anftyer fueh oeeafions. In this bxsife wasvar^ epitome o f «heir •’general
employments: at one end women Were palling cloth together "f-foffiè
men were making finnet and lines, while feme Kept, and others Were
drinking ava^: th is la ll they drink in an dijfbcial manner, by nne,
two, or three at a time, and cpt ,of ( a jrifKfeflH1 pocoa-fiut ïhell-j
whereas,at the Friendly Iflands, «ate; on two hundted form a ring,
and Bowl foby ftiare nearly all ^ ik e j i t fe rn s to b$
lo fcarce hete, that nórté except the earees can ‘hè fl^vifhly addrÖlëff tb
ijj. This evening jI learnt >:that, hefides the members o f
fociety, it is the aqounrai ^<^ïei.fathongt?dl ranks to ftrangh infants
the moment they^re born. A perpetrator o f this horrid a<5t w a s ,
among thofe wh©m euriofity dre\y ’to vifit us : fife Whs' a goock-
fcpking woman, andfefteemed b y donatives a, great beauty,- which I
fuppofe to be the inducement that tempted her to murder her ëkiM,t.
fo rh e r e the number o f women bearing no proportionate the1 men,
thofe efteemed handfome are courted with great gifts; and get^fo ’ac-
cuftomed to go with them? from^plaae-fo.
place, and run after the diverfions o f the ifland, -that-rather, thanl be
debarred . tbjife pl^ifi$es, they ftffle a -parody foelilgs,,: and fo èt|ër
their tender ©ffipring, As- no' whatever is attached 'fo :this
unnatural deed* many hundreds born irftb the wteidtdterné^er fe&rèd
to fee the ihght. When either father or mother are dilpofed to fave
die child, they fometimes fueCeed, but npt ‘alwatysf for, i f the
woman fays fhe will not rear the child,
to he* w ill:; on the odiei hand, when Ihe proves huxtiane, ISfldfffeis,
fteady to,his cruel purpofe, the infant is; often laved, for Ihe orders
matters lo that fome neighbours lhall interpofe, ami . i f the child is
not intently pat to death, they dare not. do, !it afterwards; but ihe
moll infenfible become as fond bf their children as ariy rèfteed people
can be. I lhall only notafee farther,, that both parties do oftener make up
their minds m faVe the male than the female, which partiality accounts
for the difproportion o f the fexes, and is notie o f the leaft Gaufes o f the
thin population; for the men that are not wealthy in, cloth, hogs, or-
Engihhi articles,Vwherewith tt^itpfachafp a wife, moft gó without
bhej and thisdeadAthem; to praliifetthb jpreat crime o f bnahifin to an
exéeffivé■< degrpe, and renders .them ftófiy *b cohabit, with women :
but a l l ’ their Vice? ofrtMsifeature/ire tdo Ihotrking to be related.
When thearrepies-dedfoy) tharkhildrén, I they fay tit -jé. ta retain the
piMIègds o f - théifo fodety : ybftt?#hat Afeufc can thofe make who am
nbt .-of their number ? It j is faM ó f Gfelori, ' kihg o f SyracBfe, that
haviàg’conejuered iGarthâge^ he made it the chief attiHe in the treaty
o f .pfaeéÿ; that thèÿ flaould abolilh tlfo-^ lfomtof fserifieing their
children. And while humanity redebis arid Ihuddeis at the behaviour
o f the OteHeiteads, bate tcanhaidly >Mjp indulgirig. wvrilh that
éith^ ;thè iwcard <§fô .a CMbn* ©r .jatiiep ithe fo i l i f a f ; tiip- Prince o f
Peace, were applied fombligp them tb relinquilh their abominable and
ùnnàfuEÔ pbadlyeesfe
14«K; . About tix in th d mömiPg.wearófe, packed up our things,
. and proceeded jambirr ^ônàifcyifïïniïa .Màâüâ accampaniéd us to her
prcçpr HweMing^ which liess near a mile farther ©n. Here I thought I
gôt aïlïgbfc o f an Eritopeah garden ptthsö plats "df àvaïground were laid
out i n n i t e r p t d e r :' each bed- formed regular paiuflelogramsf,
trenehéd twjA fbet: deep, and difpofed wkhi a'igîfcat degree o f talie j the
whede enclófedgwith a fènfce o f feambod... Heir htefe,u which was
full one hundred feetlong, Hood on. the feat fide o f the garden, - A t this
place we parted feom her, and walked about two mâles along an irregular
coall, where thp low fend in moll plattes is very narrow, and hardly
a bread-fruit or'ebcoa-wot trèe tôbéï.foën. We then t tó ie to another
dangerous d îf f eahbd Pab-rah-tou-tea. • A s we palled along the fide
neslt the fea, the footistg Was extremely narrow, and the fight below
ttemendbds. • DelcendiÉ^- lhsröppbfité 'foiëj- a ^ ü é y cpÉStó, running
betwetiî ^lofty Mils, with a trteïgülar piece b f low land near -a for-
löng in length, arid a. river ©f -eonfideraMe depth arid breadth. Ulofe
to the féa the pafifage is narrow ; there we forded, and afeertded a
fleep hill, from’-the fUmmit-of Which -we had the choice o f two roads j
the inner one was much out o f our way, arid, b y the outer we mull
’ ’v-e c %