pdffefled. ' Tbp fh s j¥ fement f'mfliaed upon, ,th e ;y ffe jfe s, effectually
improved .their behaviour, before Aihe-' depasture ©f,4hdfhips. ..which
took place on the; 39th ‘of'Jane,- j -
Qaptain-'Cook returned to this iflandin ^^.-ii^ompaO-yi with
Captain G-lerkej.'and anchored- ;irr. the' road,on.the..a'%^ff<'May^
-A period, called Tpobou:
Taipa,? yirho' alfo a&edjj ;as->:pr i;peipa|; bfEqei?Kria Il^u-Hhft’»'j;ifefp i ly ,
became ' yery fervieeable-.-- jgj He introduced? to. -them- :Fenpn-.oJvhq 're-
fortbd hitherpfemTongatabciOi'On'jbeing' informedobf rfh^it- arrival*.'•»
Srfcis: gr^CUriasi igaSsaSMi i PpSifri -
Hapae-n in ’^ra»^» which b flfiffiS f hliJilW
immediately revafited. They ace©r<hng]yy proceeded -Jo Hapae(onythe
14th o f d p rfame- month,-, b y ;which
feemed nearly to have dtai|ted.A#^bote ^ * ' r
^UBnlng: ^r|y, dn j u ^ the
ThiftscEdr been prft#ife$ 3®iBg their former flay, in a private man-
lyfrft €yenrky fome of'the
reftitiitiorL;J and - On fthe - return; o f the yeffels p^whenialllfhe people o f
dank rmt^E^hfoif^vefy •
Fenou-arfived foon afterward, and *
the navigators; toward Tongataboo.
. Lieutenant, Bligh, in the .jk)unty/.:jM)09$&
i33d; of April-1789. -The-; natives^ who ,dmfnedi'atelyr;-eame?rM©®g-
-fide with [yams.and co^qa-mtlts in their canoes;, did not; ofRr tortcomc
on board: tfll they had alked permiflion. .<:The next d|)£ heewas
•viiited by Taipa, ■ who. was then.old and laihfe, .'but- retained theim-
•preffiOTi of; his interpourfe with the Engliih twelvfeyears before, in
’fuch1 a degree that he perfectly undefflood their . pronunciation of
-South-Sea words, which no other perfon there was able to ados - He
informed them that their old principal- friends were then; living; at
.Tongataboo, and he offered a large houfc for the ufe of the Engliih,
.'fiippqfing thby would; ,v as -formerlyhave a had a .party -on -ihore-
Several things that Wfere ftolen were reftored by his influence. -'Same
friofeadatihg dsb^ferie^beingii.confnattecl-j.and itepnatjv^S ofo-Ading
in large canoes from the neighbouring iflands, Mr. Bligh thought
it aieceffary, bnothdLabthi, ^IfolMtJbetlh'ipfwas unfl^nffail',,ifojgbgfine
feveral^dfbtheich^fejf^in oisderutoJ-riecaiYefl.whathacJ^been IqftWi Shift
meafora-produeing/ no'cqther Efle&|rhai>iexifieme;dift^fs^(ijn iMSi'prt*
fonefs, -he diftmfled-themfodfhbpiirefentfoiand.'djepart6^ Pine-apple^,
■ Whiph had been,, pl^pfedijdn the ;allan.da, , by plain, 'Geghf
Ivefe-pfqnsd here afcJthat time infa fl.cai5:i£hihgi,fl:at6gi,.-r
fk, i^afepfaih;’Edwards; twjiG&<pi{i«pt@i^ Anamool^a, i n 17^0, having r.ap-
Jjpinted th isfofland• for 1 aieplaea of; rendezvous. .with- the{fo^oope|-;thftt
Bad..attended. ;hj®aeif{;oni aOfcaKeite,. sjrat, afoenwkidd.Qfonefopafiy O ^ b e '
Pandora- Heifirft anchore^^n^hlthen9thof dune,,and.immediate,y
.dtfpateBed;Lieutenant,Hay wa rd;to ip ^ ire ia tth e jilapd&of Hapae-and
FejS after tFdeterher-lChiiflijtt^a^d ffisepai^.^nfe.Mthodfcfiji^efejj^
eeptingdn thfeiEftraiEd-fori pr®Yi&>ns>,'( fThe ligehUQuih^lsbfi the igomept
n t ‘Anamookaifeemsito have.been g ’teatlsy^Q3pof^d=rbyrEntop^a®tiP£0-:
h% a c y during^ this Vifit,; iandnintehoes ^n%r<#jtfy WPr$ manifeifted
by eth^inative men,, which) had’ tillstheniheenfnhk'n&iyn j J^fp.eq^lly
in bcaie vcafe^i.wHoEe Lieutenant'iCkrner narrowlyo^iped^^fcingipiir,
.detedp l TBny;.wefe,’lim^yrithiiandinglaieHy>atte#ive>.tb.tbe ir^tru(5|iBns
which..the/officers ,gave themionijtth« qulSivati,on^ thelk^°tje plants,
and tranfplanted the pine-tap pk a dmisne^iktely, pn .ijeceiving ditiblfons.
^Boirfeho and-®sfc»^# the,3k9 bouteM^ctubad met 'CaptamfiEdti?nfds
at Anamooka’;;.Tailed with-biro. ,ea^l(y«ip;Jniffs^tO' the ne%hbou^ihg
-iflahd io£j Toofoair .whither .)they^w.erei,gcing tb collect ^hbu^,., ji Q n
the 39th of:- that .month ho. again, apfhoreivherd; and being ilifl
difappointed 0fidntelligencen shout. the. Lfchooner, departed -thergdl^f
n ■ t
*' No fubfeqnfnt. vlfitiftOTthis Jiland^has been made,known. The
detail- already -given hjss- tnore;than .proportionate t.Qfhe importangoi§^'
theaplace, - It1 ii-iiankedi byAeinatikes, among thgnfmaller}ifond*.of
th e irT n tch ip d ag o b ^ n th contain i thirty-five. largejt- .tjjgp jjibis. r A
difeafe o f the> leprous/ kind, which; feems/tolbe common to . all the