juftification, cannot put aw a y ’bur fins, and endure the feverity o f
GcxFs judgments;-'yet "are they pleallng-and acceptable to (Sod,'in
Chrift, arid do fprin’g>out necsffiAily of, a true and lively f a i t h i n -
torhffcK ’that byr them adiyely* faith may be as-evidently known as a
tree is difcerned by itsifruit,£,jr
A r t . X I / Of the Law of God.
The moral law doth' for ever-bind all, as.wefl juftified perfons as
others,-Ao threJ bbedience-thereof j and. that ‘.nob only in : regard* qf'|the
"ifiatter coniaihed* in it/ ib u ta lfo iri refpecft o f the authority of, God-the
i t ; ; neither doth C ln ift insfchegofpel;aoyjvay d“ *
folve, but much ftrengthen this obligation-, j
: Ai&oHgh’ tfae' believers.!be not undernthe,
wOfks^ife be thereby juftified or oondemn^d j. yet it;is.gft4grgatjjiJ[e
torthem as welLas to others j in that, as_a rule of,life,,;jnfenidng
thetet’-hfi A e/will-:o f God andLthetoduty; fiti i^Cj^MnAiK RfeAem
€0; walk accordingly; difcovering alfb -the finful-pohutionsr.ofi their
nature, hearts, and lives - fo as examipipg;themfelves ^hereby they
may come to further conviction, of, humiliatipnTor, ;and hafaed.againft
•fa ; together with a-clearer fight o f the need they>have o f Cbjift, and
his obedience: it ;is likewjfa.'e^-AljftSto the regenerate
to reftrain their corruption, i% that it forbids fin i.,and the
threatenings o f it • ferve to Ihew what even their fins deferve, and
what afflictions in this life they m a y ' cxpe<ft for them, although
freed from therCuffe thereof threatened in the law
Ar t . XII. *Qf tjbe, Sfpte of.Men after Degth, anf
RefurreBion o f the Dead,
The bodies o f men after death return to daft, and fee corruption j
but their fOuls (which neither die nor fleep) having an immortal
fubftance, immediately return to God who gave them. The.fouls o f
the righteous, being made perfeft in holinefs, are received _ into the
higheft heavens, where they behold the face o f God in light and
gl§p$PWaiting only-foi^ the full redemp'tie®|^ their > bodies : and the
fodl^ifa'thd wicked': are c^Atc®]^|h.*wherecthdy remain-m tormefits
and'uttferidarkntf&refexrved..to the judgment ofifhe’greats day. Befide
thefe two plac'es^i fori'foula.’Tepairatp| frona? rtheircbodieg jt {the' Scripture
a c K ^ w l e d g ^ d « ^ tfAhMedaih[day^Yuch fea®eQ%md aliven fhall
not die^^twMfoft&hged .)bUij^all 'd e a d fa ll -ibe• raifedvnp with
which fhall ’ bafagaik' uni ted fer&fabre f
The bodies’o f tM£u"njufb: fliail tfife power; o ff ©hfaft, i be f.radfM
tofflifhofioUx) i t h ^ ^ ^ f^ t h ^ jK d k by^lM£p§ti|f hntonhpdbiffls.riand
be made TOpfqrn^blferCol;lfi.'RQw|r gI®^^SHday.
■ Ar,t,-;XI;IL '•■ ''Mf {beihf
\C-Grbd hath appointed a day^who'etniihecvyill jiidge-the isJ’grldr in
righfedufnefs/byi|ladr€hi»ft;«to"whonf ajl-power faid--g.udgtriefifc,is
g iv en 'd f the Father'^id win ch 3ayii#©t\ifdy)rheidpo£l:ate'angelsdhaM
be judged, be like wife all pWons'ithat havdfliWrmptoh.eartMfhill
' appea'r * before- - thel tribunal t o ff Ghriftpitq dgidedam aGccoickvdrllSheir
ffi^^^htsT'^vordsfiandi deedscjiHand; -to recelb^raecoxdtnglto' what they
haVfddneflin the^bodyl, whether!igood or^eiuK •-The dffl o f Odd's
appdindn^'ilhis dtiy« id fo r the mafhfelfadcoteY'th'efglc^y ,of <his mercy
-^ f t f e ’eternal falvationlo'fi. the - e l ^ ’ iknd'ofifai^j judiGe 'in the-.damn3-
ti&ft?ofnhe wicke’d 2nd dfflobedrentif rfar Thfm fhall fth^irightlouslgo
into' everlafting life , t and; Teceivte thatvfklneib of«|oy;andri refrefhimg
j^hich ifliall* come from the prefence o f -the;-Lord; sbuf- thenwicked
who, know not G^od, and'obey not the gotpe/of jjeihs\Chrift; fhall
be ca ll into everlafting burnings* ,,and^|mt^ii|lica ui th eternal dc-
ftrudtion frorri the prefende’o f -the' Ldrd^ and^om t®e glory o f his
Ar t .,XIV. O f tb^Jfhnrch^ a
The J^^holic or umverial '.chhrbh,"uddjich-jis 'havifible, ‘ . confiUs
dPthd whole Suhaber o f ’ theriel^dt''that- haye been', .are^-jof .fhall' be
gathered ‘into dne', under. Chrift the head- 'thereof and is the fpoufe,