He appears tall and Well made, about feventeen ; / i l l queen handfomfi
ahd finely proportioned, about 'the nanea|?e,,aod a/^gys, carried , about,
on fliore, on men’s fhotilders. ’ The tóng ^pp.ears,,t-ho^htfu//jp^iks
iittfej -but purveys thinga with attepJiqn..-Jj/d/iq Trtifflonartës ’fupp&fed
fpmething' majeftie. in his appearance1,, but the 'ealijahMKougm him
fhipid, and ,to difcéver :lit|le capacity. r.pAs he paddled;pound the fhip
he was offered the compliment o f firing* the great gyn% ;but he, pegged
lis not,. <as he was >afraidt ^cJ/hejajbilg Would hurt h is ear-s. , "
' Knowing ..there were women and children on board, l ^ y ^jqp’rèfjTed
a w ifo/p/ee them,; and,when they, walked to the fliip’s fi'dé; to /hew
themfelves, they/et up -a^cry of, admiration and,WQnder.- jfjFhq2fl^
darkening, they made towards ihqre. We.had loafed;joufea am f to
dry, and before .we could: furl them there camöojn fuddenly a/mart
fqmdl. from the N . E . attended with..heavy rain, lightning-,and
thunder ± yvhile it lafted, thé flup drove about a cable’s length,’ from
thirteen, fathoms intp ten.
A t armeeting o f the-committee*it wasf refolved,. that, as the fioufe
was now clear, they flionld land phis' evening, in order t^-gifepare for
the reception o f the women; but the rain continuing, prevented.
8th. It rained hard all the morning tifl'about nine o’clock, when it
cleared up, and the miffionaries went on-fliore with their' chefts,,afill
beds, and took poflèflion o f their houïe, By the captain’s defire, “ I ,”
lays Mr. Wm. Wilfon, “ followed toaffifl them in planning their
feparate apartments. A vaft concourfe o f the natives had gathered
“ o n the be^ch* watching who lhould knd in thc,,pinnace j among
“ them Wéte Ötoo and his wife, carried upon ments/hpqlders,-as dn
>“ the preceding day. T in s , I underftand, is .alwdjquthe cuflom
“ when they-gp beyond the precin&s o f t heir .duelling. The queen
ufed the fafoe freedoms with me as Ihe had done the day bffbte
“ with Mr. Cover, and, when gratified, put my. fliirt neck arid
" jleeves again in order. With one holding each hand, I was lecj
•“ about for a confiderable time, and might perhaps have been fp
‘ -•tftpj/©/ the dmdg tha(^^A^i^ufinefsitp,da
* * .within^e^haflfo.. ^ I / e . , m e j ^ a ; fjiejidppi^
“ but; wpul/ not;erUgi|i/»epaufe- fang/iq'ufe oul/ th^j.beoOTie facted)
/irrflgj/ ,
h^“ j.^pw.eyer,- Jlhpie gq^theji
a|j W h y fri^fe^/h^jfiftCT^Qfijldneah-l .and itrifo A'ilv4,o^tI?P0iaj;re■ 1 her
pX ^Sfe^wlm^vnle^te.itake ’ais/ a . .tiyo/ r^A i\diflqpnlfckji»uqy .that-. I \Vjap
j^b'i^rSfltjanfieK^: v ^ o r j who dsnew 1 cfal a'l i m 1 ghthim,
,1 ^pE^fented 40 eqguhapige^ naimes ^ met:
“ , diately wrapped in cloth; befides, in the courfe of -the day, feveral
v Th&jfir-lls/hingi.we-jfet.iabout /mt-hd/fet, hQufei.wfls.ito ..dofe it^quilg
ropgdjwith the thickerrfc^t^fobamtos. fixing ;wfopfeoJi,^adi-fidc^and*
b y keq^>t^c nati.vjcs iwitg yi&vdnig’/q much upon us,.4
T hei^^aJs^isths, ,attapartmentM ware’maeMnjj tpm d.v^ddhfiai ti&p,ns jof
fnjalleryJjagi/i^ibe^jipi^ ffl/thq g^eat^diftaaiftp; the-
40n.gOftsja.pj thgya|Lgy( f o ^ l^ fcA mhaostl the 'work went
but, llp^fe), |hpugh pne man ftripped ,his. own^hoble^to^lupply
us. In the.arrangejnent,' the married people had, a pa|t of; one fide
t p ^ e p n f e l j F ^ l t | e fipglfempp-.fhej pt/er,fide: ^ l :thefeapa|Jments
•yyejggfeojte f j^ , an/phpfeu b y j'p t. ,Ne^t m/hem; y^ere,marked put
aMo're-roomi library, and a place for. >thQrdQ|SfeA‘aEfel ,his,. medicines^
TQjjendofe^the whole, apattitlon^ept/f^gpiifideftojv (Ido:,* jvith.'tjsvo
lockfd&ir^M The remaining fpace lgft?if^r»ia }chapel, and juifo it
the outer .do^rs1 Cfpepejk
1 ^Several .ofvthe< arrpoies o f U.^eteaJaaying arrived here abouybecame
wp tJiflf y?ith the Ihip,- thtyvwith,-theiE.:hei^.Sinaa$e much the
fame ftir in. Matavai as a companyf50,f/ftro].hng p k y^ s^ofeen do,in the
, j^ a l l villages .of ,pujj. qvgn GQUntjy,;^ ,Frpb^blycthe-_.s|pp^s ^/jplea/ng
the English ftrangers.-w^s alfp a/pur,d^?,their^e^g5^ipft;' /o f either, in
/gU||:% h f cu bur hearing^ they.«em JengSgeql, ehe^jtyhole jdayrin{ fqme
/port -Of, ofn,^r. In ,t-he^,%ftefnooji' they^iepljed^l, in.-grpatynumbers
before the door o f our hobfe t,and tjqgan a-jkind o f bps;~fighting or