36* FIRST MISSIONARY VO.YAG® i , |]Af* endix.
Uvas given as a psefent a double canoe, with a travdli*g'«houfi>; three
large pearls, a fine fcine,. a beau tiful feathered brehft-plate, •' two large
hpgs, fan dal wopd, clptfij and fine^mats in abundance, with .various
qfrher things; and fimiiar infimto&tnajr herabfenved in the Mastative.
Th e y have not always regufekmeafeTbutufisidly'eat as fcohys-tlley
ifife a t daybreaki^fifepmee are very veyaejous,; efpecMIy th e ,chiefs.
Pomarie hath eaten, a couple o f fowls, did; two, pounds, at leaft, o f
pork, befidesptker things^ ait amealHwil&juaniaboard. . The chlsfe
all live liaxnrkiuflyj; they only ^orkfe© their amirfement;; havempfe
wives than one amidft the fcarcity o f women ihdbink daily the- yava *
when they 11 eep are fanned and chafed, b y their women; and: often
fit up great part p f the night at their heiv® and entertainments.
1 T h e y : ihuveikriveKy fimiiar w a y c^exjffeffimg their jery tukwelf as
farrow^ fear whether a relation. riies^ cy <a dear friend; returns from a
journey,: the fhark’s' tooth inftrument, with which every woman
fmnifhe&Jherfelf at her marriage, is again employed,yandAs blood
dreams down. A s onr brethren dignified their utter difapprobation o f
thefe felf-inflidted cruelties, they prevailed witEthe; natives-to fufpend
fijf.us*. at-fcaft, fuch tokens o f ddight j ; and; taught them to fbake
hands, or.wekrome us with fmiles, inftead o f dreams o f blood.
Amdag the moft uncommon cuftoms, w e may add ‘the; difhoftour
and difrefpefit paid to «id age. T h e advaroeed -in!;^ears are thraft?
afide, and receive little or no attention. Even the reverend Otey'^foS-i
merly Whappai, and called by Vancouver, Taow), with bis venerable
white heard, the father o f Pomarre, and the grandfather o f Otob,; was
fcarcely noticed b y them s they would hardly permit him to enter the
cabin when on board ; and unlefs the captain eiqwefsly called to him*
they kept ham alongfide in his canoe. Q n eo f our old fea®ea was^often
the objedt o f their ridicule. In difeourfe, when any. thing refufe was
mentioned, they called It;ft'o ld man.” A t Tongatahpo we noticed
the; very ieverfe; in the prefence o f the aged the younger perfons-
obferved a moft refpedful filence.
■ A®pesotÉ | .' TO THE- SOUTH-SEA ‘ISLANDS, ■
Their, mode df; IMütattWi-iiiiWy’difïèterit. froth oatS; they touch
n° fes i Wonder that wbfëïn êxpreft : affeótion ;by; wetting’ one
m in thw ^ fap e f^
fn war they djfëipline,ia#lafpiunder no obligation <tè
figh t . Ita'gifthara theyUfke-'j arid i t fs^lhtifh left- idifgi&eeful 'to -run
a-najT fión^ a^ tn em y with :Wh§fe bones1/ ' than tb ffig%t-and 'he
wounded f fratthisjOthey ifay; wotfldprove a miwTrath'er fo^ifii-Sian
warlike; Except a mafi dïaef'iklled a l f c & l s ^ K é l i s «ot efteèffiédy
watrriori/ and uhowgh they dre&d4i^ ^ s i S d i f e ^ 0m-^e,Krtiiey fight
witina fnry.bordmng onIroadneft |ï m|É j | | know thè battle
would be theil^s'ofiaftldhe'ir property, -v^hiteh; > though ^ in fe o n *
fideiahle' value" ‘ thcy-aire rduClaitt toffee' deprived'of, jwff-fo much from
any .•covetous idefife 'of. poffe&igy as from thdf-prilfing themfdves -‘oft
then: genCrsfity, and having féföiëthing to 'give ; and4his ■ thèy^Qè
' with a"grk’ceft h a t r f s 11111'more.’tó thé’favour.
'Whenaipevfon! ®ï<efninéncè> diÜ; ^ s n t f ’a Child o f -fhb fup&or
dlafs, hè'is'prefaced, and-not‘buried, .«Seft fcfe died dftfoïSê conta-
gidtfso r offetr&te difeafe; -T h d y t é e 'e r t the vjfcera, and diyJthe
hWy?wifhdhai», ’anointingfit witfein a n d ^ t l S t ^ i t h ^ l perfumed
ró l; faifllithis.is frequently ideated.' T h e * perfon performs this
officéis’ 'cöunfëd Unclean, and maynót tqu;ckfj#bvifions feed-him-
f d f for a month;. The fdatSons andsfriends ’who afe^bfent, pefform
,thèir part o f the funeral rites at their amvdir 'éach: fcanale preferitteg a
ipieecof nlothttoithexoipfe j and they continue to- disfsttaid 'defeotafe
.thehodyiasif alive, ariduorfurnM.St.witffprovifionS; fi^pofing.that
the: foul which hovers round'receives' fiHisÉi£Êi®h from fpch marks^f
attention; they Jdtétófore not rally take earn Of.it thus, but repeat
tó fê fë lt forné b f the tendér feenes which happened during their hfo-
time, and wipmgothe blood which the ifharkft 'teeth has dra&m'/
,depofit'*the clohhcofi the1 tupapow;fas the proof o f their affeélion.
Whilft any ofiènfivè fmell remains, they furround ,the 'coüpfe with
garlands o f flowers, and .‘bring the fweet-feented oil to anoint it. ?