O n landing among "thcfe iflanebrs, -our compaffipris.
were more powerfully ëscèitred to find their population
greatly diminifhfsd, and, through the prevalence o f viee,\
tending to utter extinfitiofi. On- this account we conceive
it to be our duty to make th e moft vigorous efibrts,
in dependence on the bleffing of Almighty God,-fôf the
amelioration of their Wretched -eftatp., 1
l0 Perfuaded of Your Majestés gracious approbation
o f our labours, and encouraged by,'the moft au/piciotfs
ebInHæaCemontSy "We have determined on tfepewfed <■££-
—Whatevfer beneficial -ç-onfequepces may rp.Mt
from the
under GOD,
origin ; and wé embrace this public oocafion o f oftering
the dutiful homage o f
'Your M aje sty’s -
Moft re%edful and loyal fubjeâs,
T H E impatience o f our brethren to gratify the curiofity o f the
public, muft plead our excufe that the following papers are arranged
in a lefs lucid order than we could, have wifhed. In collecting from
the public and private journals; we have defired to preferve the language,
o f the relator, which, i f not the moft poliftied, may -jhht-
withftandiii'g >if|-the moft affi&injfff T h e ' body o f the journal is,
the compofition o f Mr. W illiam Wilfon, from the Captain’s papers,
his own, and the Miflionaries’ reports.. As there was a neceflity o f
filling up fome chapters from the journals o f the Miffionaries them-
felves, there will fometiities be. obferved a change o f perfons, according
as individuals, or the body, are introduced Ipeaking. It is ’hoped
-that .ourr.eaders will* pardon this defeCt, and that whatever perplexity
it may occafion- will be removed .by referring to jthe lift 6§Mrrq,ta.
It was deemed improper toTtercuftpm'ary matitiftfe phrafes for the
fake o f grammatical accuracy. We ftia.ll be truly happy, i f the information
here detailed- IhaH produce, forn,^powerful impreffi°i? on
thek minds . o f our countrymen y rintereft’ them More tej^|erly in
behalf o f the- wretched h e a th en an d excitefuitable efforts to repair
the miferies’which Europeans have in part occafioned, as well as to
refeue from drathiCtion o f hBdy and^foul a gentle race o f fellow-men,
who have, toward our own nation efpecially, expreffed the moft
affectionate attachfiient..