and Jigbtrajng, w§ fan a^'jplp^j&jpQdïi&ors to the maft-heads, a
pceeati^on n^fg-jjagy when within fhe trgpigs. r
13th. -Being- jipw fa&ly .mpored, after a p a f la ip p f êtB thpufand
miles, th o u g h th e .m e ft malignant ahmafesi.’ ft is propter to paufe.
whjik we -with, grateful- h^iit's-adhfe thê'goodjnpfe of God, Whsfe
watchfyl hits heen P<m%icUi9Hfly\difplaygd in. ojjr fijvoug i
preferving us in health« aw,cf',:guu(ih^*us. in' fajfety fc/V (Where
we c-an .pfpGyj-e whatever refrgflyanenfrs w e'!Want fgr -thje gcKpfört öf-
the reft se f ,p\ir paflage.- .IJefldgs. thgfe motives, 411 §dditipnal caufe
i^^hanhftflBrfs that the he^s6? o f the Milhpc®ties f^emras mttch
as ever devoted to gfy|. Redeemer’s fervice, i®d êh^F Mffiés aBdpda^ly'
So fffg^dte his igforyv ,
Thfe day : hei|tg the fahhath, the incumbent dufieS Were ©bfgrysfl
In iSS ftt fea ; rthe,e®cer o f the -gu$td0fepait gtte$4f4>-
^ h d u fik ig hiiafclf with jnu<h propriety, and at th§ rfelbpf $ig wp§-
ihip expreffed’his approbation. His duriofity, hpweygr, Was tsauph %%-
pited, and he feemed quite -at a ]o^ |a know what 'kii)ft .©f peoplp
fröreihM-eitherthmnghïnsdefiyvora fearpfoffendingjdeclined making
ftiiy hJ^niMs 1 -afipfWtffid?, when ®a$®? familiar, he faid that he never
before;.' faw“people behave fo peaceablyand foberly.Qn the1 fk lkd a y
after their :arri»^ jr^he reverie, fw^urjng, npjfe, &nd ,rfeui|kgnitefsr
being generally the practice.
14th. .Since the captain was pn fhore q|i oyr ffi-ft arrival, no iiïï—
dividual w-gs- allowed to go from ,fhe ,fhip till .a further examination
b y #he fuperior pfEOefs, whole-jrafil w e were obliged -padej^dy^
'wait j and as y f their coming was nnoertain, we enjBlpyed
the day-pn khe neqe^ary duty oftihe fhip till abojut four in the gftetr
noon, when therecame, in 'the mafte.r-attendpnt’s Mataa fome; military
officers, the chief juftice, a -.phyfipi^i, the captain p f a fhip,
and an interpreter. Their bufinefs feemed to- be trifling, repeating;
only the queftions which had - been pupto the-captain at the fir ft %
however, though their | feriyener was prefent, what they'had now
done was not. fufficient^ the ..captain, myfelf, and the fecond officer.,