contrary, way, ünàble to keep their fufficient diftance, fo that they
are earned together' b y therulhing wave, and hurled neck and’ heels
pn Ihore befeffâhéy can* difembsurafs themfelvesj arid'get well bruifed
on their landing’.' The women arë HfcÉîmtfât this fport and Iddeâh,
the qüe^imôinèr, is reckoned the.moft expert in the whole iflahd.
The children take-the Tame-’<ftve&oiTm a weaker furf,~„-learning to
fwim as foon as they learn to walk; and féldoxn meet with any' accident,
except "being dafhed bn the beach ;r but'hafdly été: $p#lfdn is
drowned. I f a fhark bornés in aihöng th em ,n h e y 'äW » Ä i6 » h im ,
aliH forcé lunfo^ffiôrè'yîS fhey^cah^feut once hhlc/the ferfl;
though théy^ ufe ftio inftruments fer thè purpofe ; and flioüld'îfi'é
efcap’e'fhhey contirîue their fport/ unapprehen^i'^e'-of/dangerlJ This
diverfioniis moft bbmmón' when the-wefterly winds:prevail, >â$$kêy
rtfo-aKrays attended with-a heavy fwell, which continues many da’ÿs
after the bad" weather is abated. •1
Their amufements on fhore art, throwing the
ftièotiüg w i th bows-andaîtowS, Wrèftlingi däfleing, ànlf feverhl other
games; a t all which the women have their turn àsfwell asrfKe*fh%ir;
hüb they always'«jday fepärately frbfe Äch-’öther .
:TKé jàvéfâfsiâgé from eight to fourteen feetfen’g,'1 and -pointed; with
tlïè fwhârra, of pähn-free. Thefe theyTïiklat à -mark>!ftt^iq>vat the
diftance o f thirty or forty yards, with'great exaétnefs.* They1 hold5 the
in the Wg^ht hand,-and ipbife it ©ver-tl^’ fere^Ägeb cfeSie left. At
this giA@ibhe dife$<9: often ^ a y i againft' another, but never for any
wager, only the diftrkft in which they play 'pfevictes an entertainment.
Their bows are Made o f poroW, and thêitf: arrows o f fffiall bambdSs,
p o in té with töa Wcfod, which they fix-'on with bread-fruit-1 gum.
The bow-ftrings are made o f the bark o f the roava ; with-thèfe they
fhoot againft each other, not at a mark, but for the greateft diftance.
They never ufe. this infiniment in war ; and the clothes they wear on
this 'occafion are facred to the - game, and never worn at any other
time. Since they have learned the ufe of more deftruétive weapons,
iMb guns ,3iwhighr!fhfiyshntejjpro^rdflffon®/ h ^ /'th ^y fftjie flfid'te have
become' excellent. '
They are dexterous wreftlcrs. When they challenge each other
they ftrike the bend of the left arm with the right hand, and if.lefty
handed,n tigvsrferifh -arnal be&g bemt;i.'rreeQiyas»tM> handfon
::andrsaakes'‘3 fend* j^Mad^he.fe;am(|v:htBTxfefnBithed[api
acefept£ct|ip-; chaHe*%op i f >to ilay
h ^ ft^ ^ ^ -tan tag o n iflfs yTflehaiagSsjirhmediately, .formed/ and they
clgfe'j.yith -eadhl other-. i-jcjA^/jfobn as Snaggle hfuealintubh^ifall
of-, .either/f hca-fllcm-dy retires1, nnefej.inQum ..anjbidifgEacep: and tRe
«X>ij'qherort gb^>tflappang(feu'nd die -rihgi; f d I f ith«rp wrbftle ome/ftiftridl
againft -»aether/ : th e . women always wreftle firft, and the , mnn
fe?cgedxiL At 'this, - IddeahiwtheK^pueehsmother^ijexcelai^I /arriiais/heft
jM party, is won or loft/ t-h©otv®ihenfefrthetvi^6ifeuncdilhd(Sb ftrike
up -a dances, fj | Iddeah-is Mbiteohefemcaiiesy stork!,ssp»
points;-thp number of-fallswhich fha-11 bfsaAade :; th e 'p a rty which
•g^ih^ritha#: -puiKfiher 3 is adjibdigfedjtheixi&ot-/ arnd. jthe vabquifhed
■exprpfi^nbfethc. leaft- diflatisfadhibi}. . Img&netaft; thelwojamen hear, their
foife wcjrie' than the th,eri,'narid'- bettfay ©Soft righs-rbfl-angeri at’ being
worfted,« - --t rr -■ •>, ]
'ydtjtfy 'if¥qd^tlys3 exercift a t , qraafter/ftaff’;* a n f c t e 5f i | r ,l®p®t
at-defending their .head, andyriiootbcnpaists -.’08 their bbdyrjf; thisothey
pt^^ft-iffe® itibent;fehdefhfl agerii Babe .foidnnfc rofJdfefence ihhq chief
h u t rather idi%race ij
'merefpre they aJWayis hjcfeathfeifear,i ilfpfeffibieirr u
in' h a t^ ji and;; thfo^»--ftoheawathtgleati fefte,aridatolerable eskdbndfs'. •
Their .flings; are made from|the: plaited; fibres iof, the leocok-nut hulk,
having a broader part to receive the ftone.riat .one .erid is a loop.for the
.hand1, in order to keep-the fling Taft when :they.difcharge.the ftone;-
ln charging the fling -they hold it round their, flroulders; f keepinig the
hone fail in it with their left thumb-,, andijunip.ibg,irfwihg. ,tbe fling
thtee times round- their heads,|holding, the- left; hand grafped on1 the