Short VioyAgd'to Eimcop and .Return.
A b OUjE an(:hpur1b^oxie('da35yght1®fe;Wtei'gKed-, aflightiair .from
tjje^ S> E>^|ffi;kig^ faking -us-but Howl jo outjofiitjie bay, the natives [
.pprfeijfipgyti^faij^fetv; hurried off i-n.itJiteir panos^y'eager -to,-get avfew-
articles- rpofejlpe^e y?,e departedt^At -feven A . M . ,a-fiieftirg‘algjfgriB^-j
ing; up jfr,ptei[,the'N. E . attended-with, fimnder an.efolightningsp .we $eft
them^iarid'bytten o^ef© off, the .north-eaft part when
it agftifi, (fell -little ,win^:,r/W^hept?|unnii^g|3}a]<mgl the edg^o^t^.©'coraI
ye&fs{ tp^5dsft’^ l crp;<harb(JUr, and,- at the|distance pf^'l^aSjfiSf^ile-’s
igngthpffE had irregpkg foundipgs n viz-.yfix, ejght. t^etes-l a ^ fqurd
teen .fathgms.w<Th|j:jrfgficappeared to- block up the < harbour stiff-pe
5ver%nqarfef a^e^ffcpf fit, -nrhen a gnod,entrance,-^te^siiidtfelf. J With
a hghpjhree^pwe run /fig^-up^-p the,fouth-eaft G a r n e^ l^ e ‘hjub&ur,-
and;Clgfe; g^nur-afKhp^dn-Jten/fafhnnis, watery agt^ mporgdj]g|i|h -the
ftream-cable. to a remarkably fbafg^jpgr. which.
water’sf ecjgeij the Steggle-cliff ^ the head o f ;the, harbpur,.bearing
pTaloo harbour js.on,the north-fide of^the -inland y^fchcjbottorp_{{}
dear,., that yo.u d iftu g ^ y fee-, the, coi;al-l ^fwith ^ts^hMutifuk^anpheai
T h e mouthy, o f thej^ha^hour-ds^hppt A.cjjdatter p£.;a.mder broad j -th’S
water of a%amazingffepth: this le^jntp'^mp^i^fehghtful.bay', (about
^ jo m iles^ide andphree deep*. Thi^ba^is^beautifull.y fprropndedwith|
trees,; no^the lea%sptation of -the Winter is pqrcewableon ^.e beach,,.
the w in d row fro^y^haljquarfer- ,rt piay,- if ,is ^-g ^ lh d tly . fetd-dQgkfed
We; - l^y under a mountain ^ten^trmes h ig h ^ a ^ i r topgafiapt-ma|fi
and perpendiciila^. There jjs a fine frplh-water river runfiiiaf dp fame
K H %