’ it w ith greats.care, a n a frame or boxI in.their
houfe;;^s a téftimbnyqf tbeteaffeSticsn.ft
, Wh®^ ^iyljflfchdJibdwdftratfgfcr,/. viflt&da .f t e i ly d he isureqeived
With . the- moft cordial welcome. ... T h e matter and miftrefs, and
perhaps all in the houfe, .call out, arid repeat it,- Mannöwwa, welcome;
tb which the vifitdr replies, Harrè mïnay, I am coming.: thofe of the
houfe;an£wer,'ifYouirauait’Eato.oajinGaod blefs. ypri ; to^hibh the reply
ds^l Tayeeayr,*; here; ,and<then»ftts down,!..,^®ehecafiDi^phhi^>yifit and
*his .wiihes: are demair^edi.by the'maftef' o f the family,., anditafwered
withitfelgreaf cftr.franknefs.> <J nftantly; preparatiorU-is mdde.m ^ a pig,
OE^udirtto entertain ^tb^sft^ngqr and if. it isj more thap'.C9-ri{ be
mrerr^fjtths put into a bafket, and fent with,’ him home,: ;ipeautimp,
whatqyephb req.uejffi^is^given.iijifiiri} .pfn&f hoft j and i f
;Hp|)i^^^ndss,i:f^{^(^»his, friendsuand meighboursstbi procure i t : this
alfo »is! acebmpaiued:, w^th a^prefent #^„„dptm;aud.\perfurued ,oil|‘. «.cir
tfomet-hing. whiefeJaath,s@sft<thenM^^ite^^feMfey'fiprq^,SbnSjppme
fpontaneouftjjy and, are! tpbbe- madet-little ftore'sf ^pbut'.what* is manu-
fatftdf e$?-,0® obtained with .toild^^be^lfuited-tphe g-^en - or , received
as^prefcnts. my pprfonKfiaAeSj^theyl^ K yt^alkme^ifMntation»
never return Inariks; nor feem,to have aiWprd.viri^heir; language
•^apreffiveiafjthabid^. :• Siiould. thfylriop mfet ^it]i|a; egridiaf wele.dme,
AAwdthout.*J^;rupl,e<)^pJ th»e next ipAfop .they vifttpd,
<whichtWQdld.befliighly ch^racqful,' to the oflender,, as their eftabMhed
daw-taf thofpitalify ds.^t^ entertain alfiftrarigerS'• -.and manyniakes. the
tour..nfjj tihejifland for months together, fureftp^find evgr.yj;where
a 'eopljal reception. •
. .-When.a'chief, oreftrangerjofrrank, 'vifitsthemrffom anothier,ifland,
.all themencpf diis.pwri ftation .-in liferprefbnt; theirt£^t^u3< o f prai^-
joffering'. Heris feafedin thedi®af%9f^^ftrapgers, fcvtial IkmgjciyHed
'for .this .veryv»pUrpofe, ,vaft. and fpagbus ,i^^^AK&- ^ tthe^
aflemble .rbund.thim,' with !a prieft, wh°hfepkes at long pfaygr^pr
oration ; ,.md:ihavimg,feveral young plaritaintfegs, he ties, ta, bupph-of
redifeather^ii'o .one o f them, and with a pig or fowl, laysjin&rthe
ftranger’s feet,, who;takes-the feathers, andiflicks them in his dar^ar-
.his, hair, The ;priefts of-the inferior. fe.$t>ndary chiefs ippeat.a like
offering, and a feaft is immediately provided, with;pm^r|.ts^f%;lo{h,
dy ig s, & c l IfiairatlrrayiiMs, b e # i ll ftill napte n^fnerous,-hody to
receive him; andtthhUgh the feaft may not be as fuiriptuous, there are