i f there was ^Cej&isijB: and: as Captain G o o k ,o n entering in 1777»
ftruck on rocks, and defcribes the way they came-.as dangerous., we
explored farther to 1 the weft ward. ‘The wind veering to the north,
we had to ply, founding in ten, twelve, fourteen, and fifteen fathpms
broken ground; an officer at the maft-head looking out fojr- fbo&ls:
on.ose.lpet which fh ew ^ white we.had ordy fix fathaii^. As-ffe
•drew near to the outer reefs an eligible paflage was obferved, for which
rive fteered, add wentifafe: through* leavingjj osdy iOne.of ;fokthe ?eefs
extending from Attataa. on our ftarboard. fide : this reef is o f a triangular
form, and bears fromFaflfaa N.W. i ~N. j and whenstsLfifojtto^
on The inner .’■ fide, | the. drtajth .end- o f :Attataa bears W. 350 S. oastd
Mallendoah,E . 90 S. by the compafs.; and- thence through the.channel
the ■ conatiieiis laboufoW0 61. W .
a^f&iiEdeEing bur diftance f o m the fhoie, w o expe& ds toA aS^Wt
’few'vaffierk; loan ?the >eni*t®ary, ifesserkt* Aahies .fe ftw g d ^fcts^ite
without the reefs;; hut, on .account afi laft might’s .adventure/; hone
o f them were admitted on board, except our iconftartt- ffriepfl Entia-
faihe, who presented the captain with a^fine .turtle : besfigipfeflMigiiat
difapprobation o f hisa/countrymch’ s behaviour die .vknew ithe
men, hut as tliey did not belong tothespart o f -the illand over which
he prefideH, hedonldmot punifh them.
iB^gmotr.ivrthout.ali the fhmls, we fteered-towards thsweftHend,
tb be nearer to fhe brethren, andat-ftbred in^he;afteimoon:.theican'0e
came Alongfide * Shelley and- Cooper were hit hur.7 i Th^rfeported
all was w e ll; thatrthemfelvesaddithofe on fhore- werejpgf&jQjfy.eon-
,tent with their fituation, and had .abundant reafon ;fo ibe thankful
for «hecfavour .which they experienced .from the .natives. The canoe
was completely: loaded with the laft o f the things which they had
laid -together as fufficient for their ipuxpofes till our return jrb.ut they
afterwards thought a few ; boards : might be o f fervice in building |a|
• houfe more fuitable than that which they occupied; as theg^poe'
eotdcf not take them, the captain agreed to .waititiE thernext day :
however, asvthey: bad ifaws o f every kind, there was no abfolute
neceffityffst the b'affitdsiy; arid.-tfe^^fother .being; uncgflliin,;; tyP took
^affectionate leavfe of'the brethren j promifing, notwithftajidirig, to*
Wait till the following day. i f pofobfe, and -foK that purpojfe mad©
fttbitfaoMi without tb€reef:^fbr- moft of~the’night.* Thdlsfind N -N -W ise
frelh1 galfei
A t tfdlir in the' morffing'afefoefoi' thfe topfl$Is, andf, ticked
fof’fe ?N t Er jhak fix ta'ekedmgaim.tofthe -Oveft^ard.' B y idpstisine tt®
ij&gid had inciseafed foiadumf-g^e, whachliforced uSjto relinsquiffes A d ,
defign 'of 'ftayfog longer :. our- fituation bad* now -become foicrittcal,
By'ttfei'wind bl«Wij%-t|diredt - upon the- terfs/thatfo^r doi&eern was'
how to clear $he iftand heft upon eafehemfeank : "to efe® thisj. w© kept
otft- towards the 'weftwkrch o f the illand, andstyxpesSfecb kb
go clear o f .aH-tiahgfer‘j bits^astsde appfoachsdfowitfein ithree.ck'^fpur
beating then about tikegipbint^efAeic^nipafs
upon eftfr chbw1, ‘ We law heavyxMeafafir^ ahead., In th-issc^fe;. to
bear up%n':bdpes fof la paflkga between -the reefs •..andtf^pb.fot, . was -
rifking-ta;‘difappointment which muft:.inevitably prpveTafol.',- as we
fhouldvthenshacte. nofofSng'to return.; Ttherefaretwevtaekedlsto tey i f
’we c'ouM weatherthemorth-eaftreefs,, blit.foonfpgrceiweA,‘thisdoihe
irhpofti’hlfe. T h e gale l had .inoreafed fo -much, that we-could hardly
vcatry- double-reefed topfaik, and w©found,th^.ftiip was driving faft
■ towards' the rdeffifSfo that by the time we.wtero^abrraft o ^ tte ta u , we
' fSw plainly t'KSty except we could fetch thp paflage vye had found b u t .
the-'day before/ -'nothing remained fxut fhipwreck. Providentially we
juft weathered the reef on the’ weft fide o f the channel by two or three
fhips lengths, and running through with aflurance were foon once
again in.fiifety, thankful for fo fignal acfehvefaiace.
! ' ’.We were 'how in th e 1 harbour» but having no fufficient reafon to
anchor in fo hard a gale, which alfo blew fair for us to proceed to
the foiith-eaft on our voyage, we fteered for the eaftern channel out
o f the harbour,: and were once more alarmed with danger; for in
running through the narrow paflage betwixt Moonafai and Mak-
kahah, by not hauling to 1 the-eaftward in time, we nearly ran upon