been'continued from,the" period w^s'.fuppofed that the pope
.had a right to difpofeiof all .-countries inhabited; byYhqathens. ;f-,Wihat-
eler idea the iflandersfoiteted o f th*is;franfa<5H6n,-. tHeydid; Hpt'hxfi&
the fiagi to^.remain tilllthe •foll6wi%,% r .;1 ‘Gariunb;- who, ab that-time
governed ' the 1 larger/ penihfula o fF ©tahbite: in ' behalf - o f "ihisMifon
Texnarre, ■ cauftd it- to be .taken ,aWay daring -th e r^ h t;* andrdtrWas
ufed Ibng-.after asga .kind! o f Grefs'-which ebnftitdtesjIflenbadge' <bf
royalty. -The next morning a party b f failbebrwhre-(»rnp_elledrby dhe
-patfc^s-©Iretife. frbm tMe’ frver, tp which rtheythad-beeh- fefrt fdt frelh
,wate>;-Jfut^Me,crowd being difperfed byth$Ih'ip*sgulis,1 and many o f
their Jcapoesj .being demplifMed- b y wajbofj punflhmeMi ‘ they gW i up
jfhei‘r attempfscat, ,|md*frorfi that timbbecame‘peaheablfe.and
docilel Oammo rfetifod from the lcene,Tf>rt)bah]y.ieft tbe-Iyiglifli
fhoyld.revppge'-uponihis perfon-.thte.affauks they had'fiiftained, His
cohfo5trQb$-ea^r Podrei) had been feparatefl from- bin? after the-bwith
o f ffemarre, apparently cm account ofdier-, relu&arfce to. .d&ftrpjb the
child.j; jHeg authority ’was not dimintfhed gj|fithemfeparati'dri,' add'
fh'e exercifed it in affording the ipbft -hofpitable reception to .Captain
Wallis'an d his people; many-df whom were much- reduced"by Slnefe.
,Thefewere:ftationed.-on fhore, and* a r^ular-trdfEc.-was eftablifhed,-%
frefh -protifions-.’ . f f was, however dbon interrupted,nandvgrfeatiin^
donybnience pfoduged, .by-nheiiqentious.iilterCourfe o f the.-erewhfwhh
the female "iflanders._ This Was’u n l i k e l y b e ch e c k e d ^ O b e r e a ,
whofe ■ charabter-- for. fenfodity ;^cce?ded- .even then u&alr ftanddid
at Qtaheite, At this time fhe cohabited,- with; TdopaeM, cwbaehad
fled" from his native place, Ulietea, and .had'.been appointed' chief
prieft at this ifland.' He excelled all the South-SeafiflandeSs that have
been known, for information and fagacity; and diftinguifhed himfelf
very early by Mis inquifltiverdifpofition, arid his aptnefs to imitate the
manners :of, the Englilh: . An elderly man,- of, inferior' rank, -named
Owhau;; likewife rendered himfelf remarkable, and mfeful.nby his
friendly .attention to thb -navigator's-, !and fhfi prudence With-which hb
negotiated between, them and bis countrymen. * Hfcder his guidance
Mr. Gorej'mkdb, £Mie'.prpgxefs>into 'the intefrbr.pfothe ifland; and
,when-.|lE€^ijpn&;became -fcarce at Magtayae, Owhau procured them
from other Ample fupplies. having been, obtained, and the
beM AtipfryhpLfliip’s | compahyfbejngj, re^eftabliflied, }Ca.ptain ^ a llis
failed car the. zyth.'bfoj’uly.. , He. requited the hdfpitality of. Oberea
with afvafiie(yiof;,prefentsd--a’mcsig .which were turkies, -y.' gander and
g©®fe;,d andia' eai(; With many Aon,htenflls,.1.'"which the? ndtivfes were
eagefr;to- obtain, having learnedthe mfeijifij|hem, from amfighbouring:
low,ifland; named Tappoohoer • wlkrey^).Dutch fhip, jhelonging to
•Roggewein’s. fqnadrog^had beenwfee^diAr,ty=figpjiiyeaiis befoig.;; f,
./.vJEarly iin, Aprih'iV.’y'68?? jj©^alieite>)».sl agaimlvifited hy .Europeans.?
M . de-< Bougainville^ in the Boudeufe: frigate,; accompani^dibyda. ftare-
foip;yfoafted;jthi^ifl3lJd%foi‘t<he, eaflward,\ra^,Wadlis g had, done; .but
was deterred from dbubKhgbBoirit ^qdSJ.S'&by the appearance bf-tshevreef
which end’ofe&it. A timid caution,.which moffcof'thejErencM.pjiVii-»
gators. have betrayqdwhen .at 3fea,exip,offd;lyI, ^JSoifgpinviH^tqfri^ Ip.-
, c<myenieftc^<rf‘Anchoring1 within, a reafoorglhe'.ydridWirfl^flcfe.,of tha
iflaridt He w^st. amicablyfreeeived by xOr,d;te^i,chief ,p f jHqd^a, the
diiflrixSt'where the fliips.,were moored,; T h is perfon’, .pufooroo,'
attached .hinifelf tojfhecommander immediately uppn; his .arrival, arid
afrerward* tdscon^iani^ijJiim<lt® • Fiance, k The fafiherhof thefe young
men, Owah6up;;ap|i Ifome other principal: p^iplp .of theodiftribt,-
,pbjb<Sed^4^iowe>ver.,. ,to the fiofeaperfons, being landed from <tlie Ihips,
an aflytance^as- .giyen.tihafcjfhey would jiot remain mariy days^ g
M . de Bougainvilte, T°°tiM$,\^rWrigeft brother
of jOammo, who. ptefidedover thewefternimpfl diffr^jt-s p f the iflapd.
He-;^%pmpaniedabyv,feve]ialt’dthefsf, nfftbev^/Al jfaroily,. jvbofe
fuperipr ftature diflingnilhed them !from ,ihe. rffl of';t;be, .Company.'. It
floes, not appgajiithat .Oammo, or Oberea,,'.wbofelfufual r.efidence. was
at the foutherrimpft part of.the larger ipetiinfola, vifited Hedea during
thetflaypf the §mnch, which lafted.’only eight ,'days'. I t w^s.appa^
reniflyrrendered'th^p^qre4p.aGific, .in confequence o f-th e ’experience the
iflanders had deriifedufromjQaptairi Wallis’s vifit,- .whotn they fup-
c a