piI^S%of cortll ftoties*' tyVo nnQjfi-p.tarp,,
f-the-fides o f which might be abpufctfw.^erfeet'.aQdvfix.' in height; ydtrh
| a hole at oj^ fide feemingl^ fo c;t$ap i® a t t
t ''T h f natifes whom-Wedaw, were^twenty-fivsdn number, jdnelqding
t f o u r ^omeii .carrying ehild#ep;at: their.; backs; ;.and thefe pre*-
a n d p f^ d ih P ig& to iS Y there is:a, fimilarity in theMc^<pf-dlfeh I^®-
guage to .the other iflanders with ryhomr'tye.are, acquainted,r |gfh the
dafhing oh the fea (agafnft tjie.fhore prevented Tom>fi;OEn> hearing! fh
.diffindtly as to underhand- them-, !)
I Some were quite,naked}ijd^eeptjt piece,of c k ^ irflundt?hei'FiiniddIe •
others hadya large piece o f cloth, thrown o^ri.theiMdhphlff^», ,and
.reaching half- way down the leg: one, - who perhaps thechi,e^,
wore a piece .of very white cloth round.his head; in' form o f r*,t|irjsari>'
We could not perceive they wore any ornamepts, -
Upon what- they fubfifted it Was difficult to imagine* for ‘they jnSth^r
have bread-fruit, cocoa-nuts, or. any fruit-trees whateVerf; ^ f c o uM
•We, with the wh^feifland in.view,rJee one caifoe^.her^ryjth todSflfe;
fo.-that they muff either be tranfient vifitors from the high ifland/.hr
i f permanent fettlers, and in any . degree fenfible; o f their .;fitu|fiqpj
muft be miferably wretched indeed, i ;
It ,was:noon when we left Crescent ifland, ajnd'-fopn after we?h|dh
frefh breeze northerly, attended with fqualkr and rainr’which lifted
about an hour, then cleared up, and gradually declined to-little wind j
■ fd; (that for a while; we (made but little way. At'three^r. a gajlp
fprung up at E .S .E . and it again became, hazy- with, rain. We
dirndled, our courfe W . N .W . towards an.illand with two h igh hills,
that lie contiguous,.to each other, and are4fp;lofty as to be difcovered"
when diftant fourteen or fifteen leagues., Thefe,, for diftindion’s;
fake, were named D u ff’s mountains.,. ; ,
When within three leagues, we faw a reef ahead, and the fea
breaking very high upon i t : this obliged us to/alter Our eourfe to
N .N .W . which we expected would lead us. clear o f every danger
AvhiGh’^la^'oi§ctfieeeasftfl&^@^^Ci^fl.lSnd^<{bu'tan this we^OreSfuf-
'takefl'j ^ foioafteti ' Purfhing* t&csdafbolit /art! 'bOTfirhvblifidiai'fcfettei'. View,
lahcft iti'^ppetfedf-thlaf aboiit
,threQ-d!&g&eSdinp®i^lh}.iwitH‘) :fevbral‘^cft'horffiderai^ei height and
ifexte&cw&' opp
tfive&/<^dfixrlda^d^£ in cMiup ri e. . dnd
:S .Whdiys SiJj Vtfd!-a re’ef rWh%lli hesS'^^t>fe'hreerf®|)k»fff^£^% main
!ifland;^^d! »-probably e h ^ |& l^ ^ ^ i^ l f t t^ ^ !a.'Itefehfwe .barter/ eX-
stendedt&s tfar/eadh> wayi^s WeSeObj&L f e ; l e y e l S * ^ p 5or&:th lst-yddf
-Were tfeVferM^’dry xlipbtS,,tupdn WhieHldlfufferSsofJtre^igpfe^andiap-
f jtea.rddwhke> foxttfany fin a l
1 w^satrow I th®* dhlh> df&Che evening ,o* a&d^j^e^^dij Ate -"sfihdfe. half-
' dro'c^fefpofeiahdad.p bearing ;NeW. b^IS¥feMdi8&ete&Wl%hf beyond
ah(l,rmderfain“ '^hat; dangers 'tktke hfighddfeut$mr wJisy, l i t twas
■ "rfeMwcFlp fpend the nightVithrn theffj&cdtweeaMfead^hWsw /t-aMl
- a^&Mik^lyywe .battled N^ErSftiHer. an.eaJyjftil.OTThe
.‘ naive's ton the^narthJendfJofi.thjs Mand^fead dbferved.'omllappldatjh,
alarm AhAlh&unt^menlM'itfdbA^s itSwk ,ddrk«mkieia
foer-whfeh? atvtimbsi ipiefehted aWefyi cdS^S^'ehoftrihsn:; |
‘ peSbTltigfifeke, fix'for Dfe5e n : detached-.' lights ,i theSiih. pt&feiAy; VjoiBfhrg
J rthe; ‘fiflel-of ■ -a -^itioihitgiai waej^holl^ritoi.hp'blaze.
This light, v£hich‘ they kept burnifigi tills -near. daybrcSkp ip%we(k'a
• rehb'benefit to US asoa? ^tdde;|rf&i'theifei|ht was -very fdafk^With
r variable wmdsi^d'-fqllalls, eandsheavy .rain.,* 1
: '‘,4A* fix. in.^theitnotitiihg‘ the’ hesrth'^aithof tbfef^i&tse%ire' N'.W.
-dlfiabtrtwo Onithree ileagues.ƒ. wheri, wi'th afffeih'gffefroA^hfi; N i®
twe fteered’ W.’N .W!td&fe'tothesfeefsr) and from? this ftatioifrobfeived
rdtiito. trend five'cmilesid thentto ther Sl?W'. faSthei'than We
"could fee»: tKfeiVse sme Hauled itowards. the>«ibtfeernmoft part o f «the
i rddf, (where was: atfmall iflet, .irpoisl r^Mch*.we^affembled; abdufi fifty
natives armed with fpears • and as we paffed the place, where they
, flood, within a quarter o f a mile, wc obferved boys taking Hones
off the beach, and making geftures as. i f they would tlimm