'v a il cóncourferof-'people; ^fome-of S | S carried thé W a g e 'a n d
d e p u te d it m -the - houfe affigned- for thehrethren j fhort time
after lt.w a s .removed, and- o u r iy v e s ^ d f tf t e d to another * o t i £ f
larger .d im e n fio n s,abbüh a hunched-yards d i f t a n t e f e ^ # « ^ '
This houfe flood-on a fquare platffirm mfedwitirftohes, f e r ' a
w d L a b o u tf ix feet high on theloweft fide (for they are’all built V
a declivity) rm d f e n f f id e was a kind <?f e f e h tth e ^ .m mdmorvof
M M the chief's f a th e r* ^ W v è i y kuriofifly w M g k # « !
M É upright; obhquef landTiorizontal,- and-Jbdufséi&t feét in
height,?tfemingrac fide- o f a"pyramid. - ? % ^ V a l
end; made likeifchofe the Otaheiteans pfe; h u tm uCh c . f o |g è |lN & k '
adjoining, and upon theTanie p l a t f e a m ^
a fmall eminence, leaving a fpace in front, where were placed two
rude figures o f men carved in wood, nearly the fize o f life • behind
thefe, agamft the fide -of .the houfe, were three other efcutcheons
wrought-m the fame manner as the one above mentioned! that in
the middle,-which j g g the higheft, had théfigure-of a bird upon the
t0P’ and the reeds which compofed the whole being ftained o f va "
M u a .colours, produced a beautiful a n d f em n efièét. The houfe
had no door or opening o f any kind; but as my curiofity was
a good deal excited, I openeda hole in the fide o f it, to fee what it *
contained, and beheld a coffin fixed upon two flakes about a yard
from the ground. Juft at this-time Tënae came up, and fteino- he
was not angry, I again opened the hole and pointed to the coffin - '
he mftantly- cried Hönoo ! and repeated it ieveral times, by which I
knew-it was his father, and thought him pleafed to fee me notice .
the honours he had paid to his memory . The coffin was cylindri- ‘ I
m M t e j i abOUt m Vari0US c o W d M made o f the §
fibres o f the cocoa-nut. This fepulchre, Crook’s houfe the. trees
and every, thing within the platform, was taboo or facred, and muft l
potrbiappróached by women. $Htf aftap r ' w : i ";>y-. ; • -
I left .Otaheitean Tom to bear Crook company the firft night, and
then returned on-board. In ‘walking down the valley, I bbferved
th Wdlfftocfegd W ih 1 bfead-fr-oat trees, bbt none o f them’-
: ''Shefefe? -steteplantains,'
t1ii"‘KLlieeLniit,,'tatid.!loSamc other imits. •* Theft* ue clncflWentloftd* by
Iquarc tfebcts? df ftbnes aboiwfp&fctit high; wMains whichi the owner’s
Ifoulc rfttnds, but fomr ok'rhAinS&feidsjai® fcpoverAPiaifiwith weeds,,
tint tlici m irkftnoie lljorif o# pe-opej.iv than iriduftry or labours
_y,AVhojpiir^po|ilcame b-A'jriyS;' th§y»brought as mauVotittlu natives
i-«*flie "colilffi'contairit, .they a\irhflg ttShc-rrliftltt cskof$tkat.<ipporl unity-
tb tfoubl^ofi fw irnmin^^-TkeyGjdefi^ brdtH®rwas with me,.
jCad-wnflud miuh to' go on'boai d.;* but 1 1 el u ftdr jtoij take hrm; as it wai1
near- dark*: h im hurt lum ft» much, »that he ihceK'toars-iUi he walked
M M i
wfeath^r as?’, o f
wihd and rain fr6m the
.< Thef'nativosicroW(k‘d’,c-)Q>bQ^pd-t6-day<;iinfoiiiuchltlto.pwith,difficulty
wei- (Mr'ried oJn0xi^r4jqoj;k at the /ftffiales! jw^etj^bthlpi-;
in the^fame maked ftatq as:-before* whichi induced*
buppeople-Ato ^beftow; capon -each a-.piece; of- Otaheiteamqkfffiki It'is
proper ^fto^pSdriV^J^hat,- theft women,.« efteftss- decehtlW; ©neffiore'bu t
when they have itppfcyim/rasi ,their_ cltah jwillfnob.ftaad the wates,;
theyileave it behind, and cover; .their nakednefs^ wirhia- fewdeaves-
on$jr.$'v -
. In/the "forehtiblv the captain received!-* latter A om Crookyiwherein
he exprefles his perfect latisfadtion, with hissmswfc lofc^mg&31 As night
d^ewjbky he lafes,-. he was left to, his repofe and^aftericommending
bimTelf to theicare" pft tBie" Altpightyjt'^ei.went to-reft,- laying his
clothes upon the ground near his hammock; ibjmt to- his-furprife, when
he a Wok® iffi the’morning,- there Were, none^of'them to b e feen, and
h e i began toithapki hefftiould have a bad report to give after the fiift
night’s tr ial: b a t fbefore he had, time to launch out inter;unjuft fur-
mifes, the chier cai^fewith ever.y article carefully’-wrapt-up. in a
bundled .’ Soon after the letter,' Tenae’ Grpok> andjthe chief’s brother,
came oh board;, they were'fhewn into the cabin, and every, endeavour