and feijife../-C&ptain Cflpfci wibq. fc * 1 after leaving {jfe&te&bo, .
reckoned i t t o , be nearly in .W tu d e ig° »§',, | weft longitude.
Captain Brpwns:: in th e Buttejworth, 3*7*1* Mn y i 79^ . -difcoveredsr
rock reiejnbling a ftiip ,:
tWi ijfepd, ’At the -five JfagiW& He did ijotl anchor?
J a i d r ^ . f e g ^ i n 'e o a f t till tk e ;gifft,, and proenred ■atoa&tiu&i
planfeMws, awd breadifrnit,. Fpr nails, from the canoes which- came
alongfide, an d b y ; the inSbahtonts onihore. One o f his
peqple fpent a night upon the ifland, and fwam off the next-morning.
The nariyb^are unds*#9yd to this Sfland OH XTTadftla^j'ia,
T h e .cgdy addition to the jifcweries’ o f Mehdana, Which was made
by Captain C®ok,5s;vijfit to the MaafuefaA; is nniflahd called bytthe
inhabitants T e b o o a , and by Cook* Hcxxbs ifland. It ievfltuated in
the latitude o f 9° a6-', and at the diftance o f five leagues from the
eaftemmoft point of.Ohevahoa, nearly Tn th e^ ireM o ifo f-N i,N .W .
It has & blufTappeafance, and is o f inferior extent" to mofl; others-of
IrThefl^pe,# at A later period, have proceeded to the.ift«wtlf* -
ward, after taking refreflunents at Ohittahoo, have made much name
important: difeoveriefc in tbi&nlufter. I t is - faiddkal; .Eaptnral-iLe
Marchand, in 1.789, was the firft who faw feveral iflands at no great
diftance to the north-weft o f thpfe Whidh had "fo! long before; been
difcovertd. A n American named Ingraham next pbleryedT them, and
fuppofed them to have been till then unknown, but did not land upon
them. T h e only information refpe&ing- tfiefe iflands, that has
hitherto been publifhed, was obtained during the voyage o f th e
Dredalus ftoreftiif, in which theywere particularly explored T he
pofitibns o f the newly-difcovered iflands haring ’been veryypacar-
redlly laid down b y our countrymen who preceded Captain Wilforr;.
We refer to his account and chart for their filiations, ’forms, and
extent} limiting our prefent notice to the ciruumftanbes which appear
in the vifits that.were previoufty made to thefe iflands. '•
_ The fouthernmoft o f the new Marquefas, R o o apoa, was called
Trevennen’s ifland by Lieutenant Hergeft* - who examined i t 31ft
March 179«- Iri-ifcs scefitre-^re-twO rafel^eminenfes-of vaft height,
and o f - Angular, figure; withiMfer^ fmaflet p S k s adjaeferit. Near the
| | i h M ifem poirt ofitthocoaft is si SScffe jSleihbHn^'a churdK-With a
fpirecr.'- Several fmall bays'jaerfe foimfed in-the fotfhern !fidd,-‘the beft o f
which is terminatedJ^Hfe* fotith-Weft#®' p6ihPf&f the ifland. I't
wasi named, Rribrtdly f e y ? ’-' fcbift tb^cS'hdfl^b^tfte'fliihabiimt^ ^of
.wibrn more than* a'hundred peaceably futroAnded "thefthip with ‘their5
aSsibes, andThactefedufluitS fob fe d fA n d othef triflbs. T h Sy ’ fenied
fo be, very numerous oil fhorfe, and the- e-aftern’,aridr folk them flefes> o f
the ifland .mibe.very*'fettife.; ■ T 'h eA n a t^ £ lex aM y -f^ ^
.pearartce th o fe o f thO’preCeding ’ifieS. - -
s, D-uemorth- ffOmrthenc-e, -and eight leagues dtftant,;R N'd’o ah e v^a ,’
calkdlby. Mr.eHergdft; Sin Meffry Mhrtdh’s ifla,f®,! ‘which iMhehreioft:
-GonfiderLblbnof.the-Whole group; ’both f&i*-extentJaridi#er®ity. J T he1
ibuth-eafterir.cb.pej twftfeln he named B&iiit MSffitfti,1 form's, $ with the'
coaft: t a the-Weftward- bflftgt a^deep ^feay-b well 'fliel'tered,1 aricRhbMered
byliamdyfbeaches01 At- thte- head -oflnrfie bay^wap'dfflbrved,u erthe*r^ku
deep c a v 4 j;©r'*the m'suth o f a confiderable Twa-d&ghes
fpyrbye ■ w f lw a rfl, is4ahfiA®itel?^)h¥i with" a fithdy bbtfom-, ihoaliftg
from twenty i"-fathoms to-feven, - within a^ u a r te^ o fa y fi^ b P fh e '
ihsreipsAEr-ftrkmifpft^elMt-'Water-5 riin^'into*-it, -and*1 »gis^welP
ihelterei fijatriiall Winds; s A bfeMtifiit pM^^xtendsTbr a 'n iJ p ^ S 11
a. half Ifsoth theibeaoh. 'ffee'-GoWSJty3 iS-'populous, and' wfe#€Ilt>ftatM.
The* people appeared%b bblighter thanthbfe-bf dhittahbo; and ^Tied''
c»MdWab^» fftm-ttiem'-iiS- cskef-r^pt^S.-“- Mole-than ofee^Ho^nH’
fw&haindpdowem aflis^isd>oW thirflibifs’/bftfti® harbohl,-H^JSch |
was named -Port Anna-Maria,* T f e f reebivCd*^fbffie -pdbple Who
Ja«4 d f ic to v-«h&#aedalu»W^y-l^fplt^ly9 t^ d f i ^ ^ a U ‘JkM s 'n f-
prdvkons to thdihip. The WefternTidb'-of theriflah’d'Was flefs po-
pulous. I
Captain Browt^v ifc5'th|-BQtfbtWbrthy^Mhdfedl-af- ^cl
Juhe%7§iaj About- t'^^3moh^si-aftet’^ he'D,tbdSffl8; Hkdf bfieitdherej
m a